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RE: [RamanujaMission] life of ramanujacharya 9

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Dear Swamin,


Was there any other episode posted after this.

Can same be resent to my mail id.






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On Behalf Of vinod svFriday, April 13, 2007 6:46 AMbhagavata_dharma ; desikasampradaya ; ; ramanuja ; Subject: [RamanujaMission] life of ramanujacharya 9


------continuation from part (8)On reading this, aakki’s wrath grew turning to theking:-“My royal patron!”, implored he, “permit me to arguethis boy out of his intolerance vanity, and crush himbefore ye all.” The king gently asked the boy if hewas capable of standing a combat such as his panditwould give. “Most certainly, your majesty! Give meleave”, answered he, “but your will not be capable ofjudging between us and deciding as betwees the winnerand loser; nor can we own to your mutual victory ordefeat. Appoint, pray, judges versed in the matters ofour contention”. “well said”, agreed the king andselected fit umpires to adjudge the issues ofintellectual contest pending. It was an unparalleledand exciting scene. And so the king and his consortboth took their seats to watch the interestingproceedings.The queen saw the boy and with keen insight andpenetration decided to herself that he was going to bevictor. “My Lord! She said, addressing the king, “ ifthis boy wins not throw me to dogs.” “If he wins”,exclaimed the king in turn, “I will part with half mykingdom for him”.Anon, aakki spoke:- “vain stripling! No drawn contestbetween us is needed. A mere trick suffices to putthee down before this august assembly, “witness yeall!” he said to the assembly, and turning toaalavandaar said: “If though, proud boy shouldst say‘yes’ to thy ‘no’; and the winner in the end shalltouch the head of the loser with his foot.” “agreed”promptly retorted aalavandaar; and without furtherado, made three statements and challenged aakki tonegate if he could. Listen, proud pedant, to these anddisprove if thou canst:-(1) Tvanmaataa na vandhyaa= Thy mother is not a barrenwoman(2) Raajaa sArvabhouma=This king is a paramount(3) raajapatnI pativratA=This queen is a good wifeaakki was simply stupefied, as he could not disprovethese facts; and therefore kept helplessly silent.They now entered the arena of literary debates; andher also aakki was beaten. Aalavandaar addressing hisopponent said:- “as for the victor touching the headof his victim, O pandit:- for that was our argument- Ishall desist from so base an act, though agreed to bythyself and in consideration of thy grey hairs and thyeminent status as guru in royal household”. On hearingthis declaration, the learned assembly applaudedaalavaandar ‘s attainments and noble demeanour andworshipped him with the honors of a brahma ratha(= atriumphal procession & c).The queen was overjoyed to find that her insight handnot belied her as to the results of the combat and theconquerer-hero to her breast exclaimed ‘Yennaiaalavandiro i.e., ‘didst thou come to fulfill me’?aalavandaar thus means: ‘He who has come to fulfill’i.e., 1) fulfill hisspritual mission on earth, and 2)fulfill the queen’s prevision of his success. With theking, the queen,- aalavandaar with her entered- theinner apartments, her joy knowing no bounds.The monarch, true to his promise, invested aalavandaarwith half his kingdom. In royal bliss thus didaalavandaar and his holy wife, who by this time joinedhim, remain.--------- will be continued()________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./

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