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[RamanujaMission] tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi - periya tirumozhi 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

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11/25/2009 07:53 Subject

AM [RamanujaMission]

tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi - periya

tirumozhi 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH


tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi divyadEsam(tiruma'ngai AzhvAr’s Periya tirumozhi



In this series, we will attempt to enjoy SrI valvil irAman of

tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi divyadEsam, using the following commentaries on

tiruma'ngai AzhvAr’s periya tirumozhi 5.1:


1.SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan's vyAkhyanam-s

2.SrI PeriyavAccAn piLLai's (SrI PVP) vyAkhyAnam-s, rendered by SrI puttUr

kRshNasvAmi iyengAr

3.SrI uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriAr's (SrI UV) vyAkhyAnam-s and

4.SrI P.B. aNNangarAcAriAr's (SrI PBA) vyAkhyanam-s


aDiyEn would like to thank Sri K. SrIdharan (of namperumal.com – namperumAL

vijayam website) for locating and providing SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan's

write-up on tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi.


For additional information about the divyadEsam, please refer to the


1. SrI K.S. JegennAthan svAmi's


and click on Divyadesam10-Thiruppullamboothangudi pdf file.


2.tiupullANi SrI raghuvIrdayAL svAmin’s





a collection on ‘divya dESangaLin nitya vAsangaL’ that contains songs about

the 108 divya dEsam-s composed by SrI A.S. RajagopAlan svAmi of Ohio, USA.


3.According to SrI A. etirAjan, 'Dr. vaiNavac cuDarAzhi' in his '108

vaiNava divyadEsa varalARu' (a nice reference book),

a. this is the only divyadEsam where lord rAma is giving darSanam with four

hands in Sayanak kOlam with discus and conch

b. after doing the proper saMskAram-s to jaTAyu, SrI rAma lied down at this

dEsam to rest. When tiruma'ngai AzhvAr came to this place, he initially

thought it was some god with two hands and ignored the temple. All on a

sudden, he saw a brilliant display of light and he turned his head and had

an excellent darSanam of lord rAma with four hands, conch and discus. It

was then that he composed the ten pAsuram-s beginning with 'aRivadaRiyAn

anaittulagum' (to imply that he ignored and left the place without knowing

what he should have realized).

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SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDigalE SaraNam,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri



Introduction to tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi divyadEsam (Periya tirumozhi 5.1) -


mUlavar: valvil irAman, bhujanga Sayanam; east-facing (SrIrAman is lying

down to take rest after giving moksham to jaTAyu; since that was the time

sItA was separated, sItA is not by SrI rAma's side here; only bhUmip

pirATTi is in seated position); utsava mUrti has four arms.


tAyAr: poRRamaraiyAL in a separate sannidhi

tIrtham: jaTAyu (gRdhra) tIrtham

vimAnam: Sobhana vimAnam

mangaLASAsanam – tirumangai AzhvAr – 10 pAsurams

pratyaksham – jaTAyu (gRdhra rAja)


toNDaraDippoDi AzhvAr's avatAra sthalam, maNDankuDi is close to this place;

and, so is the divya dEsam, tiru AdanUr.


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:


AzhvAr is one who will not give up when his desire is not fulfilled. He

observes that the general nature of emperumAn is to reside with great

happiness in divya dEsam-s in order to mingle with His loving devotees.


Kings of the world maintain several groves throughout the kingdom; the

reason behind that is the king likes to visit them in order to show his

face to certain subjects in each grove. One cannot say which grove he will

be visiting and showing himself. But, the king will know. Similarly,

perumAL resides in several divya dEsam-s so as to provide divine experience

to His devotees.


He took the form of vAmana on His own accord in order to help His devotees.

Just as He enjoys the company of pirATTi, He likes to mix with His bhakta-s

also. He creates the puNyam/virtues for His devotees so that they will get

to know Him. SvAmi deSikan's divya sUkti [rahasyatrayasAram - upAya

vibhAgAdhikAra (ch 9 ] states - “.... nidAnaM tatrApi svayamakhila nirmANa

nipuNaH†[… lord Himself becomes the cause for anyone to wish to reach

Him]; emperumAn is sarvabhogya prakRshTan [superior embodiment of all





In 'nummait tozhudOm' tirumozhi (4.9), AzhvAr poured his heart out

requesting, “ciridum tirumEni inda vaNNam enRu kATTIr, inadaLUrIrE†since

he did not get His darSanam. Next, AzhvAr moved on to tiruveLLianguDi

(periya tirumozhi 4.10); there also, perumAL did not break out of His arcA

tirumEni and offer kaiMkaryam to AzvhAr. Bhagavad kaiMkaryam is the highest

goal to be achieved and hence, the aspiration to reach Him cannot be

foregone. AzhvAr's goal is to visit as many divya dEsams as possible so

that in one of them at least, his desire will be fulfilled.


As tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi emperumAn possesses a sweetness beyond compare,

AzhvAr enjoys Him to the core in every one of these 10 pAsuram-s.


C. SrI UV:


'puL' refers to garuDa; the name of this divyadEsam may be referring to the

great inhabitants who are indulging in kaiMkaryam-s to emperumAn following

garuDa's footsteps; or, it could refer to the great bhutam/entity 'mahato

bhUtasya' [bRhadAraNyaka upanishad 2.4.10], Who is seated beautifully on a




tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi - periya tirumozhi 5.1.1 aRivadariyAn:


aRivadariyAn anaittulagum

uDaiyAn ennai ALuDaiyAn

kuRiya mANi uruvAya

kUttan manni amarum iDam

naRiya malar mEl surumbArkka

ezhilAr ma~j~jai naDam ADap

poRikoL cirai vaNDu isai pADum

puLLambhuta'nkuDi tAnE.


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:


Those who attempt to know Him by their own efforts cannot realize Him. He

is the creator of the whole universe. All the worlds are His seshabhUtam

[subservient to Him]. He owns me. This 'highest truth' accomplished

magnificent feats in mahAbali's yAgam, requesting for donation of land,

just to help His devotees. His very gait in the yAgaSAlA looked like a

dance. Having selected to reside here, He does not want to leave this



'surumbu' bees sit on fragrant flowers and buzz around; graceful peacocks

dance and bees with lines in their wings sing accordingly.

puLLambhUta'nkuDi is such a naturally beautiful place.




aRivadariyAn anaittulagum uDaiyAn ennai ALuDaiyAn – the One who cannot be

known by a person's own efforts, the One who owns all these worlds as His

wealth, the One who has blessed me to serve Him.


Even though He cannot be realized by one's own effort, since He is the

svAmi for all the universes, one cannot give up looking for Him.


We should remember here emperumAnAr's two phrases in SaraNAgati gadyam -

“akhila jagat svAmin†and “asmat svAminâ€.


kuRiya mANuruvAya kUttan – came as a short brahmacAri boy and worked

wonders; when He came into the yAga grounds, He looked like an expert

dancer; hence, 'kUttan'.


manni amarum iDam – He lives in this place permanently


naRiya malar mEl surumbArkka – bees of the type 'surumbu' are buzzing and

hovering over fragrant flowers


ezhilAr ma~j~jai naDam ADa – graceful peacocks dance to that buzzing sound


poRikoL cirai vaNDu isai pADum – other bees that have lines in their wings,

sing to synch up with the dances of the peacocks.


puLLambhuta'nkuDi tAnE – in the divyadEsam known as tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi.




[srI UV uses the pATham 'kuRiya mAN uruvAya'; please refer to SrI PBA's

commentary on the pATha bhedam]


He has paratvam, He is a sarva svAmi; He is 'ulagam mUnRu uDaiyAn, ennai

AlvAnE' (tiruvAi.6.10.10). But,because of His sauSIlyam, He took me to be

His servitor. Just as He went to mahAbali and enchanted him with His charm

to conquer the three worlds, He has come here to ensnare us.




aRivadariyAn – He cannot be known. Does it mean 'no one can know Him' or

'some cannot know Him'? If it is meant 'no one can know Him', then He

becomes One like the horn of a rabbit, a son of a malaDi (infertile lady),

a lotus in the sky etc (all these do not exist) and thus He also does not

exist. The way to interpret this is – He will not be known to those who say

that they will realize Him on their own, by their own efforts. Unless He

uses His 'innaruL' [sweet blessing] to show His svarUpam [form], svabhAvam

[nature] etc, He cannot be realized. As He Himself told arjuna, He can be

seen only if He shows Himself - “divyaM dadAmi te cakshuH paSya me



kuRiya mANiyuruvAya kUttan – He took His steps in order to prove the first

phrase 'anaittulagum uDaiyAn' in this pAsuram.


pATha bhedham here – many chant this as 'kuRiya mANuruvAgiya kUttan'; but,

this is not right here. This may be an influence of the phrase in

tiruvAimozhi 4.10.10 - “tirukkurugUr adanuL, kuRiyamANuruvAgiyaâ€. The right

phrase here is only 'kuRiya mANiyuruvAya kUttan'. Elders chant this way.





PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr


End of periya tirumozhi 5.1.1 on tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi


To be continued …..




tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi - periya tirumozhi 5.1.2 kaLLak kuRaLAi:


kaLLak kuRaLAi mAvaliyai

vanjittu ulagam kaippaDuttu

poLLaik karatta pOdakatttin

tunbam tavirtta punidan iDam

paLLac ceRuvil kayal ugaLap

pazhanak kazhani adanuL pOi

puLLum piLLaikku irai tEDum



A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:

emperumAn took a deceitful vAmana form; when SukrAcAriAr tried to prevent

mahAbali from giving the donation, He made sure that mahAbali was not

listening to his guru and obtained three feet of land from him. He

re-possessed the lands that mahAbali thought were his. He relieved the

elephant in distress. This is the land where that holy emperumAn lives.


AzhvAr then talks about the fertility of the land. Fat fish are playing

around in the watery fields; the birds come looking for smaller fish to

feed their young ones.




kaLLak kuRaLAi mAvaliyai vanjittu – He took a pretentious short brahmacAri

form to deceive mahAbali and


ulagam kaippaDuttu – took ownership of the worlds


poLLaik karatta pOdakatttin tunbam tavirtta punidan iDam – He saved the

elephant that had a trunk, from its dilemma; this is the divyadESam where

that holy lord is stationed


paLLac ceRuvil kayal ugaLa – fish are jumping around in the low fields


puLLu pazhanak kazhani adanuL pOi - the birds enter the fertile fields


piLLaikku irai tEDum – and look for gathering food for their young ones


There is a famous tradition that is remembered here. One time, in bhaTTar's

kAlakshepa goshThi, a devotee named AlavAyuDaiyAn inquired - “When they are

fish jumping around in ecstasy, what is the reason for the birds to go

looking for food?†bhaTTar responded, “Study this pAsuram very well. The

birds are searching for food for their young ones. Because of the fertility

of the land, the fish are all stout like pillars and large roof beams; out

of those, the birds had to corner down fish small enough for their kid

birds' mouths.â€


puLLambhUta'nkuDitAnE – It is that divya dESam called





emperumAn is said to be the owner of the three worlds, not just because He

deceitfully yanked them out of mahAbali; as the primordial lord, He owned

them from the beginning.


5.SrI PBA:


poLLaik karatta pOdakatttin tunbam tavirtta punidan - Isn't it enough to

say - “pOdakatttin tunbam tavirtta� Why the additional “poLLaik


poLLai means hole; the elephant's trunk has hole. As long as the trunk does

not get submerged in water, there is no danger for the elephant. As soon as

the trunk with its hole gets immersed in water, danger is imminent. In

order to show that a great danger had befallen, AzhvAr uses this phrase.


tunbam tavirtta - the tunbam or difficulty here is that gajendran, the

elephant is feeling sad that the flower he plucked for perumAL is going to

waste without being offered to Him; emperumAn alleviated that pain.


punidan – what is the holiness for emperumAn here? He emphatically thought

of the eradication of the elephant's distress as a dismissal of His own






PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr


End of periya tirumozhi 5.1.2 on tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi


To be continued …..




tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi - periya tirumozhi 5.1.3 mEvA arakkar:


mEvA arakkar ten ilangai

vEndan vIyac caram turandu

mAvai piLandu mallaDarttu

marudam sAitta mAladu iDam

kAvAr tengin pazham vIzhak

kayalgaL pAyak kurugu iriyum

pUvAr kazhani ezhilArum



A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:


PerumAL released His arrows to kill rAvaNan, the king of ilangai inhabited

by hateful rAskhasa-s; He busted open the mouth of keSi, who came

masquerading as a horse; He vanquished the wrestlers; He crawled between

two marudam [arjuna tree] trees an uprooted them. puLlambhUta'nkuDi is

where that lord lives.


It is a lovely place with lotus flowers growing in the agricultural fields.

Ripe coconuts fall down from the dense palm tree groves on to the fields

below, frightening the fish, that in turn leap around and appall the cranes

that are waiting to eat them.




mEvA arakkar ten ilangai vEndan vIyac caram turandu - He aimed His arrows

at rAvaNan, who was the king of the rAkshasa-s (who hated emperumAn) living

in the southerly island, ilangai.


mAvai piLandu mallaDarttu - He tore open the mouth of the demon, keSi, who

came disguised as a horse; He killed the wrestlers in mathura


marudam sAitta mAladu iDam – This tiruppuLLambhUda'nkuDi is the abode of

tirumAl, who felled down the twin marudam trees


kAvAr tengin pazham vIzha – coconuts are falling out of the densely growing

palm trees in the grove


kayalgaL pAyak kurugu iriyum – that disturbs the fish and they jump around

in fear and the agitated cranes (that have been waiting to catch the fish)

move away (and thus get saved from the fall of the coconuts)


pUvAr kazhani ezhilArum – the fields are filled with lotus flowers in the

very beautiful


puLLambhUta'nkuDitAnE – divya dESam called tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi.




Several creatures save themselves from the fall of the coconut fruits from

the palm trees; but, all the rAkshasa-s, who despised emperumAn fell

victims to rAmapirAn's arrows. AzhvAr sings about that next.


Even in His crawling age, He broke down the twin marudam trees; what is the

surprise in His killing keSi, the horse and the wrestlers? He vanquished

rAvaNa etc because of His love for sitAp pirATTi. He burst opened keSi's

mouth, out of His love for the gopi-s and gopa-s. Out of His affection for

His parents, He killed the wrestlers. He made the two marudam trees fall

down out of love for the two yaksha-s; He killed the demons in order to

protect Himself in kRshNAvatAram so that tiruvAippADi will survive. That is

the line of reasoning one should follow here.


6.SrI PBA:


kayalgaL pAyak kurugu iriyum – the cranes may have been thinking that the

healthy, fat, jumping fish are coming to swallow them and got frightened

and moved away or they may be moving out in fright of the falling coconuts.





PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr


End of periya tirumozhi 5.1.3 on tiruppuLLambhUta'nkuDi


To be continued …..








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