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Experiencing Swami Desika - 72

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Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:

Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:

Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:

Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:

Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:


" SrimAn VenaktanAthArya: kavithArkika kEsarI!

VedAnthAchArya varyO mE sannidhatthAM sadhA hrudhi " !!


Let us enjoy a few Slokas of Swami Desika's SrIstuti today.


The following Sloka describes the coronation of Goddess Lakshmi.

To understand and enjoy Swami Desika's anubhavam of PirAti's

coronation let us visiualise ThiruppArkadal.


ThiruppArkadal is the vast milky ocean, pure white in

colour covered with waves and ripples.


" agrE bhartu: sarasijamayE bhadrapIdE nishaNNAm

ambhOrAshEradhigathasudhAsamplavAdutthitAm tvAm !

pushpAsArasthagitabhuvanai: pushkalAvartakAdhai:

kluptArambhA: kanakakalashairabyashinchan gajEndrA: !! "


-- Sloka 13


This verse portrays the coronation of Goddess Lakshmi as supreme

empress of the entire universe. The devAs and asurAs churned

the ThiruppArkadal. In the process nectar came from it. Following the

nectar the avatAr of Goddess Lakshmi, with incomparable beauty emerged

from it. Goddess Lakshmi took her seat in front of her Lord on a lotus

(making it her simhAsanam). Clouds such as PushkalAvartam poured water

like a shower of soft petalled flowers and world was hidden by this.

Goddess Lakshmi's Thirumanjanam which was commenced this way by the

clouds was concluded by IrAvatham, pundarIkam and other huge elephants

which poured down crystal clear water from Vases of yellow gold.


Swami says that Goddess Lakshmi was thus coronated as the Supreme empress

of the Universe!


Goddess Lakshmi then proceeds straight to our Lord's chest, her

permanent residence.


Many Devotees interpret different incidents in relation to this Sloka.

A few of them relate this to the emergence of PadmAvati tAyAr from the

Padma sarOvar on the banks of river Svarnamukhi near the sacred seven

hills of vEnkatAchala.


A few other devotees compare this coronation with that of Goddess Sita.

It is an ecstatic feeling to see the unique honour done to Goddess

Lakshmi with our Lord's approval.


The feet of Goddess Lakshmi is considered as the crest jewel of Vedas,

hence the Vedas worship Lakshmi in a big way!


The devotees who aspire for Moksha place the feet of Goddess Lakshmi

always in their mind. Swami Desika admires those who aspire for Moksha

instead of worrying about the comforts of the present life. By

meditating on the feet of Goddess Lakshmi such aspirants of Moksha

in addition to achieving their desired ends gain recognition in this

world also.


Swami explains in the 17th Sloka that such rare people are recognised

all round, praised by others and are taken in a procession with

regal paraphernalia.


Though they are not for these attentions, the grace of Goddess Lakshmi's

extends these to them.


We can see this Pratyaksham in the case of our AcharyAs. AcharyAs like

Azhyagiyasinhar are living examples of what Lakshmi katAksham can do to one.


Shri Azhagiyasingar in his cassette dEsikarum avar sookthigalum says

that it is a great gift for a person to directly hear people praise him.

For this, a person should have paripOrna Lakshmi katAksham and

for obtaining this he should constantly meditate on Goddess Lakshmi!

In this context Swami Desika's paripOrna Lakshmi katAksham becomes

all the more evident! Swami Desika had the bAgyam of listening to the

Lord and Goddess praise him - what else can this be attributed to other

than paripOrna Lakshmi katAksham !!!


In this stotra " srEyaskAmA:... " , Swami Desika has used the word " Sreya "

instead of " Preya " . It would be interesting to note that the word Sreya

refers to greater acquisitions like blessedness, supreme felicity, bliss

etc. while Preyas refers to material happiness, mundane welfare, physical

comforts etc. Swami clarifies that the seekers of Sreyas get the best of

both worlds !!!


Swami Desika brings out yet another extremely important truth in the 20th



" sEvE devi tridasa makilA mauli mAlAcitam tE .... "


Swami emphatically states that Goddess SrI is equally competent to grant



We can enjoy eternal bliss in Moksha which is the permanent abode devoid

of danger and decline.


Only two are capable of granting this to devotees - Lord Narayana and

Goddess Lakshmi!



" Kavi Taarkika Simhaaya Kalyaana guna SaalinE!

SrimatE VenkateshAya VedAnta Gurave nama !! "


....To be continued!


dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi

16th Aug 1999

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