Guest guest Posted November 7, 2008 Report Share Posted November 7, 2008 swami,do u have pba swamis thiruppavai vyakhyanam?if u do... please send it to adiyenthanking you,regards, adiyen ramanuja dasan ,narayanabhakthan --- On Fri, 7/11/08, B.. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002 wrote:B. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002Re: [sri ramanuja] Moksha Through Ramanuja Sambandha - 2ramanuja Date: Friday, 7 November, 2008, 9:46 AM SrI:SrI lOkAcharya kurave nama:Dear Swamin: adiyEn namaskArams: :Swamin used a sUtram from Sri VashaNa bhUshaNam asfollows:"Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam" It is the sUtram-110 from IrandAm prakaraNam says:"AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanam"actually it a continuation of the previous sUtrams.It says, a vilakshaNa Sri VaishaNava / bhAgavathA should be considered/treated as equivalent to his own AchArya, and he is greater (athikar) than own-self(thannilum) and bhagavAn(eeswaranil um)sUtram 109: athaavathu - AchAryathulyarenDRum samsArikaLilum thannilu meechvaranilum athikarenDRumninaikkai.For the above sUtram, the pramANam is the next sUtramsUtram 110: AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanam This says how can one consider a vilakshaNa Sri VaishNavaas his own AchArya (AchArya thulyar). This is, as said by AchArya's "Whenever you see /approach any Sri VaishNavAconsider / treat him as your own AchArya" - Sri VaishNavargaLaik kaNDAl nammai kaNDARpOlE kaaNum - AchArya vachanamThese sUtrams clearly says the SAmyam between a vilakshaNaSri VaishNava and an AchArya, and how one should treat a Sri VaishNava on par with his own AchArya.NOT a SAmyam between an AchArya and Bhagavan!Moreover, Swamin while proving had assumed that AchAryaand brahman is one and same. This is contradict to Sri VaishNava sidhdhAntha. AchArya is a role that could be taken by Eeswaran orJeevAtma. Out of three tattvams, except achith, both chith andeeswaran could assume the role of an AchArya. This role alonewouldn't bring the SAmyam between the AchArya and the Para Brahmam!Whoever is the AchArya, the ultimate one who has to grant mOksham is in the hands of Srimad Ramanujar - HENCE he is still celebrated as "UDAYAVAR" - the surname which wasgiven by none other than our beloved Lord Sri Renganatha himself.UDAYAVAR - the person who controls both nithya vibhUthiand Ubaya/leelA vibhUthiThe lord handed over the control of both nithya vibhUthiand leelA vibhUthi to our JagathAchAryar Srimath Ramanujar Hence, Ramanuja Sammandham is considered as auspiciousone for a Sri VaishNava to enter into mOksham and do kaimkaryamto bhagavan !!!The importance of Ramanuja Sammandham (not only for mOksham) could also be seen from the vaibhavam of Thiruk KurRungudi Nambee who became "VaishNava Nambee"after the sammandham with Srimad Ramanujar!Eventhough the Sri VaishNava sidhdhAntam exists fromanAthi kaalam, through yugAs, it is called as "EmperumAnAr DarshaNam" - again through the sammandham of Srimad Ramanujar!! Swamin, if there's any mistake, it's purely due tothe adiyEn's poor translation. adiyEn kshamikkaprArthikiREn.srimathE Ramanujaya nama:adiyEn,senthil.b On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Pattangi <pattangi (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: sri: srimathE rAmAnujAya namah Dear Devotees, Please accept adiyen's pranam: MOKSHAM THROUGH RAMANUJA SAMBANDHAM - Part 2 "Srimaan abhirabhoot bhoomau rAmAnuja divAkara:" Question 1 -- Does Veda mention rAmAnuja sambhandam? I will put forth the facts that leads us to the conclusion that: Yes, the Vedas mentions this fact. Obtain Moksham = Ramanuja Sambhandam. ------------ ------(1) . Vedas proclaim that one who has knowledge of Brahman, reaches Brahman(TamEvam Vidhwan Amrutha Iha Bhavathi); One who realizes Brahman, is equal to Brahman (Brahma veda, brahmaiva bhavati). Vedas also proclaim karma yoga helps cross this ocean of samsArA and Gyana yoga fetches moksham. (AvidyayA mrithusteerthvA Vidyaya amruthamashnuthE) . This proves that: Gyana fetches moksham ----------(2) . Vedas also proclaim - "Yo Brahmanam Vidhathathi poorvam", "Yovai vedAsya pratinothitasmai (One who graced Vedas to 4-headed brahma)", "Samhadeva Atmabudhi prasAdam", Mumukshurhavai sharanam aham prapadye" These statements prove that it is paramAtma that gives Gnanam. Therefore ultimately, it is parAmatma who gives Moksham ------------ -----(3). The same shastras that is the Vedas, says that Bhagavan, with hands full of books, incarnated as an AcharyA and with His devine grace uplifts the downtrodden( "Karunyath ShastrapAninA maghnan uddharate lokAn). Now, based on this if we assume that Acharya and Brahman is one and the same, it is easily proved that it is Arhcarya that gives MokshAnandam. "GururEva Parambrahma, GururEva Paragathi: GururEva Parayanam, Guru TasmAth Guru Tarau Bhakti yasmAth tha upadEshta sau thasmath gurutarau guru:". These statements imply that it is guru who gives absolute gnanam to perform karma and gnana yoga and eventually know ParamAtman. It is guru who should be treated as ParamAtman Himself. Pillai LokAchArya, an illustrious poorvachArya, in his work SriVachana Bhooshanam ("ornament of divine sayings"), says that Acharyan should be treated at par with Bhagavan(Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam). Bhagavan Himself says treat your Acharyan equal to Me (Mantre tad devatAyAmcha tatha mantraprategurau trishubhakti samAcharya sahip pratama sAdhanam). The foremost way (pratama sAdhanam) to reach moksha is to have devotion on all three, namely 1. Mantre(Thirumantram , Dvayam and Charamslokam) 2. the Lord explained in the Mantre 3. Guru who explains this Thirumantram to you. If you are a devoted of all the above then you are confirmed of mokshAnandam. Thus, even if we assume that AcharyA and Sriman Narayana are not the same, it is proven that Acharya Bhakti gives Gnanam and therefore fetches moksham -------(4). Now, who is this AcharyA? If we prove that this Acharya is none other than Srimad Ramanuja then we can say that it is Ramanuja sambhandam that fetches moksham. Feel free to pen your thoughts/ join the discussion. Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan, Mukundan Vangipuram Pattangi Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 7, 2008 Report Share Posted November 7, 2008 shri: Dear Shri narayanabhakthan swamin Adiyane is specializing in P.B.A Swamy Book. (Saving the literature for the future) please refer to Book name to download : Nithyaanusanthanam.pdf You will see thiruppavai Vyaakyaanam. narayana Bhakthan <narayanabhakthanramanuja Sent: Friday, November 7, 2008 5:36:50 AM[sri ramanuja] om namo narayanaya swami,do u have pba swamis thiruppavai vyakhyanam?if u do... please send it to adiyenthanking you,regards, adiyen ramanuja dasan ,narayanabhakthan --- On Fri, 7/11/08, B.. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002@> wrote: B. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002@>Re: [sri ramanuja] Moksha Through Ramanuja Sambandha - 2ramanuja@ s.comFriday, 7 November, 2008, 9:46 AM SrI:SrI lOkAcharya kurave nama:Dear Swamin: adiyEn namaskArams: :Swamin used a sUtram from Sri VashaNa bhUshaNam asfollows:"Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam"It is the sUtram-110 from IrandAm prakaraNam says:"AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanam"actually it a continuation of the previous sUtrams.It says, a vilakshaNa Sri VaishaNava / bhAgavathA should be considered/treated as equivalent to his own AchArya, and he is greater (athikar) than own-self(thannilum) and bhagavAn(eeswaranil um)sUtram 109: athaavathu - AchAryathulyarenDRum samsArikaLilum thannilu meechvaranilum athikarenDRumninaikkai.For the above sUtram, the pramANam is the next sUtramsUtram 110: AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanamThis says how can one consider a vilakshaNa Sri VaishNavaas his own AchArya (AchArya thulyar). This is, as said by AchArya's "Whenever you see /approach any Sri VaishNavAconsider / treat him as your own AchArya" - Sri VaishNavargaLaikkaNDAl nammai kaNDARpOlE kaaNum - AchArya vachanamThese sUtrams clearly says the SAmyam between a vilakshaNaSri VaishNava and an AchArya, and how one should treat a Sri VaishNava on par with his own AchArya.NOT a SAmyam between an AchArya and Bhagavan!Moreover, Swamin while proving had assumed that AchAryaand brahman is one and same. This is contradict to Sri VaishNavasidhdhAntha. AchArya is a role that could be taken by Eeswaran orJeevAtma. Out of three tattvams, except achith, both chith andeeswaran could assume the role of an AchArya. This role alonewouldn't bring the SAmyam between the AchArya and the Para Brahmam!Whoever is the AchArya, the ultimate one who has to grant mOksham is in the hands of Srimad Ramanujar - HENCE he is still celebrated as "UDAYAVAR" - the surname which wasgiven by none other than our beloved Lord Sri Renganathahimself.UDAYAVAR - the person who controls both nithya vibhUthiand Ubaya/leelA vibhUthiThe lord handed over the control of both nithya vibhUthiand leelA vibhUthi to our JagathAchAryar Srimath RamanujarHence, Ramanuja Sammandham is considered as auspiciousone for a Sri VaishNava to enter into mOksham and do kaimkaryamto bhagavan !!!The importance of Ramanuja Sammandham (not onlyfor mOksham) could also be seen from the vaibhavamof Thiruk KurRungudi Nambee who became "VaishNava Nambee"after the sammandham with Srimad Ramanujar!Eventhough the Sri VaishNava sidhdhAntam exists fromanAthi kaalam, through yugAs, it is called as "EmperumAnArDarshaNam" - again through the sammandham of Srimad Ramanujar!!Swamin, if there's any mistake, it's purely due tothe adiyEn's poor translation. adiyEn kshamikkaprArthikiREn.srimathE Ramanujaya nama:adiyEn,senthil.b On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Pattangi <pattangi (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: sri:srimathE rAmAnujAya namahDear Devotees, Please accept adiyen's pranam:MOKSHAM THROUGH RAMANUJA SAMBANDHAM - Part 2"Srimaan abhirabhoot bhoomau rAmAnuja divAkara:"Question 1 -- Does Veda mention rAmAnuja sambhandam?I will put forth the facts that leads us to the conclusion that: Yes,the Vedas mentions this fact.Obtain Moksham = Ramanuja Sambhandam. ------------ ------(1) .Vedas proclaim that one who has knowledge of Brahman, reachesBrahman(TamEvam Vidhwan Amrutha Iha Bhavathi);One who realizes Brahman, is equal to Brahman (Brahma veda, brahmaivabhavati). Vedas also proclaim karma yoga helps cross this ocean ofsamsArA and Gyana yoga fetches moksham. (AvidyayA mrithusteerthvAVidyaya amruthamashnuthE) .This proves that:Gyana fetches moksham ----------(2) .Vedas also proclaim - "Yo Brahmanam Vidhathathi poorvam", "Yovai vedAsyapratinothitasmai (One who graced Vedas to 4-headed brahma)", "SamhadevaAtmabudhi prasAdam", Mumukshurhavai sharanam aham prapadye" Thesestatements prove that it is paramAtma that gives Gnanam.Therefore ultimately, it isparAmatma who gives Moksham ------------ -----(3).The same shastras that is the Vedas, says that Bhagavan, with hands fullof books, incarnated as an AcharyA and with His devine grace uplifts thedowntrodden( "Karunyath ShastrapAninA maghnan uddharate lokAn). Now,based on this if we assume that Acharya and Brahman is one and the same,it is easily proved that it is Arhcarya that gives MokshAnandam."GururEva Parambrahma, GururEva Paragathi: GururEva Parayanam, GuruTasmAth Guru Tarau Bhakti yasmAth tha upadEshta sau thasmath gurutarauguru:". These statements imply that it is guru who gives absolutegnanam to perform karma and gnana yoga and eventually know ParamAtman.It is guru who should be treated as ParamAtman Himself. PillaiLokAchArya, an illustrious poorvachArya, in his work SriVachanaBhooshanam ("ornament of divine sayings"), says that Acharyan should betreated at par with Bhagavan(Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam).Bhagavan Himself says treat your Acharyan equal to Me (Mantre taddevatAyAmcha tatha mantraprategurau trishubhakti samAcharya sahippratama sAdhanam). The foremost way (pratama sAdhanam) to reach mokshais to have devotion on all three, namely1. Mantre(Thirumantram , Dvayam and Charamslokam)2. the Lord explained in the Mantre3. Guru who explains this Thirumantram to you.If you are a devoted of all the above then you are confirmed ofmokshAnandam. Thus, even if we assume that AcharyA and Sriman Narayanaare not the same, it is proven thatAcharya Bhakti gives Gnanam and therefore fetches moksham -------(4).Now, who is this AcharyA? If we prove that this Acharya is none otherthan Srimad Ramanuja then we can say that it is Ramanuja sambhandam thatfetches moksham.Feel free to pen your thoughts/ join the discussion.Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,Mukundan Vangipuram Pattangi Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger. Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 8, 2008 Report Share Posted November 8, 2008 thank you swami i will refer to it thank u very much nachiyar namperumal krupai nam iruvarkkum undaaguga thanking you,regards, adiyen ramanuja dasan ,narayanabhakthan --- On Fri, 7/11/08, PlokaChariar Sishyan <plokachariar_sishyan wrote:PlokaChariar Sishyan <plokachariar_sishyanRe: [sri ramanuja] om namo narayanayaramanuja Date: Friday, 7 November, 2008, 3:59 PM shri: Dear Shri narayanabhakthan swamin Adiyane is specializing in P.B.A Swamy Book. (Saving the literature for the future) please refer to www.maransdog. com/document/ Book name to download : Nithyaanusanthanam. pdf You will see thiruppavai Vyaakyaanam. narayana Bhakthan <narayanabhakthan@ .in>ramanuja@ s.comFriday, November 7, 2008 5:36:50 AM[sri ramanuja] om namo narayanaya swami,do u have pba swamis thiruppavai vyakhyanam?if u do... please send it to adiyenthanking you,regards, adiyen ramanuja dasan ,narayanabhakthan --- On Fri, 7/11/08, B.. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002@> wrote: B. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002@>Re: [sri ramanuja] Moksha Through Ramanuja Sambandha - 2ramanuja@ s.comFriday, 7 November, 2008, 9:46 AM SrI:SrI lOkAcharya kurave nama:Dear Swamin: adiyEn namaskArams: :Swamin used a sUtram from Sri VashaNa bhUshaNam asfollows:"Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam"It is the sUtram-110 from IrandAm prakaraNam says:"AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanam"actually it a continuation of the previous sUtrams.It says, a vilakshaNa Sri VaishaNava / bhAgavathA should be considered/treated as equivalent to his own AchArya, and he is greater (athikar) than own-self(thannilum) and bhagavAn(eeswaranil um)sUtram 109: athaavathu - AchAryathulyarenDRum samsArikaLilum thannilu meechvaranilum athikarenDRumninaikkai.For the above sUtram, the pramANam is the next sUtramsUtram 110: AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanamThis says how can one consider a vilakshaNa Sri VaishNavaas his own AchArya (AchArya thulyar). This is, as said by AchArya's "Whenever you see /approach any Sri VaishNavAconsider / treat him as your own AchArya" - Sri VaishNavargaLaikkaNDAl nammai kaNDARpOlE kaaNum - AchArya vachanamThese sUtrams clearly says the SAmyam between a vilakshaNaSri VaishNava and an AchArya, and how one should treat a Sri VaishNava on par with his own AchArya.NOT a SAmyam between an AchArya and Bhagavan!Moreover, Swamin while proving had assumed that AchAryaand brahman is one and same. This is contradict to Sri VaishNavasidhdhAntha. AchArya is a role that could be taken by Eeswaran orJeevAtma. Out of three tattvams, except achith, both chith andeeswaran could assume the role of an AchArya. This role alonewouldn't bring the SAmyam between the AchArya and the Para Brahmam!Whoever is the AchArya, the ultimate one who has to grant mOksham is in the hands of Srimad Ramanujar - HENCE he is still celebrated as "UDAYAVAR" - the surname which wasgiven by none other than our beloved Lord Sri Renganathahimself.UDAYAVAR - the person who controls both nithya vibhUthiand Ubaya/leelA vibhUthiThe lord handed over the control of both nithya vibhUthiand leelA vibhUthi to our JagathAchAryar Srimath RamanujarHence, Ramanuja Sammandham is considered as auspiciousone for a Sri VaishNava to enter into mOksham and do kaimkaryamto bhagavan !!!The importance of Ramanuja Sammandham (not onlyfor mOksham) could also be seen from the vaibhavamof Thiruk KurRungudi Nambee who became "VaishNava Nambee"after the sammandham with Srimad Ramanujar!Eventhough the Sri VaishNava sidhdhAntam exists fromanAthi kaalam, through yugAs, it is called as "EmperumAnArDarshaNam" - again through the sammandham of Srimad Ramanujar!!Swamin, if there's any mistake, it's purely due tothe adiyEn's poor translation. adiyEn kshamikkaprArthikiREn.srimathE Ramanujaya nama:adiyEn,senthil.b On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Pattangi <pattangi (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: sri:srimathE rAmAnujAya namahDear Devotees, Please accept adiyen's pranam:MOKSHAM THROUGH RAMANUJA SAMBANDHAM - Part 2"Srimaan abhirabhoot bhoomau rAmAnuja divAkara:"Question 1 -- Does Veda mention rAmAnuja sambhandam?I will put forth the facts that leads us to the conclusion that: Yes,the Vedas mentions this fact.Obtain Moksham = Ramanuja Sambhandam. ------------ ------(1) .Vedas proclaim that one who has knowledge of Brahman, reachesBrahman(TamEvam Vidhwan Amrutha Iha Bhavathi);One who realizes Brahman, is equal to Brahman (Brahma veda, brahmaivabhavati). Vedas also proclaim karma yoga helps cross this ocean ofsamsArA and Gyana yoga fetches moksham. (AvidyayA mrithusteerthvAVidyaya amruthamashnuthE) .This proves that:Gyana fetches moksham ----------(2) .Vedas also proclaim - "Yo Brahmanam Vidhathathi poorvam", "Yovai vedAsyapratinothitasmai (One who graced Vedas to 4-headed brahma)", "SamhadevaAtmabudhi prasAdam", Mumukshurhavai sharanam aham prapadye" Thesestatements prove that it is paramAtma that gives Gnanam.Therefore ultimately, it isparAmatma who gives Moksham ------------ -----(3).The same shastras that is the Vedas, says that Bhagavan, with hands fullof books, incarnated as an AcharyA and with His devine grace uplifts thedowntrodden( "Karunyath ShastrapAninA maghnan uddharate lokAn). Now,based on this if we assume that Acharya and Brahman is one and the same,it is easily proved that it is Arhcarya that gives MokshAnandam."GururEva Parambrahma, GururEva Paragathi: GururEva Parayanam, GuruTasmAth Guru Tarau Bhakti yasmAth tha upadEshta sau thasmath gurutarauguru:". These statements imply that it is guru who gives absolutegnanam to perform karma and gnana yoga and eventually know ParamAtman.It is guru who should be treated as ParamAtman Himself. PillaiLokAchArya, an illustrious poorvachArya, in his work SriVachanaBhooshanam ("ornament of divine sayings"), says that Acharyan should betreated at par with Bhagavan(Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam).Bhagavan Himself says treat your Acharyan equal to Me (Mantre taddevatAyAmcha tatha mantraprategurau trishubhakti samAcharya sahippratama sAdhanam). The foremost way (pratama sAdhanam) to reach mokshais to have devotion on all three, namely1. Mantre(Thirumantram , Dvayam and Charamslokam)2. the Lord explained in the Mantre3. Guru who explains this Thirumantram to you.If you are a devoted of all the above then you are confirmed ofmokshAnandam. Thus, even if we assume that AcharyA and Sriman Narayanaare not the same, it is proven thatAcharya Bhakti gives Gnanam and therefore fetches moksham -------(4).Now, who is this AcharyA? If we prove that this Acharya is none otherthan Srimad Ramanuja then we can say that it is Ramanuja sambhandam thatfetches moksham.Feel free to pen your thoughts/ join the discussion.Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,Mukundan Vangipuram Pattangi Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger. Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 10, 2008 Report Share Posted November 10, 2008 I used to watch the programme of Bhagavat Geeta discourse by Sri Velukudi swamin telecast on Podigai Channel posted by Sri TV Gopalakrishnan on website. But this week i don't find this programme uploaded on this website.I will be grateful if any one can tell me if there is any other web site in which i can watch this programme. Thanks Radha Narayanan PlokaChariar Sishyan <plokachariar_sishyanramanuja Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2008 2:59:57 AMRe: [sri ramanuja] om namo narayanaya shri: Dear Shri narayanabhakthan swamin Adiyane is specializing in P.B.A Swamy Book. (Saving the literature for the future) please refer to www.maransdog. com/document/ Book name to download : Nithyaanusanthanam. pdf You will see thiruppavai Vyaakyaanam. narayana Bhakthan <narayanabhakthan@ .in>ramanuja@ s.comFriday, November 7, 2008 5:36:50 AM[sri ramanuja] om namo narayanaya swami,do u have pba swamis thiruppavai vyakhyanam?if u do... please send it to adiyenthanking you,regards, adiyen ramanuja dasan ,narayanabhakthan --- On Fri, 7/11/08, B.. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002@> wrote: B. Senthil Kumar <b.senthil2002@>Re: [sri ramanuja] Moksha Through Ramanuja Sambandha - 2ramanuja@ s.comFriday, 7 November, 2008, 9:46 AM SrI:SrI lOkAcharya kurave nama:Dear Swamin: adiyEn namaskArams: :Swamin used a sUtram from Sri VashaNa bhUshaNam asfollows:"Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam"It is the sUtram-110 from IrandAm prakaraNam says:"AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanam"actually it a continuation of the previous sUtrams.It says, a vilakshaNa Sri VaishaNava / bhAgavathA should be considered/treated as equivalent to his own AchArya, and he is greater (athikar) than own-self(thannilum) and bhagavAn(eeswaranil um)sUtram 109: athaavathu - AchAryathulyarenDRum samsArikaLilum thannilu meechvaranilum athikarenDRumninaikkai.For the above sUtram, the pramANam is the next sUtramsUtram 110: AchArya SAmyathukkaDi AchArya vachanamThis says how can one consider a vilakshaNa Sri VaishNavaas his own AchArya (AchArya thulyar). This is, as said by AchArya's "Whenever you see /approach any Sri VaishNavAconsider / treat him as your own AchArya" - Sri VaishNavargaLaikkaNDAl nammai kaNDARpOlE kaaNum - AchArya vachanamThese sUtrams clearly says the SAmyam between a vilakshaNaSri VaishNava and an AchArya, and how one should treat a Sri VaishNava on par with his own AchArya.NOT a SAmyam between an AchArya and Bhagavan!Moreover, Swamin while proving had assumed that AchAryaand brahman is one and same. This is contradict to Sri VaishNavasidhdhAntha. AchArya is a role that could be taken by Eeswaran orJeevAtma. Out of three tattvams, except achith, both chith andeeswaran could assume the role of an AchArya. This role alonewouldn't bring the SAmyam between the AchArya and the Para Brahmam!Whoever is the AchArya, the ultimate one who has to grant mOksham is in the hands of Srimad Ramanujar - HENCE he is still celebrated as "UDAYAVAR" - the surname which wasgiven by none other than our beloved Lord Sri Renganathahimself.UDAYAVAR - the person who controls both nithya vibhUthiand Ubaya/leelA vibhUthiThe lord handed over the control of both nithya vibhUthiand leelA vibhUthi to our JagathAchAryar Srimath RamanujarHence, Ramanuja Sammandham is considered as auspiciousone for a Sri VaishNava to enter into mOksham and do kaimkaryamto bhagavan !!!The importance of Ramanuja Sammandham (not onlyfor mOksham) could also be seen from the vaibhavamof Thiruk KurRungudi Nambee who became "VaishNava Nambee"after the sammandham with Srimad Ramanujar!Eventhough the Sri VaishNava sidhdhAntam exists fromanAthi kaalam, through yugAs, it is called as "EmperumAnArDarshaNam" - again through the sammandham of Srimad Ramanujar!!Swamin, if there's any mistake, it's purely due tothe adiyEn's poor translation. adiyEn kshamikkaprArthikiREn.srimathE Ramanujaya nama:adiyEn,senthil.b On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Pattangi <pattangi (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: sri:srimathE rAmAnujAya namahDear Devotees, Please accept adiyen's pranam:MOKSHAM THROUGH RAMANUJA SAMBANDHAM - Part 2"Srimaan abhirabhoot bhoomau rAmAnuja divAkara:"Question 1 -- Does Veda mention rAmAnuja sambhandam?I will put forth the facts that leads us to the conclusion that: Yes,the Vedas mentions this fact.Obtain Moksham = Ramanuja Sambhandam. ------------ ------(1) .Vedas proclaim that one who has knowledge of Brahman, reachesBrahman(TamEvam Vidhwan Amrutha Iha Bhavathi);One who realizes Brahman, is equal to Brahman (Brahma veda, brahmaivabhavati). Vedas also proclaim karma yoga helps cross this ocean ofsamsArA and Gyana yoga fetches moksham. (AvidyayA mrithusteerthvAVidyaya amruthamashnuthE) .This proves that:Gyana fetches moksham ----------(2) .Vedas also proclaim - "Yo Brahmanam Vidhathathi poorvam", "Yovai vedAsyapratinothitasmai (One who graced Vedas to 4-headed brahma)", "SamhadevaAtmabudhi prasAdam", Mumukshurhavai sharanam aham prapadye" Thesestatements prove that it is paramAtma that gives Gnanam.Therefore ultimately, it isparAmatma who gives Moksham ------------ -----(3).The same shastras that is the Vedas, says that Bhagavan, with hands fullof books, incarnated as an AcharyA and with His devine grace uplifts thedowntrodden( "Karunyath ShastrapAninA maghnan uddharate lokAn). Now,based on this if we assume that Acharya and Brahman is one and the same,it is easily proved that it is Arhcarya that gives MokshAnandam."GururEva Parambrahma, GururEva Paragathi: GururEva Parayanam, GuruTasmAth Guru Tarau Bhakti yasmAth tha upadEshta sau thasmath gurutarauguru:". These statements imply that it is guru who gives absolutegnanam to perform karma and gnana yoga and eventually know ParamAtman.It is guru who should be treated as ParamAtman Himself. PillaiLokAchArya, an illustrious poorvachArya, in his work SriVachanaBhooshanam ("ornament of divine sayings"), says that Acharyan should betreated at par with Bhagavan(Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam).Bhagavan Himself says treat your Acharyan equal to Me (Mantre taddevatAyAmcha tatha mantraprategurau trishubhakti samAcharya sahippratama sAdhanam). The foremost way (pratama sAdhanam) to reach mokshais to have devotion on all three, namely1. Mantre(Thirumantram , Dvayam and Charamslokam)2. the Lord explained in the Mantre3. Guru who explains this Thirumantram to you.If you are a devoted of all the above then you are confirmed ofmokshAnandam. Thus, even if we assume that AcharyA and Sriman Narayanaare not the same, it is proven thatAcharya Bhakti gives Gnanam and therefore fetches moksham -------(4).Now, who is this AcharyA? If we prove that this Acharya is none otherthan Srimad Ramanuja then we can say that it is Ramanuja sambhandam thatfetches moksham.Feel free to pen your thoughts/ join the discussion.Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,Mukundan Vangipuram Pattangi Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger. Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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