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Lokacharya Panchasat - 14

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama: shrIman nigamAnta mahAdeshikai: anugrihItam || kumAra lokAchArya pa~nchAshat || Shloka 14: hR^idayamukura bimbam yat tvaha~NkArapa~Nka sthagita vimalarUpam svoktishuddhAmbupUrai: |bhuvanaguruvara stacchodhayitvA janAnAm chidachidadhipatIm trIn darshayan bhAti tatra || Meaning:bhuvanaguruvara: - Pillai Lokacharyarchodhayitva - washed awaysva ukti shuddha ambupUrai: - with the water flow that are his Sri Suktisaha~NkAra pa~Nka sthagita - the Ahankara which is like dirt onhR^idaya mukura bimbam - the mirror which is the mindjanAnAm - of the peopletat yat asti vimalarUpam - and made it spotless;darshayan - showingtrIn - the three principles which arechit achit adhipatIn - chit, achit and the ParamatmabhAti - he existstatra - there (Srirangam or

the people's minds) Pillai Lokacharyar removed the darkness in this world throughhis divine 18 rahasya granthas, called Ashtadasa Rahasyas. Bydoing that he removed the avidya that had covered the minds of the jIvas and made them forget their true nature, as wellas the nature of the Lord and the prakruti. His works such as Tattva Trayam and Tattva Sekaram explain the three principles - the tattva trayam - that is a cornerstone of our sampradhayam. Through these works, he showed that the jIva is not a svatantra but a paratantra.That is, the jIva is not independent but is the property ofthe Lord and is bound to Him. With his Sri Suktis, he cleaned the ahankAra in the minds of the people that madethem forget their subservient nature to the Lord. By givingthem the true knowledge, he now forever exists in the mindsof the people. Vedanta Desikan

Thiruvadigale SharanamPillai Lokacharyar Thiruvadigale SharanamAzhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan http://www.acharya.org/vyakyanam/LokacharyaPanchasat/index.html

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