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Srimathe Ramanujayanama:Adiyen had the bhagyam to have divya seva at Sri Varadaraja Perumal koil, Kancheepuram and

also had the bhagyam to visit the Thirumaligai of Sri P.B.A. Swami. Adiyen is happy to present below the Glory of Sri Thirukatchi Nambigal who was with Sri Varadaraja Perumal throughout his life time.



The Glory of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi When Sri Thirukatchi Nambi was

living in Poovirundavalli (a suburb of Chennai now known as Poonthamalli), Sri

Varadaraja Perumal of Kanchipuram came in his dreams and instructed him to

proceed to Kanchipuram and do pushpa Kainkaryam to HIM. HE also showed Nambi how to reach HIS

place. According to the wishes of

Perumal Sri Thirukatchi Nambi created a Nandavanam in Poovirundavalli, spending

all his wealth bequeathed from his father Sri Veeraraghava Chettiyar. The place

was renamed as Poovirunthavalli (abound of flowers) on the basis of the

beautiful nandavanam (Garden of flowers) created by Sri Nambi. He used to make garlands out of the flowers

from the garden daily and went by walk all the way to Kanchipuram and offered

them to Perumal. On seeing the tired

Nambigal while doing his pushpa kankaryam, Perarulala Perumal took pity on him

and instructed him to stay in Kanchipuram itself and do alavatta (Fan made of

palm leaves covered with silk cloth) kainkaryam to cool HIM down of the heat as

Perumal came out of the sacred Fire. Thereafter Sri Nambigal was regularly

doing Alavatta kaingaryam to Perumal and with great devotion, meticulously took

great care of HIM. Perumal Devathirajan was very happy of HIS ardent devotee

and decided to come out of HIS Archai posture (a prathista swaroopa of the

Sacred Form) to have conversation with Sri Thirukatchi Nambi side by side every

day. As ordered by Perarulalaperumal Sri Nambi

got Panja Samskaram (five

regulations followed to be a true Srivaishnavan, viz. (1) to have

*Samacharayanam by Acharya (2) to have

Thiruman (3) to get self surrendered to Iswar (4) to get (through Acharya) the three

sacred Mantras (5) to worship Bhagavan daily with bakthi) One day when Sri Thirukatchi Nambi was conversing

with Perumal he asked HIM when he will get Moksha. Perumal replied that he would get Moksha when

he gets the Baghavatha Abimanam (to get the influence of an Acharya by doing

kaingaryam to him). Sri Thirukatchi Nambi decided to get

Baghavatha Abimanam from Sri Thirukotiyur Nambigal who was living in

Srirangam. But he could not straight

away request Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi to have him as his syshya. He first disguised himself as a cow keeper and

started working in the Ashramam of Sri Thirukotiyr Nambi. Sri Thirukatchi Nambi adopted a unique method

to attract Sri Thirukottiyur Nambi’s attention. _________________________________ * to have the sacred seal of the

Chakra (Wheel) and the sacred seal of Sangu (Conch) on the upper portion of

either hand down the shoulder by one’s Acharya) _________________________________ One day Sri Tirukotiyur Nambi noticed that

Sri Thirukatchi Nambi had not returned to the

Ashramam with the cow. It was

raining at that time. Therefore Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi went in search of his

cow keeper. He found Sri Thirukatchi

Nambi in bare body lying on his cloths spread on the cow. When Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi asked

the cow keeper why he was doing like that, Sri Thirukatchi Nambi told him that if the cow was drenched it would

suffer from cold and if Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi drank the milk he would also

catch cold. Therefore he was protecting the cow from the rain in order to save

his master. On reaching the Ashram, Sri

Thirukotiyur Nambi very much impressed by the reverence shown towards him of

the cow keeper, offered him food. On

successfully getting the abimanam of Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi, the cow keeper

revealed that he was none other than Sri Thirukatchi Nambi and told him

about the purpose of his visit.

There were innumerable incidents when Sri Perarulalaperumal came to the

rescue of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi. One day

the Rathna Haram (The Sacred Diamond Necklace) of Perumal was missing. When the King asked the Archakas how the

necklace was missing, they told the king that Sri Thirukatchi Nambi only was

always with Perumal and he is responsible for the missing necklace. The King arrested

Sri Thirukatchi Nambi as he could not give any explanation. After 7 ½ hours,

Perumal came in the dreams of the King and informed him that HE only kept the

necklace hidden for 7 ½ hours in order to reduce the 7 ½ years of Sani Dasai which gripped Sri

Thirukatchi Nambigal. The King realizing

the attachment and closeness of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi with Perarulalaperumal,

released him immediately. Thirukatchi Nambi rushed to

Devaperumal sannadhi and fell at HIS lotus feet and outpoured his heart with

tears of mystic feeling rendered the famous, auspicious prabandham “Devarajashtagamâ€

in praise of Sri Varadaraja Perumal.

Before Sri Ramanuja took sanyasam, he was called Ilayazhwar. Sri Ilayazwar used to get all his doubts

cleared by Perarulalaperumal through Sri Thirukatchi Nambi as he used to have

conversation with Perumal directly. Once

Sri Ilayazhwar was upset and

sought the help of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi to get the matters solved which were churning his mind. When Sri Thirukatchi Nambi told Perumal about

Sri Ilayazwar’s predicament, Perumal asked Sri Nambi to convey the following

six words to Sri Ilayazhwar: (1)


am the Paratathvam (I am Paramathma (Supreme Being) (2) The individual souls are different from Paramaatma (Chith, Achith and Iswara/Paramathma)

(3) The solution is Saranagathi (to attain salvation


surrender at my feet) (4) No need for last remembrance (about ME)

when the soul is departing (5) Moksha

at the

last stage of body (Moksha can be obtained only on laying off mortal

body) (6) Seek refuge at the feet of Periya Nambi (Get the

Panchasamaskarathigal* from

Sri Periya




Sri Ilayarzhwar was very happy as he was having the same

thoughts and Perumal confirmed them through Sri Thirukatchi Nambi.


Sri Thirukatchi Nambi lived for many

more years doing alavatta kaingaryam to Perarulalaperumal and continued to have

personal kataksham from Sri Varadaraja Perumal.

In view of this our elder learned scholars say that Sri Thirukatchi Nambi

had his Prathista Swaroopa (Archa Thirumeni) installed in Poovirundavalli even

when he was alive.Perundevi Thayar sametha Perarulalan thiruvadigale sharanamAdiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi





You are invited to view Chandra's photo album: Kanchipuram - Sri Varadaraja Perumal Koil and Sri P.B.A. Swamy Thirumaligai










Kanchipuram - Sri Varadaraja Perumal Koil and Sri P.B.A. Swamy Thirumaligai

Feb 16, 2009

by Chandra



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Dear Padbhanaban Swamin,This is the edited text which Adiyen wanted to post to the group pleaseAdiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi----- Forwarded Message ----Ranga Madabushi <mithila3ramanuja Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:12:02Fw: Invitation to view Chandra's Picasa Web Album - Kanchipuram - Sri Varadaraja Perumal Koil and Sri P.B.A. Swamy ThirumaligaiSrimathe Ramanujayanama:Adiyen had the bhagyam to have divya seva at Sri Varadaraja Perumal koil, Kancheepuram and

also had the bhagyam to visit the Thirumaligai of Sri P.B.A. Swami. Adiyen is happy to present below the Glory of Sri Thirukatchi Nambigal who was with Sri Varadaraja Perumal throughout his life time.



The Glory of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi When Sri Thirukatchi Nambi was

living in Poovirundavalli (a suburb of Chennai now known as Poonthamalli), Sri

Varadaraja Perumal of Kanchipuram came in his dreams and instructed him to

proceed to Kanchipuram and do pushpa Kainkaryam to HIM. HE also showed Nambi how to reach HIS

place. According to the wishes of

Perumal Sri Thirukatchi Nambi created a Nandavanam in Poovirundavalli, spending

all his wealth bequeathed from his father Sri Veeraraghava Chettiyar. The place

was renamed as Poovirunthavalli (abound of flowers) on the basis of the

beautiful nandavanam (Garden of flowers) created by Sri Nambi. He used to make garlands out of the flowers

from the garden daily and went by walk all the way to Kanchipuram and offered

them to Perumal. On seeing the tired

Nambigal while doing his pushpa kankaryam, Perarulala Perumal took pity on him

and instructed him to stay in Kanchipuram itself and do alavatta (Fan made of

palm leaves covered with silk cloth) kainkaryam to cool HIM down of the heat as

Perumal came out of the sacred Fire. Thereafter Sri Nambigal was regularly

doing Alavatta kaingaryam to Perumal and with great devotion, meticulously took

great care of HIM. Perumal Devathirajan was very happy of HIS ardent devotee

and decided to come out of HIS Archai posture (a prathista swaroopa of the

Sacred Form) to have conversation with Sri Thirukatchi Nambi side by side every

day. As ordered by Perarulalaperumal Sri Nambi

got Panja Samskaram (five

regulations followed to be a true Srivaishnavan, viz. (1) to have

*Samacharayanam by Acharya (2) to have

Thiruman (3) to get self surrendered to Iswar (4) to get (through Acharya) the three

sacred Mantras (5) to worship Bhagavan daily with bakthi) One day when Sri Thirukatchi Nambi was conversing

with Perumal he asked HIM when he will get Moksha. Perumal replied that he would get Moksha when

he gets the Baghavatha Abimanam (to get the influence of an Acharya by doing

kaingaryam to him). Sri Thirukatchi Nambi decided to get

Baghavatha Abimanam from Sri Thirukotiyur Nambigal who was living in

Srirangam. But he could not straight

away request Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi to have him as his syshya. He first disguised himself as a cow keeper and

started working in the Ashramam of Sri Thirukotiyr Nambi. Sri Thirukatchi Nambi adopted a unique method

to attract Sri Thirukottiyur Nambi’s attention. _________________________________ * to have the sacred seal of the

Chakra (Wheel) and the sacred seal of Sangu (Conch) on the upper portion of

either hand down the shoulder by one’s Acharya) _________________________________ One day Sri Tirukotiyur Nambi noticed that

Sri Thirukatchi Nambi had not returned to the

Ashramam with the cow. It was

raining at that time. Therefore Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi went in search of his

cow keeper. He found Sri Thirukatchi

Nambi in bare body lying on his cloths spread on the cow. When Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi asked

the cow keeper why he was doing like that, Sri Thirukatchi Nambi told him that if the cow was drenched it would

suffer from cold and if Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi drank the milk he would also

catch cold. Therefore he was protecting the cow from the rain in order to save

his master. On reaching the Ashram, Sri

Thirukotiyur Nambi very much impressed by the reverence shown towards him of

the cow keeper, offered him food. On

successfully getting the abimanam of Sri Thirukotiyur Nambi, the cow keeper

revealed that he was none other than Sri Thirukatchi Nambi and told him

about the purpose of his visit.

There were innumerable incidents when Sri Perarulalaperumal came to the

rescue of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi. One day

the Rathna Haram (The Sacred Diamond Necklace) of Perumal was missing. When the King asked the Archakas how the

necklace was missing, they told the king that Sri Thirukatchi Nambi only was

always with Perumal and he is responsible for the missing necklace. The King arrested

Sri Thirukatchi Nambi as he could not give any explanation. After 7 ½ hours,

Perumal came in the dreams of the King and informed him that HE only kept the

necklace hidden for 7 ½ hours in order to reduce the 7 ½ years of Sani Dasai which gripped Sri

Thirukatchi Nambigal. The King realizing

the attachment and closeness of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi with Perarulalaperumal,

released him immediately. Thirukatchi Nambi rushed to

Devaperumal sannadhi and fell at HIS lotus feet and outpoured his heart with

tears of mystic feeling rendered the famous, auspicious prabandham “Devarajashtagamâ€

in praise of Sri Varadaraja Perumal.

Before Sri Ramanuja took sanyasam, he was called Ilayazhwar. Sri Ilayazwar used to get all his doubts

cleared by Perarulalaperumal through Sri Thirukatchi Nambi as he used to have

conversation with Perumal directly. Once

Sri Ilayazhwar was upset and

sought the help of Sri Thirukatchi Nambi to get the matters solved which were churning his mind. When Sri Thirukatchi Nambi told Perumal about

Sri Ilayazwar’s predicament, Perumal asked Sri Nambi to convey the following

six words to Sri Ilayazhwar: (1)


am the Paratathvam (I am Paramathma (Supreme Being) (2) The individual souls are different from Paramaatma (Chith, Achith and Iswara/Paramathma)

(3) The solution is Saranagathi (to attain salvation


surrender at my feet) (4) No need for last remembrance (about ME)

when the soul is departing (5) Moksha

at the

last stage of body (Moksha can be obtained only on laying off mortal

body) (6) Seek refuge at the feet of Periya Nambi (Get the

Panchasamaskarathigal* from

Sri Periya




Sri Ilayarzhwar was very happy as he was having the same

thoughts and Perumal confirmed them through Sri Thirukatchi Nambi.


Sri Thirukatchi Nambi lived for many

more years doing alavatta kaingaryam to Perarulalaperumal and continued to have

personal kataksham from Sri Varadaraja Perumal.

In view of this our elder learned scholars say that Sri Thirukatchi Nambi

had his Prathista Swaroopa (Archa Thirumeni) installed in Poovirundavalli even

when he was alive.Perundevi Thayar sametha Perarulalan thiruvadigale sharanamAdiyen Ramanuja DasanRanga Madabushi





You are invited to view Chandra's photo album: Kanchipuram - Sri Varadaraja Perumal Koil and Sri P.B.A. Swamy Thirumaligai










Kanchipuram - Sri Varadaraja Perumal Koil and Sri P.B.A. Swamy Thirumaligai

Feb 16, 2009

by Chandra



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