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Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi - 029-030

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


poygaiyAzhvAr aruLich seydha

mudhal thiruvandhAdhi


Pasuram 29:iRaiyum nilanum iruvisumbum kARRumaRai punalum senthIyum AvAn - piRai maruppinpaingkaN mAl yAnai padu thuyaram kAththu aLiththasengkaN mAl kaNdAy theLi


Meaning:AvAn - He isiRaiyum - Vaikuntanatha,nilanum - the earth,iru visumbum - the expansive sky,kARRum - the wind,aRai punalum - the water (which makes sound), andsenthIyum - the red fire.sem kaN mAl kaNdAy - The Lord with the lotus like eyeskAththu - removed padu thuyaram - the great suffering, andaLiththa - protectedmAl yAnai - the large elephant,piRai maruppin - which has tusks like the crescent moonpaim kaN - and beautiful eyes.theLi - (O mind!) Know this.



In the previous pasuram, Azhvar spoke of His greatness; hearing that his mind began to back away from Him. Azhvarsays - O mind! Do not see His greatness and back away; Heis bound to His devotees; Know this.




Pasuram 30:

theLidhAga uLLaththaich senniRIi njAnaththueLidhAga nangu uNarvAr sindhai - eLidhAgaththAy nAdu kanRE pOl thaN thuzhAyAn adikkEpOy nAdik koLLum purindhu

Meaning:sindhai - The thoughtnangu uNarvAr - of those who understand welltheLidhAga - by removing disturbances touLLaththai - the mindsem niRIi - and steadying it wellnjAnaththu - through knowledgeeLidhAga - will easily,kanRE pOl - like the calfeLidhAga - easilythAy nAdu - reaching its mother (amongst the cows),purindhu - seek,pOy - reach, andnAdik koLLum - attainthaN thuzhAyAn adikkE - the divine feet of the Lord with the cool Thulasi garland.



The minds of those who correct it from seeking other thingsand focus on the Lord, and truly understand their relationship to His divine feet, will seek Him with great love without waiting for Him to come to them.


Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

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