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Thirukoshtoyur Thepam and Kainkaryam (Feb 11-21, 2008)

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18 Feb 2008 08:50

Thirukoshtoyur Thepam and Kainkaryam (Feb 11-21, 2008)




From : SrI Sadagopan Swami (New york)



SrI Murali Desikachari for uploading the patrikai & SrI. L.Sridhar who

is in touch with SrI Madhava bhattar in this regard.




Dear AasthikAs:




ThirukkOttiyUr ( SrI GhOshtipuram ) is very dear to our

sampradhAyam. Here lived a PradhAna Sishya of

Swamy AlavanthAr and one of the Five AchAryAs of

Sri Bhagavad RaamAnuja . Swamy ParAsara Bhattar

spent a significant amount of time here during His

self-exile from Srirangam . The Gopuram here has been

made famous by AchArya RaamAnuja .This is an important

dhivya dEsam for us .


The Maasi TeppOthsavam at ThirukkOttiyUr

is very famous . This Uthsavam is now in progress.

Feb 21 is the concluding day.


Sriman madhava Bahttar of ThirukkOttiyUr has sent us

the Uthsava Pathrikai . Please attend and have the blessings of the

dhivya dampathis.


NamO Sriman narayanaya,


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