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Thirukkolur Ammal Varththaigal - 77

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama: Thirukkolur Ammal Varththaigal (Thirukkolur Penpillai Rahasyam) 77. nIrOrugam koNdEnO kAsi singanaip pOlE nIrOrugam refers to the lotus flower. In the city of Kasi lived a personcalled Singan. He was an ardent devotee of Sriman Narayana

and each dayhe would go to the ponds in the city and collect lotus flowers and prayto the Lord with them. He was a very adept swimmer. He developed arrogance about his swimming ability and one time he claimedthat he could swim across the flooded ganges back and forth several times.He started doing that when suddenly a quick flood came across and carriedhim away. He got caught in a whirlpool in the river and he was unable toescape from it. He realized that his arrogance was his undoing and hestarted praying to the Lord.He remembered at that time the event of the Lord saving the elephant Gajendra. He prayed "O! Lord. You came to the side of the pond where theelephant sought refuge in You and saved it. In the same, please save thispoor soul as well. I surrender to You completely". At that time, a suddengust of wind occured which caused a huge wave in the river. That wavepicked up Singan and pulled him out of the

whirlpool. It left him safelyin the banks of the river.Realizing the work of the Lord that saved him, Singan prayed to Him witha melted heart. He then continued to worship Him with the lotus flowerswithout any ego.Thirukkolur Ammal is asking "Did I pray to Him with lotus flowers everyday like Kasi Singan did?" Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam adiyEn madhurakavi dAsanhttp://www.acharya.org/vyakyanam/ThirukkolurammalVarththaigal/

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