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Kurai Ondrum Illai-Chapter 20

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srimathe srilakshminrusimha parabramhane namah

srimathe srilakshminrusimha divapaduka sevaka srivann satakopa narayana

yateendra mahadesikaya namah


dear devotees

namo narayana



adiyal is extremely sorry for the delay in the post. Adiyal had final exams

and term papers to do and then adiyal had to go out of station. adiyal just

came back, and hence started the posting again. Thank you for being patient

and supportive.


Chapter 20.


The special aspect of Nrusimha avataram is His Athyathbutha roopam.

Hiranyakasipu said " sthambhe na thruchyathe..? " (Cannot be seen in the

stambham..?) Prahladan said " sthambena thruchyathe " (He is seen only in the

stambham). Hiranyakasipu was wondering how Prahladan can see Him, but

Hiranyakasipu couldn't. So he said, " watch, I'll take your head and body

apart and let's see if He comes and restores you! " Prahladan said " He won't

do that kind of work! " Hiranyakasipu asked, " If He doesn't do work like

that, why do you pray to Him? " Child Prahladan bravely replied, " Who do you

think is in that stambham? You say that you will take a knife and rip me

into pieces, but do you think that He will allow for that? Do you think that

He will actually sit there and watch you bring that knife close to me? You

won't even be able to bring that knife close to me! " Prahladan had this

much visvasam in Perumal! Only if you have that much visvasam can you

actually ask Perumal to save you, and say " I am Your responsibility " . Is it

appropriate to do saranagathi before having the visvasam? A person does

yagam faithlessly, but once the rain came, the person has the faith. But

saranagathi is not like that...Saranagathi will not come true, if you don't

have the visvasam beforehand.

Embar says to His sishyas " karma, jnana, bhakti yogam are all

difficult to perfrom. But don't think that saranagathi can be easily done.

Because before saranagathi, there is the aspect of maha visvasam...that

cannot be attained easily...the visvasam we have towards other people is

easier to obtain than the visvasam we have towards Perumal! It's like the

story of seseme bunch become seseme oil " After saying this, He will also

explain the story.

There was this oil vendor, he used to sell oil everyday. One day the

equipment he used for getting the oil(sekku) broke into two. So he went

searching for the tree to make the sekku out of. He came across this huge

tree and was about to cut it down, when suddenly something jumped out of the

tree. It held on tightly to the feet of the oil vendor. It said " don't cut

this tree! I've been living here for a long time. If you cut this down, I

won't have a place to live in... " The vendor started thinking and this thing

said again, " why do you need this business? You have oil sticking to your

hands and isn't that alot of trouble for you? So I'll help you. Everyday

you will have sesame bunches waiting for you in front of your house by

sunrise. " The vendor asked, " you are willing to help me this much, who are

you? " and it replied " I am the pisasu(ghost?spirit?) living on this tree for

a long time " The vendor got really scared. At first he wasn't even afraid

to talk to that thing, but once it said " pisasu " he was terrified. But the

pisasu was holding on to his feet, so he got back the courage. So he agreed

to the deal that the pisasu made, but asked what he should do if the pisasu

doesn't bring back the sesame. The pisasu replied " What am i, a human...to

say one thing and not do it...? Even though I am a 'bad' spirit, I will

keep my word! " Look at our state! Even the bad spirits are making fun of

us!! So from then on, the pisasu kept it's promise, but as time went on,

the routine changed; the pisasu would take longer and longer to bring the

sesame bunches back to the vendor. This is because the pisasu took the

sesame bunches from other people's property and there is never someone who

has sesame bunches year round. So the pisasu suffered alot to bring the

bunches, pretty soon, it didn't even go to it's tree! The pisasu said,

" What am i doing this for? I'm doing this to save my home, but i don't even

go there anymore! I could have just allowed him to cut the tree than go

through this! I have been wasting my time for the past few months! So now I

have to and sit in the tree for atleast a minute " , and it went to the tree.

Embar asked whether a human would do this. A human has only time to do the

responsibilities he has...he doesn't have time to think like this. When the

pisasu went back to its tree, it saw a new pisasu living there! And the

pisasu asked " who are you? " and the new pisasu replied " is there anyone as

foolish as you? Usually the pisasu is the one who is in control of the

human(manushanai pidithi kondu pisasu aadum enbaargaL), but in your case the

human is in control over you! I have been living here for the three months

that you have been gone. And now you show up and I am not willing to throw

you out...I'll do one thing, I'll go and kill the oil vendor, but you have

give me room to stay on this tree... " and the other pisasu agreed. So the

new pisasu went to the vendor's house and it found two cattle sheds. In one

of them, there was only one cow, and in the other one, there were many. The

pisasu went and sat on top of the shed with one cow. It was going to kill

the vendor early in the morning, when he would come to the shed. But the

vendor didn't come; he was looking over the process of putting horseshoes(i

am not sure if this is the word i'm looking for; the tamizh word is

'laadam') on the cattle's feet. He gave orders for each of the cattle to

come individually, and the he said " go and bring the new pisasu to me! " .

When the pisasu heard this, it became very afraid. The vendor was referring

to the cattle that was by itself in the shed--this was a new cow and they

didn't want it to hurt the other cattle, so they kept it seperately. But the

real pisasu thought that the vendor was referring to itself, so it went

immediately to the vendor's feet! And the vendor asked " who are you? " and

it replied " i am the new pisasu " and the owner said " new pisasu? " and it

continued " if you leave me alone, i will bring you more than the old pisasu.

The old pisasu brought you only the bunches, I will bring you the sesame

itself, which will reduce your work even further... " and the owner agreed.

The new pisasu went to the old pisasu and the old one asked " did you finish

the work? " and the new one explained what had happened and the old one said

" you have agreed to more than what i did, how are you going to have time to

come here? " ! So this is " kalam yellu kalam yennai aana kathai " .


Karma yogam and jnana yogam are very difficult. But that does not

mean that saranagathi is easy, this will lead to the above situation! The

responsibility we have is maha visvasam. Just as how it is difficult to

obtain the sesame bunches to make oil, it is very difficult to obtain the

mahavisvasam for the saranagathi. We think that Perumal is in front of us

and therefore we submit dhoopam, dheepam and naivedhyam. But shouldn't we

get the point that He's in His vAsthavam actually looking back at us?

Shouldn't we get the purana visvasam? Now that is difficult. Prahladan had

this visvasam. That's why he could be so confident and firm in his speech.




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