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Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi - 099-100 - Concluded

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama: poygaiyAzhvAr aruLich seydha mudhal thiruvandhAdhi Pasuram 99: uLan kaNdAy nannenjchE! uththaman enRumuLan kaNdAy uLLUvAr uLLaththu - uLan kaNdAyveLLaththin uLLAnum vEngkadaththu mEyAnumuLLaththin uLLAn enRu Or Meaning:nal nenjchE - O! favorable minduththaman - PurushottamauLan kaNdAy - is present (to protect us)enRum - for all time;uLan kaNdAy - He resides eternallyuLLuvAr uLLaththu - in the minds of those who think of Him;veLLaththin uLLAnum - He who rests on the milky ocean andvEngkadaththu mEyAnum - who stands on the Thirumalai hillsuLLaththin uLLAn enRu - resides in (my) heart always;Or - Understand this. Vyakhyana Saram: Azhvar says - Understand this; Such an all protector will leave His abode in the milky ocean and

come reside in the hearts of Hisdevotees.Azhvar is asked - How is that even those who have great knowledge and power such as Rudra forget their nature. Azhvar replies - Theyattempt to reach Him through their self effort and as such forgettheir nature. However, He is in our hearts because of the fact thatwe do not try to keep Him out. Therefore, we will not fall into thattrap. Even if we did, He will remove that and protect us. -- Pasuram 100: Oradiyum sAdudhaiththa oNmalarch sEvadiyumIradiyum kANalAm en nenjchE! - OradiyinthAyavanaik kEsavanaith thaNthuzhAy mAlai sErmAyavanaiyE manaththu vai Meaning: en nenjchE - My mind! manaththu vai - Keep within yourselfmAyavanaiyE - the Lord who performs amazing acts,Or adiyil thAyavanai - who with one foot measured all the worlds,kEsavanai - who killed the

asura Kesi, andthaN thuzhAy mAlai sEr - who is decorated with the cool Tulasi garland.Ir adiyum - (If you do that) the two divine feetoN malar sE adiyum - that are red and like beautiful flowers,Or adiyum - one of which measured the worldssAdu udhaiththa - and one of which kicked and killed Sakatasura,kANalAm - can be seen. Vyakhyana Saram: Azhvar's divine heart asks - How do we reach Him who falls on usand desires us? Azhvar concludes the prabandham by replying thus- He is both the goal and the means; All you need to do is be steady in this meaning.The first two lines of this pasuram show the goal and the last two lines show the path to that goal. -- The entire vyakhyana saram of Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi can be downloaded as a single eBook in PDF format at: http://www.acharya.org/books/index.html#eBooks Pasuram by Pasuram in HTML format: http://www.acharya.org/vyakyanam/mudhal-thiruvandhAdhi/index.html Poygai Azhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam Periyavachchan Pillai Thiruvadigale Sharanam Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

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