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Announcement: Proposal to construct a Temple with sannidhis for Sri Srinivasa Perumal and Sri Venugopala Perumal at South Brunswick, NJ & Krishna Jayanthi Function - Aug 17

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, "Sreenivasan, Shyam \(MSAS Sys Dev IED\)" <shyam.sreenivasan wrote:Sri:Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Nama:Sri Ramanuja Mission is pleased to announce that by Srirangam SrimadhAndavan's niyamanam, we are taking steps to build a temple withsannidhis for Sri Srinivasa perumal and Sri Venugopala perumal at SouthBrunswick, NJ. This place will be a medium sized temple and become notonly a peaceful and serene place of worship and a place to practicereligious rituals but also a center of learning of our rich culture andvedic traditions like Vedas, Prabhandham, Sthothram, cultural arts etc,for all ages. It is planned to construct it as a divinely pleasant placeof worship but still very much like an austere ashramam where one canfocus their mind in pure devotion and service to Lord. We need the support of all bhagavathas for this project. We aresoliciting contributions as Bhoomi dhaanam for the purchase of the landfor this temple bhagavathas living everywhere. Bhoomi dhaanam is one ofthe most sacred dhaanam (charity) for one can give. That's why when evenafter Mahabali chakravarthy realized that Lord Vaamana who was seekingjust 3 feet of bhoomi as dhaanam is none other the all pervading LordNarayana, Mahabali still went ahead and gave the dhaanam offeringeverything he had. Now in Kaliyuga where our Lord has taken manyarachavatharas with His divine will at many places, He may have alsodecided to take archavatharas of Lord Srinivasa and Lord Venugopala inSouth Brunswick, New Jersey and sowed the seeds for this through Acharyaniyamanam. The same lord who wanted to get a dhaanama of 3 feet of landhas showed us a land that is of 3 acres in South Brunswick, New Jerseywhich is already zoned for religious purposes. On behalf of our perumal,we are seeking Bhoomi Dhanam of 3 acres of land from variousbhagavathas. We just need 458 units of $1008 as contribution towardsbhoomi dhaanam for us to be able to purchase this land (USD $461,000).We have got 60 units of bhoomi dhaanam already. Please consider givingatleast one unit of land as dhaanam. We will be delighted if somebhagavathas wishes to contribute one unit per each member of theirfamily. All contributors' names will be prominently displayed in stoneengraving at the site of the temple for many future generations to seeand be thankful for helping build the temple at its inception. Once wereach the 458 units, we will close contributions for bhoomi dhaanam.This is a rare opportunity to be able to give bhoomi dhaanam for ourLord and we seek you to be part of it. Please help us reach our targetof getting contributors for 458 units very quickly. We have made plans to celebrate Sri Krishna Jayanthi as well as use theoccasion as a fund raiser for this temple on Aug 17 at BridgewaterTemple's Old Auditorium between 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM. We planned to have agrand Thrumanjanam along with Kalyana Uthsavam and Sudharsana Homam onthis special day. There is also a Bharathanatyam Dance recital byKalaimamani Ramya Ramnarayanan. We invite you to participate in thefunction with your family and friends and get the blessings of LordSrinivasa perumal, Sri Venugopala perumal, Sri Sudharasanazhwar andPoorvacharya Padukas. The Flyer for the function is attached for moreinformation. Please don't hesitate to call us (phone numbers givenbelow) if you need any information regarding the temple project or theAug 17th event. Namo Narayana !! With regards, Poondi VijayaraghavanChairman, Constructions Committe732-762-5026 Venkat SreenivasanPresident732-713-7095 On behalf of Sri Ramanuja Mission of Srirangam Srimadh Andavan Ashramam-----------------------NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender. Sender does not intend to waive confidentiality or privilege. Use of this email is prohibited when received in error.--- End forwarded message ---

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Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Nama:


Dear Sri/Smt Ramanuj ,

Sri Ramanuja Mission is pleased to announce that by Srirangam Srimadh Andavan's niyamanam, we are taking steps to build a temple with sannidhis for Sri Srinivasa perumal and Sri Venugopala perumal at South Brunswick, NJ. This place will be a medium sized temple and become not only a peaceful and serene place of worship and a place to practice religious rituals but also a center of learning of our rich culture and vedic traditions like Vedas, Prabhandham, Sthothram, cultural arts etc, for all ages. It is planned to construct it as a divinely pleasant place of worship but still very much like an austere ashramam where one can focus their mind in pure devotion and service to Lord.

We announced this project just about a week ago in various religious soliciting Bhoomi dhaanam for the purchase of the land for this temple from bhagavathas living everywhere. We needed a total of 458 units of $1008 as contribution towards bhoomi dhaanam for us to be able to purchase this land (USD $461,000). We are pleased to share with you the good news that we have got great support from various bhagavathas and have received contributions for 390 units of bhoomi dhaanam already. We have just 70 units left to achieve the target of $461,000 to be able to purchase the land. We request you to participate in this rare opportunity to give a small piece of land as dhaanam for Perumal for constructing a temple for Him.


Bhoomi dhaanam is one of the most sacred dhaanam one could give. That's why even after Mahabali chakravarthy realized that Lord Vaamana who was seeking just 3 feet of bhoomi as dhaanam is none other the all pervading Lord Narayana, Mahabali still went ahead and gave the dhaanam offering everything he had. Now in Kaliyuga where our Lord has taken many arachavatharas with His divine will at many places, He may have also decided to take archavatharas of Lord Srinivasa and Lord Venugopala in South Brunswick, New Jersey and sowed the seeds for this through Acharya niyamanam. The same lord who wanted to get a dhaanam of 3 feet of land has showed us a land that is of 3 acres in South Brunswick, New Jersey which is already zoned for religious purposes. On behalf of our perumal, we are seeking Bhoomi Dhanam of 3 acres of land from various bhagavathas. Please consider giving atleast one unit of land as dhaanam. We will be delighted if some bhagavathas wishes to contribute one unit per each member of their family. All contributors' names will be prominently displayed in at the temple premises for many future generations to see and be thankful for helping build the temple at its inception. Once we reach the 458 units, we will close contributions for bhoomi dhaanam. This is a rare opportunity to be able to give bhoomi dhaanam for our Lord and we seek you to be part of it. Please help us reach our target of getting contributors for 458 units very quickly.


We have made plans to celebrate Sri Krishna Jayanthi as well as use the occasion as a fund raiser for this temple on Aug 17 at Bridgewater Temple old auditorium between 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM. We plan to have a grand Thrumanjanam along with Kalyana Uthsavam and Sudharsana Homam on this special day. There is also a Bharathanatyam Dance recital by Kalaimamani Ramya Ramnarayanan. We invite you to participate in the function and get the blessings of Lord Srinivasa perumal, Sri Venugopala perumal, Sri Sudharasanazhwar and Poorvacharya Padukas. The flier for the function is attached for more information. Please don't hesitate to call us (phone numbers given below) if you need any information regarding the temple project or the Aug 17th event.

Namo Narayana !!


With regards,


Poondi Vijayaraghavan

Chairman, Constructions Committe



Venkat Sreenivasan




On behalf of Sri Ramanuja Mission of Srirangam Srimadh Andavan Ashramam

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