Guest guest Posted August 20, 2008 Report Share Posted August 20, 2008 ----- Forwarded Message ----Ranga Madabushi <mithila3ramanuja Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 20:00:36Mumutsuppadi Srimatheramanujayanama: Adiyen giving below a translation of the Foreword written by Shri Maruthidasan on his book on MUMUKSHU PADI written in Tamizh. The Author has dealt in detail the origin of Mumukshu Padi and its importance.In the Chapters that follow have very simple questions and answers on Mumukshu Padi Mulam. Adiyen thought that a translation of the work in English may help baghavadas who desire to have a simple introductory study of this very useful and sacred text written by Sri Pillailokachar. As a first instalment Adiyen present below the Foreword: Note: This translation is for private circulation only and not for publication.Adiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi Om Namo Narayanaya Srimathe Ramanujayanama: MUMUKTSHU PADI By Maruthidasan Foreword "For all the living beings in the world, the final desire should be Mukthi (salvation). All living beings like human beings animals, birds and vegetation will get Mukthi one time or other as envisaged clearly by Hindu religious Scriptures. Mukthi and Moksha are the same. Eternal bliss is called Moksha and all other happiness in life is temporary and insecure. Temporary happiness only leads to complications and sorrow in life. Devotion and voluntary help to all living being and the offer of philanthropic help to devotees of Baghavan are also a course for Mukthi. In Srivaishnavam, the Atman desiring to attain Moksha is called Mumukshu. To explain the intricate values to attain Mumukshu is the text of Mumukshu Padi. Sri Pillailokachar gave this world this sacred text on Mumukshu Padi. Srivaishnavam envisages worship of Lord Vishnu as Bhagavan (God). To prepare the Athman for Mukthi is the essence of Srivaishnavam. SRI VISHNU is omnipresent. He resides everywhere, inside, outside in wholeness, protecting the lives of the Universe.The abode of Vishnu is VAIKUNDAM. Those who attain HIM and enjoy eternal bliss are called Nithya Mukthars. Those who born and trying hard to live in this world are called Manidas. (Human beings). On seeing the sufferings of human beings in the world, Baghavan got pity on them. HE offered to these human beings, Thanu (body), Suranam(body parts) Bhuvanam (world), Bohamn (enjoyment) and Baghyam (opportunities). Moreover, Baghavan created and offered VEDAS, Ismiruthi (true Sastras), Eidikasams and Puranams (Sacred Stories of God) to alleviate the sufferings of human beings and to follow a path of high principles. Even after helping the human beings with all the above, they did not follow the path to Moksha. Bhavan thought, why humans did not realize how to get eternal bliss even after receiving all these sacred Scriptures? HE therefore decided to come down to the Earth as ACHARYAS and started teaching the essence of the Vedas and the Sacred Scriptures.THIRUMANDIRAM envisages clearly these:(1) The nature of ATHMA (2) the essence of ESWARA (3) The Benefits of knowing the Athma and the Eswara or Brahman (4) the bottle-necks in the path to reach Baghavan (5) the method to beat all the hurdles on the way to realize Brahman. All these are clearly envisaged in THIRUMANDIRAM, DUVAYAM AND SARAMASLOKAM, which Baghavan preached in HIS Avathars as ACHARYAS. To be more precise, Bhavan preached Thirumandiram to NARAN at BATHRIKASARAMAM in VISHNU LOGAM. HE preached Duvayam to PERIA PIRATTI (Thayar). HE preached Saramaslokam to ARJUNA, who fell at HIS feet and prayed SARANAGATHI. Therefore Bhavan is considered as the FIRST ACHARYA. Eventhough, Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam look very simple at a glance, when one study deep into them, they have a lot of very intricate meanings. So it is difficult to understand and feel the intricate saramsam, the need of Acharya’s grace and guidance is very essential.Spritual philosophical literatures can be devided into two segments; one is SASTHARAM and the other is SASTHARA THATHPALYAM. Veda Vedanthams (Scriptures) are called Sastharam. The Rahasyams (secrets) like Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Sarama Slokam are called Sasthra Thathparyam. (Explanation and commentaries of Vedas and Upanishads).Sasthiram relates to SAREERAM (body) with ATHMA (Soul). But to speak separately about Athma as a matter is called Sasthra Thathpalyam.Then the Acharyas from the olden days started preaching the inner meaning of these Ragasyams, one after the other, to their close enlightened disciples and devotees and took care to preserve them with great care as secret document. They are therefore called TAMIZH MARAIGAL.This method of preaching went on till the period of Emperumanar Sri Ramanujar. But Emperumanar wanted that the common folks should also know the essence of these Grandams. He ordered that these Ragasyams should be preached to all those interested and thus changed the old traditional custom of preaching the Ragasyas.One of the Acharyas after Sri Ramanuja considered being most intelligent was PARASARA BATTAR. He was the son of KURATHAZHWAN. He was very intelligent and had the capacity to easily get by heart whatever came his way. Parasara Battar preached these Rahasyas to a number of his syshyas and devotees. Apart from this, he wanted others after him to understand and get Athma Gnanam (Knowledge of Soul). He therefore created the ASHTA SLOKI in Sanskrit. This text is considered to be one of the best works in Vaishnava sambrathayam. After PERIYAVACHANPILLAI, we have one text written by ACHANPILLAI called Parantha Rahasyam. But this is also not written in simple style.PILLAILOKACHAR with his benevolent attitude had written the meaning of the Rahasyams viz. Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam, in simple style in order to reach the common man. He was the son of VADAKKU THIRUVEETHIPILLAI. He was considered to be the Avathar of Varatharaja Perumal. He was a great scholar. He wrote 18 Rahasya Granthangal. These are well known as ASHTATHASA RAGASIANGAAL. One of these is MUMUTSUPPADI. Even before writing Mumutsupadi, Sri Pillailokachar wrote three Granthangal, viz. (1) YATHRUCHIKAPADI (2) PARANTHAPADI (3) SRIYAPATHIPADI.Yathruchipadi was very much abridged. Paranthapadi was very big. Sriyapathipadi, even though appeared to be neither abridged nor big, contained a lot of Sanskrit words. Therefore Pillailokachar wrote Mumukshu Padi avoiding all the above features and made it a valuable text easily understandable by everybody in simple Tamizh. Further, it contained minute explanations which were not available in his earlier three ghranthanms.The Suthras (aphorisms) contained in Mumukshu Padi, like Brahmasuthras are very intricate with extraordinary style surpassing previous Rahasya Granthangal. However, in order to completely understand the saramsam of this work (Mumukshu Padi); one should study this along with vyakyanams written by great scholars like Sri Manavalamamunigal. Sri Manavalamamunigal had written very rich and extraordinary vyakyanams for Mumukshu Padi. These Viyakyanams were further simplified by Maha Vidvan Sri Prathivadibayankaram Annangarachar Swamigal, who wrote numerous explanationations to these commentries for the benefit of bagavathas by way of serial articles and books. Srimathi Pandit S. Krishnaveni Ammal and Sri Puthur Swamigal also wrote useful explanations. Sriperumbudur Sri Varada Ethiraja Jeer Swamigal and Kancheepuram Sri Ananthazhwan Swamigal helped me and encouraged me to bring this book to further simplify the saramsam of the Rahasiya Granthangal. This book contains simple questions and answers based on the original text of Sri Pillailokachar. Therefore, I am presenting this book in your hands with the prayer that this book will help you in getting the Blessings of THIRUVENKADAMUDAYN." ********** Get your preferred Email name! Now you can and Get your new Email address! Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does! New Email names for you! Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. Hurry before someone else does! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 Swamin I just read the article.Very explicit one.I have heard the upanyasam by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan swami.I am interested in ur book.U please let me know where it is available.I would like to give it to my children who r not that fluent in tamil,though they can read but such elakkana tamil may be difficult.Good venture by u.Keep it up. Kamini--- On Wed, 20/8/08, Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 wrote: Ranga Madabushi <mithila3[sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padiramanuja Date: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008, 5:40 PM ----- Forwarded Message ----Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 >ramanuja@ s.comTuesday, August 19, 2008 20:00:36Mumutsuppadi Srimatheramanujayan ama: Adiyen giving below a translation of the Foreword written by Shri Maruthidasan on his book on MUMUKSHU PADI written in Tamizh. The Author has dealt in detail the origin of Mumukshu Padi and its importance.In the Chapters that follow have very simple questions and answers on Mumukshu Padi Mulam. Adiyen thought that a translation of the work in English may help baghavadas who desire to have a simple introductory study of this very useful and sacred text written by Sri Pillailokachar. As a first instalment Adiyen present below the Foreword: Note: This translation is for private circulation only and not for publication.Adiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi Om Namo Narayanaya Srimathe Ramanujayanama: MUMUKTSHU PADI By Maruthidasan Foreword "For all the living beings in the world, the final desire should be Mukthi (salvation). All living beings like human beings animals, birds and vegetation will get Mukthi one time or other as envisaged clearly by Hindu religious Scriptures. Mukthi and Moksha are the same. Eternal bliss is called Moksha and all other happiness in life is temporary and insecure. Temporary happiness only leads to complications and sorrow in life. Devotion and voluntary help to all living being and the offer of philanthropic help to devotees of Baghavan are also a course for Mukthi. In Srivaishnavam, the Atman desiring to attain Moksha is called Mumukshu. To explain the intricate values to attain Mumukshu is the text of Mumukshu Padi. Sri Pillailokachar gave this world this sacred text on Mumukshu Padi. Srivaishnavam envisages worship of Lord Vishnu as Bhagavan (God). To prepare the Athman for Mukthi is the essence of Srivaishnavam. SRI VISHNU is omnipresent. He resides everywhere, inside, outside in wholeness, protecting the lives of the Universe.The abode of Vishnu is VAIKUNDAM. Those who attain HIM and enjoy eternal bliss are called Nithya Mukthars. Those who born and trying hard to live in this world are called Manidas. (Human beings). On seeing the sufferings of human beings in the world, Baghavan got pity on them. HE offered to these human beings, Thanu (body), Suranam(body parts) Bhuvanam (world), Bohamn (enjoyment) and Baghyam (opportunities) . Moreover, Baghavan created and offered VEDAS, Ismiruthi (true Sastras), Eidikasams and Puranams (Sacred Stories of God) to alleviate the sufferings of human beings and to follow a path of high principles. Even after helping the human beings with all the above, they did not follow the path to Moksha. Bhavan thought, why humans did not realize how to get eternal bliss even after receiving all these sacred Scriptures? HE therefore decided to come down to the Earth as ACHARYAS and started teaching the essence of the Vedas and the Sacred Scriptures. THIRUMANDIRAM envisages clearly these:(1) The nature of ATHMA (2) the essence of ESWARA (3) The Benefits of knowing the Athma and the Eswara or Brahman (4) the bottle-necks in the path to reach Baghavan (5) the method to beat all the hurdles on the way to realize Brahman. All these are clearly envisaged in THIRUMANDIRAM, DUVAYAM AND SARAMASLOKAM, which Baghavan preached in HIS Avathars as ACHARYAS. To be more precise, Bhavan preached Thirumandiram to NARAN at BATHRIKASARAMAM in VISHNU LOGAM. HE preached Duvayam to PERIA PIRATTI (Thayar). HE preached Saramaslokam to ARJUNA, who fell at HIS feet and prayed SARANAGATHI. Therefore Bhavan is considered as the FIRST ACHARYA. Eventhough, Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam look very simple at a glance, when one study deep into them, they have a lot of very intricate meanings. So it is difficult to understand and feel the intricate saramsam, the need of Acharya’s grace and guidance is very essential. Spritual philosophical literatures can be devided into two segments; one is SASTHARAM and the other is SASTHARA THATHPALYAM. Veda Vedanthams (Scriptures) are called Sastharam. The Rahasyams (secrets) like Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Sarama Slokam are called Sasthra Thathparyam. (Explanation and commentaries of Vedas and Upanishads).Sasthiram relates to SAREERAM (body) with ATHMA (Soul). But to speak separately about Athma as a matter is called Sasthra Thathpalyam. Then the Acharyas from the olden days started preaching the inner meaning of these Ragasyams, one after the other, to their close enlightened disciples and devotees and took care to preserve them with great care as secret document. They are therefore called TAMIZH MARAIGAL.This method of preaching went on till the period of Emperumanar Sri Ramanujar. But Emperumanar wanted that the common folks should also know the essence of these Grandams. He ordered that these Ragasyams should be preached to all those interested and thus changed the old traditional custom of preaching the Ragasyas. One of the Acharyas after Sri Ramanuja considered being most intelligent was PARASARA BATTAR. He was the son of KURATHAZHWAN. He was very intelligent and had the capacity to easily get by heart whatever came his way. Parasara Battar preached these Rahasyas to a number of his syshyas and devotees. Apart from this, he wanted others after him to understand and get Athma Gnanam (Knowledge of Soul). He therefore created the ASHTA SLOKI in Sanskrit. This text is considered to be one of the best works in Vaishnava sambrathayam. After PERIYAVACHANPILLAI, we have one text written by ACHANPILLAI called Parantha Rahasyam. But this is also not written in simple style. PILLAILOKACHAR with his benevolent attitude had written the meaning of the Rahasyams viz. Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam, in simple style in order to reach the common man. He was the son of VADAKKU THIRUVEETHIPILLAI. He was considered to be the Avathar of Varatharaja Perumal. He was a great scholar. He wrote 18 Rahasya Granthangal. These are well known as ASHTATHASA RAGASIANGAAL. One of these is MUMUTSUPPADI. Even before writing Mumutsupadi, Sri Pillailokachar wrote three Granthangal, viz. (1) YATHRUCHIKAPADI (2) PARANTHAPADI (3) SRIYAPATHIPADI. Yathruchipadi was very much abridged. Paranthapadi was very big. Sriyapathipadi, even though appeared to be neither abridged nor big, contained a lot of Sanskrit words. Therefore Pillailokachar wrote Mumukshu Padi avoiding all the above features and made it a valuable text easily understandable by everybody in simple Tamizh. Further, it contained minute explanations which were not available in his earlier three ghranthanms.The Suthras (aphorisms) contained in Mumukshu Padi, like Brahmasuthras are very intricate with extraordinary style surpassing previous Rahasya Granthangal. However, in order to completely understand the saramsam of this work (Mumukshu Padi); one should study this along with vyakyanams written by great scholars like Sri Manavalamamunigal. Sri Manavalamamunigal had written very rich and extraordinary vyakyanams for Mumukshu Padi. These Viyakyanams were further simplified by Maha Vidvan Sri Prathivadibayankara m Annangarachar Swamigal, who wrote numerous explanationations to these commentries for the benefit of bagavathas by way of serial articles and books. Srimathi Pandit S. Krishnaveni Ammal and Sri Puthur Swamigal also wrote useful explanations. Sriperumbudur Sri Varada Ethiraja Jeer Swamigal and Kancheepuram Sri Ananthazhwan Swamigal helped me and encouraged me to bring this book to further simplify the saramsam of the Rahasiya Granthangal. This book contains simple questions and answers based on the original text of Sri Pillailokachar. Therefore, I am presenting this book in your hands with the prayer that this book will help you in getting the Blessings of THIRUVENKADAMUDAYN. " ********** Get your preferred Email name! Now you can and @rocketmail. com. Get your new Email address! Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does! New Email names for you! Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.Hurry before someone else does! Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2008 Report Share Posted August 21, 2008 Srimathe Ramanujayanama:Attn.: MS Kamini.Adiyen trying to translate the contents of the book written in Tamiz only for the Ramanuja Group. Adiyen not venturing to write a book please. Adiyen want to do it in installment,whenever adiyen get time. Adiyen trying this as the book contain only simple questions and answers by way of explanations on the original Mumutshu Padi. Adiyen pray Perumal to give HIS blessings to continue this venture.Thank you,Adiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi----- Original Message ----kamini ranganathan <kamini1956ramanuja Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:16:55Re: [sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu PadiSwaminI just read the article.Very explicit one.I have heard the upanyasam by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan swami.I am interested in ur book.U please let me know where it is available.I would like to give it to my children who r not that fluent in tamil,though they can read but such elakkana tamil may be difficult.Good venture by u.Keep it up.Kamini--- On Wed, 20/8/08, Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > wrote:Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 >[sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padiramanuja@ s.comWednesday, 20 August, 2008, 5:40 PM----- Forwarded Message ----Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 >ramanuja@ s.comTuesday, August 19, 2008 20:00:36MumutsuppadiSrimatheramanujayan ama: Adiyen giving below a translation of the Foreword written by Shri Maruthidasan on his book on MUMUKSHU PADI written in Tamizh. The Author has dealt in detail the origin of Mumukshu Padi and its importance.In the Chapters that follow have very simple questions and answers on Mumukshu Padi Mulam. Adiyen thought that a translation of the work in English may help baghavadas who desire to have a simple introductory study of this very useful and sacred text written by Sri Pillailokachar. As a first instalment Adiyen present below the Foreword: Note: This translation is for private circulation only and not for publication.Adiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi Om Namo Narayanaya Srimathe Ramanujayanama: MUMUKTSHU PADI By Maruthidasan Foreword "For all the living beings in the world, the final desire should be Mukthi (salvation). All living beings like human beings animals, birds and vegetation will get Mukthi one time or other as envisaged clearly by Hindu religious Scriptures. Mukthi and Moksha are the same. Eternal bliss is called Moksha and all other happiness in life is temporary and insecure. Temporary happiness only leads to complications and sorrow in life. Devotion and voluntary help to all living being and the offer of philanthropic help to devotees of Baghavan are also a course for Mukthi. In Srivaishnavam, the Atman desiring to attain Moksha is called Mumukshu. To explain the intricate values to attain Mumukshu is the text of Mumukshu Padi. Sri Pillailokachar gave this world this sacred text on Mumukshu Padi. Srivaishnavam envisages worship of Lord Vishnu as Bhagavan (God). To prepare the Athman for Mukthi is the essence of Srivaishnavam.SRI VISHNU is omnipresent. He resides everywhere, inside, outside in wholeness, protecting the lives of the Universe.The abode of Vishnu is VAIKUNDAM. Those who attain HIM and enjoy eternal bliss are called Nithya Mukthars. Those who born and trying hard to live in this world are called Manidas. (Human beings). On seeing the sufferings of human beings in the world, Baghavan got pity on them. HE offered to these human beings, Thanu (body), Suranam(body parts) Bhuvanam (world), Bohamn (enjoyment) and Baghyam (opportunities) .Moreover, Baghavan created and offered VEDAS, Ismiruthi (true Sastras), Eidikasams and Puranams (Sacred Stories of God) to alleviate the sufferings of human beings and to follow a path of high principles. Even after helping the human beings with all the above, they did not follow the path to Moksha. Bhavan thought, why humans did not realize how to get eternal bliss even after receiving all these sacred Scriptures? HE therefore decided to come down to the Earth as ACHARYAS and started teaching the essence of the Vedas and the Sacred Scriptures.THIRUMANDIRAM envisages clearly these:(1) The nature of ATHMA (2) the essence of ESWARA (3) The Benefits of knowing the Athma and the Eswara or Brahman (4) the bottle-necks in the path to reach Baghavan (5) the method to beat all the hurdles on the way to realize Brahman. All these are clearly envisaged in THIRUMANDIRAM, DUVAYAM AND SARAMASLOKAM, which Baghavan preached in HIS Avathars as ACHARYAS. To be more precise, Bhavan preached Thirumandiram to NARAN at BATHRIKASARAMAM in VISHNU LOGAM. HE preached Duvayam to PERIA PIRATTI (Thayar). HE preached Saramaslokam to ARJUNA, who fell at HIS feet and prayed SARANAGATHI. Therefore Bhavan is considered as the FIRST ACHARYA. Eventhough, Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam look very simple at a glance, when one study deep into them, they have a lot of very intricate meanings. So it is difficult to understand and feel the intricate saramsam, the need of Acharya’s grace and guidance is very essential.Spritual philosophical literatures can be devided into two segments; one is SASTHARAM and the other is SASTHARA THATHPALYAM. Veda Vedanthams (Scriptures) are called Sastharam. The Rahasyams (secrets) like Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Sarama Slokam are called Sasthra Thathparyam. (Explanation and commentaries of Vedas and Upanishads).Sasthiram relates to SAREERAM (body) with ATHMA (Soul). But to speak separately about Athma as a matter is called Sasthra Thathpalyam.Then the Acharyas from the olden days started preaching the inner meaning of these Ragasyams, one after the other, to their close enlightened disciples and devotees and took care to preserve them with great care as secret document. They are therefore called TAMIZH MARAIGAL.This method of preaching went on till the period of Emperumanar Sri Ramanujar. But Emperumanar wanted that the common folks should also know the essence of these Grandams. He ordered that these Ragasyams should be preached to all those interested and thus changed the old traditional custom of preaching the Ragasyas.One of the Acharyas after Sri Ramanuja considered being most intelligent was PARASARA BATTAR. He was the son of KURATHAZHWAN. He was very intelligent and had the capacity to easily get by heart whatever came his way. Parasara Battar preached these Rahasyas to a number of his syshyas and devotees. Apart from this, he wanted others after him to understand and get Athma Gnanam (Knowledge of Soul). He therefore created the ASHTA SLOKI in Sanskrit. This text is considered to be one of the best works in Vaishnava sambrathayam. After PERIYAVACHANPILLAI, we have one text written by ACHANPILLAI called Parantha Rahasyam. But this is also not written in simple style.PILLAILOKACHAR with his benevolent attitude had written the meaning of the Rahasyams viz. Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam, in simple style in order to reach the common man. He was the son of VADAKKU THIRUVEETHIPILLAI. He was considered to be the Avathar of Varatharaja Perumal. He was a great scholar. He wrote 18 Rahasya Granthangal. These are well known as ASHTATHASA RAGASIANGAAL. One of these is MUMUTSUPPADI. Even before writing Mumutsupadi, Sri Pillailokachar wrote three Granthangal, viz. (1) YATHRUCHIKAPADI (2) PARANTHAPADI (3) SRIYAPATHIPADI.Yathruchipadi was very much abridged. Paranthapadi was very big. Sriyapathipadi, even though appeared to be neither abridged nor big, contained a lot of Sanskrit words. Therefore Pillailokachar wrote Mumukshu Padi avoiding all the above features and made it a valuable text easily understandable by everybody in simple Tamizh. Further, it contained minute explanations which were not available in his earlier three ghranthanms.The Suthras (aphorisms) contained in Mumukshu Padi, like Brahmasuthras are very intricate with extraordinary style surpassing previous Rahasya Granthangal. However, in order to completely understand the saramsam of this work (Mumukshu Padi); one should study this along with vyakyanams written by great scholars like Sri Manavalamamunigal. Sri Manavalamamunigal had written very rich and extraordinary vyakyanams for Mumukshu Padi. These Viyakyanams were further simplified by Maha Vidvan Sri Prathivadibayankara m Annangarachar Swamigal, who wrote numerous explanationations to these commentries for the benefit of bagavathas by way of serial articles and books. Srimathi Pandit S. Krishnaveni Ammal and Sri Puthur Swamigal also wrote useful explanations. Sriperumbudur Sri Varada Ethiraja Jeer Swamigal and Kancheepuram Sri Ananthazhwan Swamigal helped me and encouraged me to bring this book to further simplify the saramsam of the Rahasiya Granthangal. This book contains simple questions and answers based on the original text of Sri Pillailokachar. Therefore, I am presenting this book in your hands with the prayer that this book will help you in getting the Blessings of THIRUVENKADAMUDAYN. " ********** Get your preferred Email name! Now you can and @rocketmail. com. Get your new Email address! Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does! New Email names for you! Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.Hurry before someone else does! Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Get your preferred Email name! Now you can and Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 Shri: Dear shriman Ranga Madabushi and Shrimathi kamini ranganathan Adiyaen's pranaams. Please be informed that in adiyaen's URL(web site) Very first first download itself is Mumukshupadi URL : ramanuja , Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 wrote: > > Srimathe Ramanujayanama: > Attn.: MS Kamini. > Adiyen trying to translate the contents of the book written in Tamiz only for the Ramanuja Group. Adiyen not venturing to write a book please. Adiyen want to do it in installment,whenever adiyen get time. Adiyen trying this as the book contain only simple questions and answers by way of explanations on the original Mumutshu Padi. Adiyen pray Perumal to give HIS blessings to continue this venture. > Thank you, > Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan > Ranga Madabushi > > > > > kamini ranganathan <kamini1956 > ramanuja > Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:16:55 > Re: [sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padi > > > Swamin > I just read the article.Very explicit one.I have heard the upanyasam by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan swami.I am interested in ur book.U please let me know where it is available.I would like to give it to my children who r not that fluent in tamil,though they can read but such elakkana tamil may be difficult.Good venture by u.Keep it up. > Kamini > > --- On Wed, 20/8/08, Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > wrote: > > Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > > [sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padi > ramanuja@ > Wednesday, 20 August, 2008, 5:40 PM ----- Forwarded Message ---- > Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > > ramanuja@ > Tuesday, August 19, 2008 20:00:36 > Mumutsuppadi > Srimatheramanujayan ama: > > Adiyen giving below a translation of the Foreword written by Shri Maruthidasan on his book on MUMUKSHU PADI written in Tamizh. The Author has dealt in detail the origin of Mumukshu Padiand its importance. > In the Chapters that follow have very simple questions and answers on Mumukshu Padi Mulam. > Adiyen thought that a translation of the work in English may help baghavadas who desire to have a simple introductory study of this very useful and sacred text written by Sri Pillailokachar. > As a first instalment Adiyen present below the Foreword: > Note: This translation is for private circulation only and not for publication. > Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan > Ranga Madabushi > Om Namo Narayanaya > > > Srimathe Ramanujayanama: > > MUMUKTSHU PADI > By Maruthidasan > Foreword > > " For all the living beings in the world, the final desire should be Mukthi (salvation). All living beings like human beings animals, birds and vegetation will get Mukthi one time or other as envisaged clearly by Hindu religious Scriptures. Mukthiand Moksha are the same. Eternal bliss is called Moksha and all other happiness in life is temporary and insecure. Temporary happiness only leads to complications and sorrow in life. Devotion and voluntary help to all living being and the offer of philanthropic help to devotees of Baghavan are also a course for Mukthi. > > In Srivaishnavam, the Atman desiring to attain Moksha is called Mumukshu. To explain the intricate values to attain Mumukshu is the text of Mumukshu Padi. Sri Pillailokachar gave this world this sacred text on Mumukshu Padi. Srivaishnavam envisages worship of Lord Vishnu as Bhagavan (God). To prepare the Athman for Mukthi is the essence of Srivaishnavam. > SRI VISHNU is omnipresent. He resides everywhere, inside, outside in wholeness, protecting the lives of the Universe.The abode of Vishnu is VAIKUNDAM. Those who attain HIM and enjoy eternal bliss are called Nithya Mukthars. Those who born and trying hard to live in this world are called Manidas. (Human beings). On seeing the sufferings of human beings in the world, Baghavan got pity on them. HE offered to these human beings, Thanu (body), Suranam(body parts) Bhuvanam (world), Bohamn (enjoyment) and Baghyam (opportunities) . > Moreover, Baghavan created and offered VEDAS, Ismiruthi (true Sastras), Eidikasams and Puranams (Sacred Stories of God) to alleviate the sufferings of human beings and to follow a path of high principles. Even after helping the human beings with all the above, they did not follow the path to Moksha. Bhavan thought, why humans did not realize how to get eternal bliss even after receiving all these sacred Scriptures? HE therefore decided to come down to the Earth as ACHARYAS and started teaching the essence of the Vedas and the Sacred Scriptures. > > THIRUMANDIRAM envisages clearly these:(1) The nature of ATHMA (2) the essence of ESWARA (3) The Benefits of knowing the Athma and the Eswara or Brahman (4) the bottle-necks in the path to reach Baghavan (5) the method to beat all the hurdles on the way to realize Brahman. All these are clearly envisaged in THIRUMANDIRAM, DUVAYAM AND SARAMASLOKAM, which Baghavan preached in HIS Avathars as ACHARYAS. To be more precise, Bhavan preached Thirumandiram to NARAN at BATHRIKASARAMAM in VISHNU LOGAM. HE preached Duvayam to PERIA PIRATTI (Thayar). HE preached Saramaslokam to ARJUNA, who fell at HIS feet and prayed SARANAGATHI. > > Therefore Bhavan is considered as the FIRST ACHARYA. Eventhough, Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam look very simple at a glance, when one study deep into them, they have a lot of very intricate meanings. So it is difficult to understand and feel the intricate saramsam, the need of Acharya’s grace and guidance is very essential. > > Spritual philosophical literatures can be devided into two segments; one is SASTHARAM and the other is SASTHARA THATHPALYAM. Veda Vedanthams (Scriptures) are called Sastharam. The Rahasyams (secrets) like Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Sarama Slokam are called Sasthra Thathparyam. (Explanation and commentaries of Vedas and Upanishads).Sasthiram relates to SAREERAM (body) with ATHMA (Soul). But to speak separately about Athma as a matter is called Sasthra Thathpalyam. > > Then the Acharyas from the olden days started preaching the inner meaning of these Ragasyams, one after the other, to their close enlightened disciples and devotees and took care to preserve them with great care as secret document. They are therefore called TAMIZH MARAIGAL.This method of preaching went on till the period of Emperumanar Sri Ramanujar. But Emperumanar wanted that the common folks should also know the essence of these Grandams. He ordered that these Ragasyams should be preached to all those interested and thus changed the old traditional custom of preaching the Ragasyas. > > One of the Acharyas after Sri Ramanuja considered being most intelligent was PARASARA BATTAR. He was the son of KURATHAZHWAN. He was very intelligent and had the capacity to easily get by heart whatever came his way. Parasara Battar preached these Rahasyas to a number of his syshyas and devotees. Apart from this, he wanted others after him to understand and get Athma Gnanam (Knowledge of Soul). He therefore created the ASHTA SLOKI in Sanskrit. This text is considered to be one of the best works in Vaishnava sambrathayam. > > After PERIYAVACHANPILLAI, we have one text written by ACHANPILLAI called Parantha Rahasyam. But this is also not written in simple style. > > PILLAILOKACHARwith his benevolent attitude had written the meaning of the Rahasyams viz. Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam, in simple style in order to reach the common man. He was the son of VADAKKU THIRUVEETHIPILLAI. He was considered to be the Avathar of Varatharaja Perumal. He was a great scholar. He wrote 18 Rahasya Granthangal. These are well known as ASHTATHASA RAGASIANGAAL. One of these is MUMUTSUPPADI. Even before writing Mumutsupadi, Sri Pillailokachar wrote three Granthangal, viz. (1) YATHRUCHIKAPADI (2) PARANTHAPADI (3) SRIYAPATHIPADI. > > Yathruchipadi was very much abridged. Paranthapadi was very big. Sriyapathipadi, even though appeared to be neither abridged nor big, contained a lot of Sanskrit words. Therefore Pillailokachar wrote Mumukshu Padi avoiding all the above features and made it a valuable text easily understandable by everybody in simple Tamizh. Further, it contained minute explanations which were not available in his earlier three ghranthanms.The Suthras (aphorisms) contained in Mumukshu Padi, like Brahmasuthras are very intricate with extraordinary style surpassing previous Rahasya Granthangal. > > However, in order to completely understand the saramsam of this work (Mumukshu Padi); one should study this along with vyakyanams written by great scholars like Sri Manavalamamunigal. Sri Manavalamamunigal had written very rich and extraordinary vyakyanams for Mumukshu Padi. These Viyakyanams were further simplified by Maha Vidvan Sri Prathivadibayankara m Annangarachar Swamigal, who wrote numerous explanationations to these commentries for the benefit of bagavathas by way of serial articles and books. Srimathi Pandit S. Krishnaveni Ammal and Sri Puthur Swamigal also wrote useful explanations. Sriperumbudur Sri Varada Ethiraja Jeer Swamigal and Kancheepuram Sri Ananthazhwan Swamigal helped me and encouraged me to bring this book to further simplify the saramsam of the Rahasiya Granthangal. This book contains simple questions and answers based on the original text of Sri Pillailokachar. Therefore, I am presenting this book in your hands with the prayer > that this book will help you in getting the Blessings of THIRUVENKADAMUDAYN. " > ********** ________________________________ > Get your preferred Email name! > Now you can and @rocketmail. com. > ________________________________ > Get your new Email address! > Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does! > ________________________________ > New Email names for you! > Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. > Hurry before someone else does! > > ________________________________ > Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. > > > Get your new Email address! > Grab the Email name you & #39;ve always wanted before someone else does! > http://mail.promotions./newdomains/aa/ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2008 Report Share Posted August 22, 2008 Srimathe Ramanujayanama:Dear Shriman Sundarrajan Swamin,Thank you for guiding us to your URL which Adiyen have already seen and is very nice.Adiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi bsundarrajansrivilliputtur <bsundarrajansrivilliputturramanuja Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 9:02:43Re: [sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padi Shri: Dear shriman Ranga Madabushi and Shrimathi kamini ranganathan Adiyaen's pranaams. Please be informed that in adiyaen's URL(web site) Very first first download itself is Mumukshupadi URL : www.maransdog. com ramanuja@, Ranga Madabushi <mithila3@.. .> wrote: > > Srimathe Ramanujayanama: > Attn.: MS Kamini. > Adiyen trying to translate the contents of the book written in Tamiz only for the Ramanuja Group. Adiyen not venturing to write a book please. Adiyen want to do it in installment, whenever adiyen get time. Adiyen trying this as the book contain only simple questions and answers by way of explanations on the original Mumutshu Padi. Adiyen pray Perumal to give HIS blessings to continue this venture. > Thank you, > Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan > Ranga Madabushi > > > > > kamini ranganathan <kamini1956@ ...> > ramanuja@ > Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:16:55 > Re: [sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padi > > > Swamin > I just read the article.Very explicit one.I have heard the upanyasam by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan swami.I am interested in ur book.U please let me know where it is available.I would like to give it to my children who r not that fluent in tamil,though they can read but such elakkana tamil may be difficult.Good venture by u.Keep it up. > Kamini > > --- On Wed, 20/8/08, Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > wrote: > > Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > > [sri ramanuja] Fw: Mumutshu Padi > ramanuja@ > Wednesday, 20 August, 2008, 5:40 PM > > > > > > > ----- Forwarded Message ---- > Ranga Madabushi <mithila3 > > ramanuja@ > Tuesday, August 19, 2008 20:00:36 > Mumutsuppadi > > > > > > > > Srimatheramanujayan ama: > > Adiyen giving below a translation of the Foreword written by Shri Maruthidasan on his book on MUMUKSHU PADI written in Tamizh. The Author has dealt in detail the origin of Mumukshu Padiand its importance. > In the Chapters that follow have very simple questions and answers on Mumukshu Padi Mulam. > Adiyen thought that a translation of the work in English may help baghavadas who desire to have a simple introductory study of this very useful and sacred text written by Sri Pillailokachar. > As a first instalment Adiyen present below the Foreword: > Note: This translation is for private circulation only and not for publication. > Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan > Ranga Madabushi > Om Namo Narayanaya > > > Srimathe Ramanujayanama: > > MUMUKTSHU PADI > By Maruthidasan > Foreword > > "For all the living beings in the world, the final desire should be Mukthi (salvation). All living beings like human beings animals, birds and vegetation will get Mukthi one time or other as envisaged clearly by Hindu religious Scriptures. Mukthiand Moksha are the same. Eternal bliss is called Moksha and all other happiness in life is temporary and insecure. Temporary happiness only leads to complications and sorrow in life. Devotion and voluntary help to all living being and the offer of philanthropic help to devotees of Baghavan are also a course for Mukthi. > > In Srivaishnavam, the Atman desiring to attain Moksha is called Mumukshu. To explain the intricate values to attain Mumukshu is the text of Mumukshu Padi. Sri Pillailokachar gave this world this sacred text on Mumukshu Padi. Srivaishnavam envisages worship of Lord Vishnu as Bhagavan (God). To prepare the Athman for Mukthi is the essence of Srivaishnavam. > SRI VISHNU is omnipresent. He resides everywhere, inside, outside in wholeness, protecting the lives of the Universe.The abode of Vishnu is VAIKUNDAM. Those who attain HIM and enjoy eternal bliss are called Nithya Mukthars. Those who born and trying hard to live in this world are called Manidas. (Human beings). On seeing the sufferings of human beings in the world, Baghavan got pity on them. HE offered to these human beings, Thanu (body), Suranam(body parts) Bhuvanam (world), Bohamn (enjoyment) and Baghyam (opportunities) . > Moreover, Baghavan created and offered VEDAS, Ismiruthi (true Sastras), Eidikasams and Puranams (Sacred Stories of God) to alleviate the sufferings of human beings and to follow a path of high principles. Even after helping the human beings with all the above, they did not follow the path to Moksha. Bhavan thought, why humans did not realize how to get eternal bliss even after receiving all these sacred Scriptures? HE therefore decided to come down to the Earth as ACHARYAS and started teaching the essence of the Vedas and the Sacred Scriptures. > > THIRUMANDIRAM envisages clearly these:(1) The nature of ATHMA (2) the essence of ESWARA (3) The Benefits of knowing the Athma and the Eswara or Brahman (4) the bottle-necks in the path to reach Baghavan (5) the method to beat all the hurdles on the way to realize Brahman. All these are clearly envisaged in THIRUMANDIRAM, DUVAYAM AND SARAMASLOKAM, which Baghavan preached in HIS Avathars as ACHARYAS. To be more precise, Bhavan preached Thirumandiram to NARAN at BATHRIKASARAMAM in VISHNU LOGAM. HE preached Duvayam to PERIA PIRATTI (Thayar). HE preached Saramaslokam to ARJUNA, who fell at HIS feet and prayed SARANAGATHI. > > Therefore Bhavan is considered as the FIRST ACHARYA. Eventhough, Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam look very simple at a glance, when one study deep into them, they have a lot of very intricate meanings. So it is difficult to understand and feel the intricate saramsam, the need of Acharya’s grace and guidance is very essential. > > Spritual philosophical literatures can be devided into two segments; one is SASTHARAM and the other is SASTHARA THATHPALYAM. Veda Vedanthams (Scriptures) are called Sastharam. The Rahasyams (secrets) like Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Sarama Slokam are called Sasthra Thathparyam. (Explanation and commentaries of Vedas and Upanishads). Sasthiram relates to SAREERAM (body) with ATHMA (Soul). But to speak separately about Athma as a matter is called Sasthra Thathpalyam. > > Then the Acharyas from the olden days started preaching the inner meaning of these Ragasyams, one after the other, to their close enlightened disciples and devotees and took care to preserve them with great care as secret document. They are therefore called TAMIZH MARAIGAL.This method of preaching went on till the period of Emperumanar Sri Ramanujar. But Emperumanar wanted that the common folks should also know the essence of these Grandams. He ordered that these Ragasyams should be preached to all those interested and thus changed the old traditional custom of preaching the Ragasyas. > > One of the Acharyas after Sri Ramanuja considered being most intelligent was PARASARA BATTAR. He was the son of KURATHAZHWAN. He was very intelligent and had the capacity to easily get by heart whatever came his way. Parasara Battar preached these Rahasyas to a number of his syshyas and devotees. Apart from this, he wanted others after him to understand and get Athma Gnanam (Knowledge of Soul). He therefore created the ASHTA SLOKI in Sanskrit. This text is considered to be one of the best works in Vaishnava sambrathayam. > > After PERIYAVACHANPILLAI, we have one text written by ACHANPILLAI called Parantha Rahasyam. But this is also not written in simple style. > > PILLAILOKACHARwith his benevolent attitude had written the meaning of the Rahasyams viz. Thirumandiram, Duvayam and Saramaslokam, in simple style in order to reach the common man. He was the son of VADAKKU THIRUVEETHIPILLAI. He was considered to be the Avathar of Varatharaja Perumal. He was a great scholar. He wrote 18 Rahasya Granthangal. These are well known as ASHTATHASA RAGASIANGAAL. One of these is MUMUTSUPPADI. Even before writing Mumutsupadi, Sri Pillailokachar wrote three Granthangal, viz. (1) YATHRUCHIKAPADI (2) PARANTHAPADI (3) SRIYAPATHIPADI. > > Yathruchipadi was very much abridged. Paranthapadi was very big. Sriyapathipadi, even though appeared to be neither abridged nor big, contained a lot of Sanskrit words. Therefore Pillailokachar wrote Mumukshu Padi avoiding all the above features and made it a valuable text easily understandable by everybody in simple Tamizh. Further, it contained minute explanations which were not available in his earlier three ghranthanms. The Suthras (aphorisms) contained in Mumukshu Padi, like Brahmasuthras are very intricate with extraordinary style surpassing previous Rahasya Granthangal. > > However, in order to completely understand the saramsam of this work (Mumukshu Padi); one should study this along with vyakyanams written by great scholars like Sri Manavalamamunigal. Sri Manavalamamunigal had written very rich and extraordinary vyakyanams for Mumukshu Padi. These Viyakyanams were further simplified by Maha Vidvan Sri Prathivadibayankara m Annangarachar Swamigal, who wrote numerous explanationations to these commentries for the benefit of bagavathas by way of serial articles and books. Srimathi Pandit S. Krishnaveni Ammal and Sri Puthur Swamigal also wrote useful explanations. Sriperumbudur Sri Varada Ethiraja Jeer Swamigal and Kancheepuram Sri Ananthazhwan Swamigal helped me and encouraged me to bring this book to further simplify the saramsam of the Rahasiya Granthangal. This book contains simple questions and answers based on the original text of Sri Pillailokachar. Therefore, I am presenting this book in your hands with the prayer > that this book will help you in getting the Blessings of THIRUVENKADAMUDAYN. " > ********** > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Get your preferred Email name! > Now you can and @rocketmail. com. > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Get your new Email address! > Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does! > ____________ _________ _________ __ > New Email names for you! > Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. > Hurry before someone else does! > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. > > > Get your new Email address! > Grab the Email name you & #39;ve always wanted before someone else does! > http://mail. promotions. / newdomains/ aa/ > New Email names for you! Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. Hurry before someone else does! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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