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Visistadvaitha 14 ( Vedas )

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Jai Srimannarayana.


The Veda is infinite and universal. It is infinite voluminous with manifold

divisions, sub-divisions. It is governed by six accessories namely

Seeksha,Chandas, Vyaakaranam, Niruktam, Jyothisham & Kalpam. Seeksha deals with

proper pronunciation and pitch of the Veda alphabets, verses. Chandas deals with

the meter of the Veda verses.

Vyaakaranam deals with the grammatical aspect of Veda. Niruktam deals with

interpretation of Veda verses. Jyothisham deals with finding out the appropriate

time to do the actions prescribed in the Veda. Kalpa deals with elaborateness

regarding performance of such actions.


The prescribed portion of Veda has to be studied for several years under a

qualified teacher by a student. The teacher will loudly chant the Veda. The

student has to hear it and repeat it several times and memorize it along with

the six accessories. The Veda is therefore called “Sruti”. The Veda is

inseparable with its six accessories in all time. The other names of Veda are -

Aamnaayam, Nigamam, Aapta Sruti, Apourusheyam, Trayvidya”. It is universal. It

talks about everything. Nothing is left by it. It is applicable to all as per

individual’s eligibility and qualifications. It talks about the Dharma, Artha,

Kaama and Moksha as the four goals in an individual’s life. Dharma is the

righteous means prescribed in Veda to

attain expected results. Artha is monetary results and comforts.

Kaama means gratifying the desires of various sense organs. These three are

grouped as material benefits that are limited and transitory. The fourth one

namely Moksha is liberation from the material worlds which is unlimited and

permanent transcendental benefit.


Now another objection raises in this context of the Veda telling everything. If

the Veda is to be called as ultimate authority why should it talk on these

material-benefits, which are limited and transitory? Why not it talk only on

Moksha which is unlimited and permanent transcendental benefit?


The answer to this as follows: The Veda talks about everything because it is

universal and applicable to all sorts of individuals. An individual who does not

have any belief in Veda has to be first attracted towards it. That is why it

prescribes the means for the material benefits that he can see and relish by

practicing those prescribed means. He starts to develop interest afterwards on

Veda. Then he sees those portions of Veda, which prescribe the means for final

liberation – *Moksha*. The individual then realizes the limited and transitory

nature of material benefits and then develops interest for attaining Moksha that

is unlimited and permanent transcendental

benefit. Had the Veda only talked about Moksha, then all individuals may not

turn towards it. That is why Veda talks about everything.





The Veda is also called nigama, aapta sruti, sruti, aamnaayam and parama

saastram. The term Veda means knowledge & wisdom. It is called sruti because it

is taught by the Guru vocally and heard by the student, repeated and memorised

to remember. It is the storehouse of all knowledge nigamam. It is called aapta

sruti because it is always the only reliable source & authority of knowledge

that can be depended upon. Thus it is the only supreme knowledge base which

enlightens - parama saastram. It is called aamnaayam when collectively its

portions like mantram, " aaranyakam " etc., are taken. Sage Saayana has given a

commentary for the full of vedas and it is called veda bhasyam. The vedas has

two parts. They are


- Karma Kaandam

- Brahma Kaandam


The Karma kaandam deals with the rituals like Yagyaas, Homam, Yaagas and such

sacrifices and ceremonies that are part of all walks of life like birth,

" upanayanam " , marriage, death etc.,. It is the elaborate treatment of all

materialistic knowledges. It is also called *Poorva Mimaamsa*. Shree Jaimini

Maha Muni(A sage who knows Veda Vyasa and lived in his period) has written

sutras (aphoristic formulas) regarding this called *Dharma (Karma) Sutras.


The Brahma kaandam (Igyaana kaandam) Vedaantam (Meaning Conclusion Of Vedas)

deals with the knowledge regarding the absolute root cause of the universe, the

ultimate truth of Brahman-Shreeman Naaraayana Paramatman. It is also called

Upanishad (because it is the one, which is close to Brahman and talks about the

reality of Brahman as such the truth). It is very vast, deep and requires

highest intelligence, " Bhagavat Krupaa " (Mercy of Lord) & " Aacharya Kataksham "

(Grace of preceptor) to comprehend and realise the concepts as explained in it.

It is called Uttara Mimaamsam. Baadaraayana Shree Veda Vyasa himself has written

sutras (aphoristic formulas) regarding this called Brahma Sutras. It is also

called Saareeraka Saastram.




Andal Tiruvadigale Saranam

Madhava Ramanuja dasan.

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