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Sharanagati Deepika - 18

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Shriman Nigamanta Mahadeshikai: anugrihitam

Sharanagati Deepika


Shloka 18:

nimnonnatAni nikhilAni padAni gAdham majjanti te mahima sAgara shIkareShu |nIrandhram Ashrayasi nIchajanAn tathApi shIlena hanta! shishiropavaneshvara! tvam ||



shishira upavan Ishvara - O! Lord of Thiruththanka.shIkareShu - Within the small dropletste mahima sAgara - of Your ocean like majestynikhilAni padAni - all places,nimna unnatAni - small and great,gAdham - are wellmajjanti - submerged;tathA api - Even so,tvam - with YourshIlena - divine saushIlya quality,nIrandhram - without distinctionAshrayasi - You mix freelynIcha janAn - with even the lowliest beings;hanta! - Ah! (how amazing).


Vyakhyana Saram:

Previously, Swami Desikan spoke of His quality of protection.Appropriate to this quality is the quality of saushIlya - shIla and saushIlya are synonyms. This quality is defined as"mahato mantais saha nIrandhreNa samslesha:". A great personmixing with a lowly person is the quality of shIlam. Such aperson having that association without even being aware ofthat in his heart is the quality of saushIlyam.Such a greatness of the Lord is vast like an ocean. Nammazhvartoo called this quality as "kadal puraiyum sIlam". The wealthof Brahma, Rudra, the Dikbalas and the Devas are all within afew droplets of this ocean. To show the variegated nature ofall these beings, Vedanta Desikan uses the phrase 'nimna unnatAni'.In spite of being so great, He freely mixes with the lowliestof beings - such as a hunter, a monkey, Sabari, Kushela, et al.This is the quality of shIlam described in this


Vedanta Desikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam


Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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