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Dhati Panchakam 5 (Concluded)

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama: Dhati Panchakam Shloka 5Based on Sri P.B. Annangaracharyar Swami's Commentary pAShaNDa sAgara mahAbaDabA mukhAgni: shrIra~NgarAja charaNAmbuja mUladAsa: | shrIviShNuloka maNimaNDapa mArgadAyI rAmAnujo vijayate yatirAjarAja: ||Meaning:mahAbaDabA mukhAgni: - Like the Badaba fire in controllingpAShaNDa sAgara - the ocean of Pashandas;shrIra~NgarAja charaNAmbuja mUladAsa: - having paramabhakti at the divine lotus feet of Sri Ranganatha;shrIviShNuloka maNimaNDapa mArgadAyI - giving the path to the divine Mandapa at Paramapadha;vijayate - thus is victoriously presentrAmAnuja: - Ramanuja,yatirAjarAja: - the king of Yatis.Commentary:pAShaNDa sAgara:Pashandas were like a great ocean. It was during the time that theywere active that Swami

Ramanuja appeared like the Badaba fire. mahAbaDabA mukhAgni::Badaba is the name of a female horse. Puranas say that there is afemale horse in the middle of the ocean; that it has a fire on itsface that never goes out; it is this fire that absorbs the excesswater coming into the ocean and prevents it from breaching itsshores; and that during the praLaya, it is this fire that comes outand destroys the worlds. Similar to this, it is said that there isa fire inside our stomachs called Jataragni that absorbs all thefood put into it. Ramanuja controlled the ocean of pashandas like the Badaba fire.He exhibits the quality of fire to both create and destroy - hesheds light on the right path to the devotees while he also actslike a wild fire ("dAva dahana:") in destroying the other sampradhayams. shrIra~NgarAja charaNAmbuja mUladAsa::As

Thiruvarangaththamudhanar said "thennarangan kazhal sennnivaiththu thAn adhil mannum irAmAnusan", Ramanuja has his head atthe divine feet of Lord Ranganatha always. Amudhanar also said"pon arangam ennil mayalE perugum irAmAnusan". shrIviShNuloka maNimaNDapa mArgadAyI:Showering grace on the devotees is not just removing their obstacles(anishta nigraham), such as defeating the pashandas; it is also giving them what they seek (ishta prApti). Thus, Ramanuja also showedthe path to liberation. He set the path to the divine maNdapa thatis in the Lord's abode (thirumAmaNi maNdapam). rAmAnujo vijayate yatirAjarAja::Thua Ramanuja is present victoriously as the king of all Yatis atSrirangam. He was present, is present and will be present as long as this leela vibhUti exists. rAmAnujArya divyAnjnjA vardhatAm abhivardhatAmrAmAnujArya divyAnjnjA prativAsaram

ujjvalAAzhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan http://www.acharya.org/vyakyanam/Dhati-Panchakam/index.html

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