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Adiyen presenting an album of photos taken at the

Kattazhagiyasingar Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal Koil situated 1 ½ Kms from the

main temple of Sri Ranganathaswamy at Srirangam. Efforts of

Sri Pillailokachar: Out of the great holy

texts written by Sri Pillailokachar, Sri Vasana Bhooshanam is considered to be

the best and holiest. Sri

Manavalamamunigal in his Upadesarathnamala sang in praise of Sri Vasana Bhooshanam

in seven rhymes. Sri Vasana Bhooshanam

was compiled with the help of the viyakyanams and explanations of the

Poorvachars. It stands as comparable to Sri

Bashyam which gives viyakyanams on the Sanskrit Brahma Suthra, and also stands

equal to Azhwars arulich chaitha (sacred

presentation of) Dravida Meemamsa Bhashyam.

Once upon a time, Sri

Perarulala Perumal of Kancheepuram extended special katatsham and blessed Sri Manarpakkam Nambi, who was doing

kainkarya to Lord Varadaraja Perumal, the Artha Vishesham (Sri Vasana

Bhooshanam) and desired Sri Nambigal to go to the place between two rivers

(Srirangam) and live there and preach to his valued disciples. Accordingly Sri Manarpakkam Nambi came to

Srirangam and had chosen to live with his syshyas in the temple of Sri Kattu

Azhagiyasinger , a remote but calm place near

Srirangam. It happened one day

that Sri Pillailokachar with his close syshayas were walking along a remote

place near Srirangam, searching for a calm place to teach Sri Vasana Bhooshanam

to his syshyas and found Sri Kattu Azhagiyasinger temple premises a safe and

ideal place to preach the ragasiyams. Thereafter

Sri Pillailokachar stayed in the temple and started preaching to his syshyas. Sri Manarpakkam Nambi

who was already staying there heard the preaching of the Sri Vasana Bhooshanam by

Sri Pillailokachar and was wondering how the Artha Vishesham as taught to him

by Sri Perarulalaperumal (Sri Varadaraja Perumal) of Kancheepuram were being explained by Sri Pillailokachar.

With great reverence Sri Nambi came to the conclusion that Sri Pillailokachar

was the Avathar of Perumal Perarulalan.

Sri Manarpakkam Nambi fell at the feet of Sri Pillailokachar and became

his devoted close syshya. Thus the

Kattu Azhagiyasinger Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal Koil had become the abode of the

great Acharyan Sri Pillailokachar for quite some time and was greatly assisted

by non other than Sri Manarpakkam Nambigal who got blessed directly by

Perulalaperumal of Kancheepuram. This incident was

referred to by Sri Manavala Mamunigal in his foreword to his viyakyanams on Sri

Vasana Bhooshanam written by Sri Pillailokachar. Sri Kattu

Azhagiyasinger Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal Koil Puranam: This temple is located

just 1½ k.m. from Srirangam Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple . Perumal Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar is about 8 ft. height and holding

Sri Mahalakshmi on HIS left sacred thigh.

History goes that the place was a big forest and wild elephants roamed

about the place causing hindrance to those living in nearby villages. Hence to drive away the wild elephants, Sri Kattu Azhagiyasinger Lakshmi

Narasimhan was installed (Pradishtai) in the place. During Vaikasi on

Narasimha Jayanthi, Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal receives Thailakappu and

sacred prasadams from Sri Ranganathaswamy Perumal Koil at Srirangam are offered

to the daity. On these days Arayar Sevai

(Arayars, wearing unique long red silk cap studded with gold zari, render with

melodious ragas the Divyaprabandams, dancing to the tune) would be performed in

the temple. On Vijayadasami

Perumal Sri Ranganathaswamy stays in this temple for the entire day at the

Vijayadasami Mandapam. In the evening

Perumal on Kudurai Vahanam (Golden Horse) send arrows towards the Vanni Tree

opposite to the Four Pillared Mandapam (aitheyam as Par Vettai) and then goes

back to Srirangam.

“Adiyen worship the Guruparampara

Beginning with Lord Lakshminathan

Having Nathamunigal and

Yamunaithuraivar in the middle

Ending with Adiyen’s Acharyaâ€

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan Ranga Madabushi




You are invited to view Ranga's photo album: Sri Kattazhagiyasingar Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal Koil - Srirangam










Sri Kattazhagiyasingar Lakshmi Narasimha Perumal Koil - Srirangam

Oct 9, 2008

by Ranga



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