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Vaishnavite pilgrimage to Pandharipuram & heritage vaishnava temples of Maharashtra

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Dear Moderator,


Kinldy post this e mail to the group,I want to share , a comfortable vaishnavite pilgrimage trip to Vaishnavite temples like , Pandharipuram (vittala), Kolhapur (Mahalakshmi), Vistit to Alandi (samadhi of Vaishnavite Saint Dyneshwara), Dehu (birth place of vaishnavite saint Tukaram), Nasik Sree Ramamandir & Panchwati.


The trip promises a personal attendence & care for senior citizens, hygenic accomodation , timely refreshment, homely food & planned spaced touring is the silent future of this pilgrimage.


with Best Regards.


for details & further enquiries.

Kindly contact beena_manthalkar

cell No 9367797347

(this is a Chennai Number people from other states prefix 0)


If the below text is not readible or photograps are not visible please open the attachment.


Vasantkamal Mystic Tours & Holidays.

(div of Hotel Srikamal International solapur)



Presents Pilgrimage to Pandharipuram (vittala), Kolhapur (Mahalakshmi), Vistit to Alandi (samadhi of Vaishnavite Saint Dyaneshwara), Dehu (birth place of vaishnavite saint Tukaram), Nasik Sree Ramamandir & Panchwati (Sita Gumpha).

Our tours are emphatically different keeping in mind the health of senior citizens who mostly suffer from sugar and heart ailments. We provide timely refreshment &


planned spaced tours to avoid long journey hours. We care to nurture you better.




This is a little of detailed history, bibologrphy & importance of Vaishnavite pilgrimage heritage in Maharashtra which we have tried to add it for your reference.


.. VITTHALA- RUKMINI Devasthana Sree Khetra Pandharpur.


I would jut like to put forth the story of Pandharipuram the place named after Lord Panduranga Vitthalla. Once it so happened that Vitthalla was immensely pleased at the sincere un-conditional Bhakti of his devotee named Pundalika who resided in Pandharpur.

Sree Hari Vitthalla decided to go one earth from Vaikumtham and visit Bhakta Pundalika. When Vitthalla came to Bhakta Pundalika’s house he called Pundalika out from his home so that he would meet him. Pundalika at that time was offering service to his old parents and they were resting on Pundalikas lap. Pundalika answered vitthalla that he would have to wait as he din’t want to disturb his parents sleep. Since Pundalika could not even offer any seat to Sree Hari Vitthalla he just threw a brick out at Vitthalla and asked him to stand on the brick while he would come. Vitthala was overjoyed by the service of Pudalika to his parents he smilingly stood on the brick log and decided to stand on the same

BRICK LOG so that he could give darshana to all his bhaktas & thus happened to be pandurangas Pamdhripuram the name of the place. Even today before the Name of Vitthalla is chanted, Pundalikas name is chanted First as PUNDALIK HARI VITTHALA. Unlike other Vaishnava temples where Acharam or Madi is been immensely followed at Pamdharipuram it all happens to stay at bay may be Vitthalla would come to his bhaktas so close that any person he or she can touch their forehead deep at the lotus feets of Hari Vitthalla. How sweet of Vitthalla ! What closeness…what a solace to our heart…where could we get this joy! What an ocean of joy to touch his heavenly feets and seek Moksham. The music sung in Pandharipuram is quite very different it would make any one wonder that unlike

any basic music training that one undergoes for carnatic music this music in Pandharipuram is made out of small Marathi hyms into melodious songs…these are called Abhangas. One Abghanga goes like Vitthala chya Payi Veetha (brick) zhale bhgyavant, (i.e by the grace of sree hari Vitthalla’s feet… the bricks have become immortally lucky). Many such abghangas have been composed by Saint Tukaramm, Dynadeva, Janabai etc. They are all generally sung in Adi Taalam but something very enchanting about these Abhangas is that though not being a complex tone it sounds as fresh like carnatic music. So you can visit Pandaripuram at least once in a life time and seek the heavenly grace of Lord Vitthalla…

Temple of Pandharipuram (PANDHARPUR) , is also considered as the SOUTH KASHI. In this temple, it is felt that Vitthala comes so close to his bhaktas that any person can touch their forehead to the lotus feet of Sri Hari. Vitthala. sweet Vitthala ! What closeness… what a solace to our heart…where could we get this joy! What an ocean of joy to touch His heavenly feet and seek Moksham





Kolhapur Mahalakshmi Temple.


Shri Mahalakshmi is the consort of Shri Vishnu and it is said that both reside in the Karveer area eternally (Kolhapur)


The architectural structure of the temple, shows that it may have been built during the Chalukya reign i.e. around 600 to 700 A.D.

DESCRIPTION OF THE STATUEThe idol of the goddess is made of gemstone. It weighs about 40 kilos. A stone lion stands behind the statue. The goddess has four limbs. The head has a crown and the Sheshnag (the mythical serpent of Shri Vishnu)is on it.

According to the Karavira Mahatmya Sree Vishnu resides in the form of Mahalakshmi at Kolhapur. Legend has it that Kolhasura, a demon that tormented the Gods and other beings, was destroyed by Mahalakshmi here at Karavira, and that the spot of his death became a thirtha and that she took abode here in a shrine which constitutes the temple today. The goddess of power takes its name from Mahalakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, and it is believed that the divine couple reside in the area. The residence of GODESS MAHALAKSHMI or NARAYANI the wife of Lord Vishnu. Her Shant avatara & beautifully decorated alankara leaven one enchanted by her beauty & she blesses ever one with abundant prosperity. The rays of the setting Sun bow to the feets of Godess Mahalakshmi


Sant TUKARAM 1608-1649

Visiit to Dehu

Dehu is a place of Sant Tukaram - well known sant in Maharashtra. He lived here and taught people how to pray to god. Born in 1608 he and Sant Dnyaneshwar were the popular sants and both worshiped Lord Vitthal.

Sant Tularama wrote more than 5000 abhangas in the Praise of Sri Hari Vitthala, Tukaram performed many miracles during his lifetime. He fed a multitude of people eventhough he only cooked for one. He turned iron into gold on more than one occasion. He made the dumb speak and brought the dead back to life. He changed the water in a well from brackish to sweet, instantly calmed a very vicious dog, and once while at the home of an elderly brahmin couple, made lamp oil appear out of thin air.

Yet, he was no magician. His total devotion to Pandurang was the force behind these amazing feats. Tuka's wife hated Pandurang because she considered Him, the object of Tuka's overwhelming devotion, to be the reason Tuka was unable to work and support his family in a proper way. One day, she got a thorn in her foot, while Tuka was away in the mountains. Krishna appeared to her in all His splendor. He was dark complexioned, very beautiful with His lotus eyes, slender waist and yellow garment. His brilliant crown was studded with colorful jewels. He had beautiful earrings that reflected the sun as He moved. Around His neck were the Vaijayanti garland and the Kaustubha jewel. The tiny bells and vankis that He wore on His feet made

sweet, tinkling sounds. As soon as she saw Him, Avali said to herself, "What is this damn guy doing here!? He made my husband crazy. All the problems in my domestic life are His fault! He probably just came here to laugh at me." So, she turned her head. But Pandhari was there. She looked away, in every direction, but no matter where she looked He was there. She closed her eyes, and He was there, too. "Why is He persecuting me?" she thought to herself. Krishna understood her mind, and assured her He had nothing to do with her problems. Pandurang explained that He was in the same condition she was in, always chasing after Tuka. "You didn't have food, so I created an abundant harvest. But, Tuka didn't take it. How is that any fault of Mine?" Saying this, Pandhari picked Avali up, and

put her on His lap. Then He painlesly removed the thorn from her foot, looked at her in a compassionate way, and she forgot all her worldly troubles. After some time, the two of them went off to the mountains to find Tuka. Avali wanted to bring him some food. When Tuka looked up and saw Avali with Pandurang walking a few steps behind her, he felt as if he were seeing day and night together. When they drew near, Tuka grabbed Krishna's feet, and was overcome by all emotions at once. Then, the three of them sat down together in silence.

When it came time for Tuka to leave this earth, he did so in an extraordinary way. With both human beings and the denizens of heaven looking on, he got onto the Pushpak chariot and left this world in a flash of light. His body had become transformed, and Tukaram joined the ranks of the immortal.

http://video.filestube.com/video,ae36d7cc6007965303e9.html this is a clip on internet which you can watch on clicking the same- where the Garuda Vahana come to receive Tukarama & Tuke gives his last valuable discourse to Bhagvatas.

Visit to Alandi


Sant Dyneshwar was just 14 years old when he took samadi, at a very yound age he translated to Bgagwat Geeta into Marathi called as “Dynaneshwarâ€i-


Dyneshwar Maharaj had a elder brother Nivruti, younget brother Sopan and the youngest sitar called Muktabai, all for brothers had outstading devotion to Lord Krishna right from their childhood.

Their father Vitthala entered into Sanyas Ashram at a very younger age and became a disciple of a swami called Ramananda, the swai did accept Vitthal as his student and initiated him into the sanyasashram.

Ramananda Swami later set out on a pilgrimage to southern India and came to Alandi where he happened to see Rukmini to whom he granted the boon "ashta putra saubhagyavati bhava" (may you be blessed with 8 sons). After being blessed by the holy man, Rukmini broke down and told him about her past. After listening carefully he was convinced that his student Vitthal was the husband of Rukmini who abandoned her without performing his duties in the "grihastashram". So he returned to Kashi and queried Vitthal about his past again. Upon learning the truth, he ordered Vitthal to return home to his family.

Vitthal returned to his wife in Alandi. The couple was excommunicated from the brahmin caste as Vitthal had broken the law of accepting grihasthashram after sanyasashram which, was not allowed since the latter was considered the last of the four ashrams. Four children were born to the couple: Nivrutti in 1273, Dnyandev (Dnyaneshwar) in 1275, Sopan in 1277 and daughter Mukta in 1279. According to some scholars their birth years are 1268, 1271, 1274, 1277 respectively.

Dynaneshwaras Early Life.

Vitthal tried to persuade the brahmins to accept his children into the caste but he failed. The brahmins in Paithan ordered Vitthal and Rukmini to wilfully end their lives as a punishment. They accepted the punishment. Meanwhile the couple set out on a pilgrimage with their children to Tryambakeshwar (near Nashik, Maharashtra]] where their elder son Nivrutti (at the age of 10) was initiated in to the Nath tradition by Gahininath. Nivrutti later became the teacher of Dnyaneshwar (at the age of 8), Sopan, Mukta and initiated them in to the Nath tradition.

It is believed that later Vitthal and Rukmini ended their lives by jumping into the waters at Prayag where the river Ganga meets Yamuna hoping that their children would be accepted into the society after their death.

The orphaned children somehow grew up begging for dry alms from sympathetic people which they would cook and eat. In the course of time they too approached the brahmin community of Paithan to accept them in society after whatever purification rites were necessary but the brahmin community refused. According to some scholars the children were purified by the brahmins on the condition of observing celibacy. But, the authority of the documents

(especially the so-called "shuddhi patra") provided itself is disputed. The children stayed in Paithan for a couple of years after their argument with the brahmins earned them fame and respect from the society due to their righteousness, virtue, intelligence, knowledge and politeness.

Dynaeshwra at once realised that the true meaning of devotion, religion & faith was really not understood by mankind to its fullest & & hence we dicided to preach the true doctrine of Bhagvat Geeta into a more simple form in Marathi & wrote the “Dyaneshwari†Granth a a very tender age.


visiting the Ram Mandir of Nasik

Sree Rama Mandir Panchwati,


Panchwati is the scared place where Sree Rama, Seethai & Lakshmana lived here in their exile, Kalaram Mandir, one of the major attractions of the Nashik, is situated in the Panchavati area of the city. It is the biggest as well as the simplest amongst all the temples situated here and dates back to the year 1790, when it was constructed by Sardar Odhekar of Peshwa. The temple is dedicated to Lord Rama, who has been enshrined inside the sanctum sanctorum in the form of a decked black stone idol. Since the image of the Lord is in black color, the temple came to be known as Kala Ram Temple

(meaning the temple of the black Rama)Besides the idol of Lord Rama, are those of Sita Mata and Lord Lakshmana, both of them sandy black and adorned with ornaments. The temple has been constructed completely out of black stones and four entrance doors, one each facing East, West, South and North. The summit of the Kalaram Mandir is made up of 32 tons of gold. Earlier, Harijans were not allowed inside the temple. It was only in the year 1930, after the Satyagraha of Dr. Ambedkar, that Harijans were allowed to enter its premises. Surrounding the building of the Kalaram Mandir is a walled enclosed, which comprises of 96 pillars. The enclosure is entered from the eastern side, through an arched portal. The stones used in the construction of the temple were brought from Ramshej. 23 lakh rupees and efforts of 2000 workers went into the construction of the temple, which took approximately 12 years. Kalaram Temple is around 70 feet high and has a gold-plated peak. Situated near the sanctum sanctorum is Sita gumpha (cave).

Panchwati Trees

It is the cave where Sita Mata is believed to have resided during her exile and comprises of a grove of large Banyan trees nearby. The temple is said to be quite similar in its appearance to the Trimbakeshwar Temple and has temples dedicated to Lord Vithala, Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman, surrounding its complex. The festivals of Ramnavami, Dussehra and

Chaitra Padwa (Hindu new year day) are celebrated with much fanfare at the temple. During this time, Kala Ram Mandir is practically thronged by devotees, who come to catch a glimpse of the Lord. it is from this place that Ravana fled with Seeta in his pushpak viman, even till date the age old trees (5 Trees of WAD (knows as VATI), Panch means PAACH (FIVE) and VATI means The tree of BANAYAN (WAD). Hence The name PANCHWATIlive in the arena of the temple.



Sita Gumpha

In Panchavati today, there are five trees marked, one of which is an Ashoka tree, however. There is also a cave here called Sita Gumpha. Sita, Ram and Lakshman prayed here to Lord Shiva. The ancient Shivalinga still exists in the small temple in the cave and is visited by devotees.

The famous Laxman Rekha is located in Panchavati about a kilometre away from Sita Gumpha. It was from here that Ravana abducted Goddess Sita. Today this area is a major pilgrimage and tourist attraction.



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