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sundarakanda-word to word translation of slokas-chapter1

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Srimathe Ramanujayanamaha!



39. Yathaa ra:manirmukthah sarah svasanavikramah


gaccheth thadhavath gamishya:mi lanka:m ra:vana pa:alitha:m|


I will go to Lanka governed by Ravana like the arrow released by Rama

will go with the power of wind.


gamishya:mi- I will go

lanka:m- to Lanka

ravanapa:litha:m- ruled by Ravana. Pa:lanam is protection.

yatha: –as

sara:h -the arrow

ra:manirmukthah- released by Rama (from the bow)

gaccheth- will go

svasana vikramah - with the power of the wind.



40. na hi dhrakshy:ami yadhi tham lanka:yaam janakaathmaja:m

anenaiva hi vegena gamishya:mi sura:layam



" If I do not see the daughter of Janaka in Lanka I will go to

devaloka with the same speed.


yadhi- if

na dhrakshyami- I do not see

tha:m (seetha:m)- her (Seetha)

janaka:thmaja:m- who is the daughter of Janaka

lanka:ya:m- in Lanka ,

gamishya:mi- I will go

anena eva vegena - with this same speed

suralayam- to devaloka

dhrakshya:mi- second future tense of dhrs –pas to see

gamishya:mi- second future of gam-gacch- to go



41. yadhi vaa thridhive seetha:m na dhrakshya:mi akrthasramah

badhva: ra:kshasara:ja:nam a:nayishya:mi ra:vanam||



Or, if I do not see Seetha in devaloka, , I will bring Ravana, the king of

rakshasas bound without effort



yadhi – if

na dhrakshyamhii-I do not see



thridhive- in the devaloka. Thrayo dheva:h, brahmavishnusiva:h

dhe:vyanthi athra ithi thridhivah. The devaloka or heaven is so called

because the trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva shine there.(amarakosa)


anayishyaami- I will bring. Second future of nee-nay with aa

ra:vaNam- Ravana

ra:kshasaraaja:nam- the king of rakshasas

baddhva:- bound. From the verb baddh to bind or tie.

akrthasramah without much effort. sramah is great effort akrtha sraamah is

without effort.



Jai Srimannarayana!


Saroj Ramanujam

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