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Srimadh Bhagavath GitA

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Dear Sri KrishNa BhakthAs:


Next week is GokulAshtami (September 2).

In preparation for it , I am thinking of

two of the most important incidents of

Sri KrishNAvathAram.


One is His GithOpadEsam and the other is

His VivAha MahOthsavam with Sri RukmiNI

Piratti , who is SaakshAth MahA lakshmi .


Here is the article on Sri GithA .

We are fortunate to have experts on

the GithOpanishad in our group like

Sri KrishNa KalalE . Sri Senthil Umapathy

is performing a wonderful kaimkaryam of

postign meanings of individual slOkams

of Sri Bhagavadh Gita from the monograph of

my class mate and dear friend , U.Ve.Sri V.N.Gopaala

Desikan of Oppiliappan Sannidhi.This posting is

more at an introductory level.

Sri KrishNArpaNam ,

Oppiliappan Sannidhi V.Sadagopan




This introduction to GitA will cover the following

Five topics: (1) What is GitA?(2) The context of

GithOpadEsam (3)Sri VaishNavite commentaries on

Gita (4)Quintessence of GitA and (5)GitA MahAthmyam.




Srimath Bhagavath GitA is nested in the heart of

MahA BhAratham , the great Indian epic describing

the saga of war between the PaaNDavAs and the KauravAs .

Lord KrishNA agreed to serve as the charioteer(Saarathy )

to His friend , ArjunA a.k.a Parthan and thus acquired

the name , ParthasArathy .


The GitA is structured as a conversation that took

place between the great warrior , ArjunA and the Lord

of the Universe , Sri KrishNA in the middle of

the battle field of KurukshEthram . The entire GitA

is set up by Sage VyAsA as the narration of that

conversation by SanjayA to the blind patriarch king

of KauravA clan , DhrithirAshtran ,whose sons

were fighting the righteous PaaNdavAs.




At the beginning of the battle ,ArjunA asked

Sri KrishNA to position his chariot betwen

the two opposing armies so that he can have

a good look at the assembled warriors fighting

on behalf of his evil-minded cousin , DuryOdhanA ,

the son of the blind king , DhrithirAshtrA .

ArjunA took a good look and recognized that

his dear kinsmen and teachers were the members

of the army of DuryOdhanA.


ArjunA was overcome with deep emotion and threw

aside his bow and arrows in a state of despondency

over killing his kith and kin as well as his

worshipful elders and AchAryAs.Arjuna declared

that he did not have the heart to fight to win

the war.He begged the Lord to show him the right path

out of his dilemma: " with my heart stricken by

the fault of the weak compassion ,with my mind

perplexed about my duty , I request You to say

for certain what is good for me .I am Your disciple .

Teach me who has taken refuge in You (SishyasthEham

saadhi maam thvAm prapannam ) " .


Arjuna " s conflicts are our own conflicts

and dilemmas that we experience every

day. The most compassionate Lord, Sri ParthasArathy

took on the role of GitAchAryan and used ArjunA as

VyAjam (excuse) to bless us all with His upadEsam ,

which is the essence of all SaasthrAs ( Sarva

Saasthramayee). The upadEsam performed by our Lord at

KurukshEthram is timeless and will always have

enduring value for all mankind.





Many scholars and AchAryAs have commented on GitA.

The earliest commentary is by sage BodhAyanA ,

who lived 1,000 years before Adhi SankarA . BodhAyanA

is the same sage , who wrote a vrutthi(commentary) for

BadarAyaNA's Brahma Soothrams , which was used by

AchArya RaamAnujA to bless us with his Sri BhAshyam .

For the Sri VaishNava sampradhAyam , the commentaries of

GitA by AlavandhAr (GitArtha Sangraham ) , AchArya

RaamAnujA ( Sri GitA BhAshyam )and Swami Desikan

(GithArtha Sangraha RakshA and Gita BhAshya-

VyAkhyAna Tatparya Chandhrika) are the most important

source texts .Swami Desikan's Taatparya ChandhrikA

is an elaborate commentary on Sri RaamAnujA's GitA

Bhaashyam. The second Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam

by the name of HH NaarAyaNa Muni has also

blessed us with GithArtha Sangraha VibhAgA .





The eighteen chapters of GitA are subdivided into

three hexads (groups of Six).The first two hexads

deal with the topics of Jeevan , Prakruthi ,Isvaran

and communion through devotion .In the final hexad

(13th to 18th chapters), the above three of Tatthvams

( Jeevan , Prakruthi and Isvaran )are examined in

greater detail along with the impact of GuNAs of

Prakruthi on the Jeevan ; the upadesam of the Lord

concludes on a majestic note , where He asserts

the supermacy of Bhakthi to Him and Self-surrender

(Prapatthi)to Him as the two unfailing ways to Moksham .

he famous charama slOkam (Chapter 18.66)houses

our Lord's most assuring UpadEsam : " Completely

abandoning al DharmAs , seek Me alone as refuge.

I will free you from all sins.Do not grieve'.


Swami Desikan focused on this central doctrine of

Sri VaishNavam in many of his Sri Sookthis.Swami

explained to us clearly that Prapatthi means

the unconditioned acceptance of one's utter

helplessness , seeking refuge in Sriman NaarAyaNan

and accepting the divine couple as one's means

and the end .Swami Desikan taught us that Prapatthi

Yogam is the most direct and simple path for Moksham

compared to Bhakthi Yogam and that every one without

any limitation can practise it.Prapatthi requires absolute

trust and faith (mahA visvAsam )in Sriman NaarAyaNan as

the means and the end for Moksha siddhi .





In Varaaha PurANam , Lord Aadhi VarAhan explains

the greatness of GitA through 22 slOkAs.The meaning

of selected slOkams celebrating the glory of GitA are:

" If one devotes himself to the constant practice of

GitA , even though he be restrained by prArabhdha

KarmA , he will not be tainted by (new) karmAs

No evil however great can affect him, who mediates

on the GitA.He is like the lotus leaf untouched by

the water... Where there is the book of GitA , where

its study is proceeded with, there are present all

the holy places , there verily , are PrayAg and

the rest. There also are all the DevAs, Rishis,Yogis,

the GopAs , the Gopis with NaradhA , Uddhavar and

the whole train of comrades... Where the GitA is read ,

forthwith comes help. Where the GitA is discussed ,

recited,taught or heard on earth , there,beyond a

doubt , do I myself unfailingly reside...GitA is my

chief abode.Standing on the wisdom of the GitA ,

I maintain the three worlds.The GitA is my supreme

knowledge... That man, who recites the eighteen

chapters of GitA daily attains the perfecton of

knowledge and thus reaches My supreme abode ,

Sri Vaikuntam.


For us , who may not find the time or have the energy

to recite all the 700 slOkmas of GitA daily , the reading of

and reflection on the deep meanings of Sri KrishNA's

charama slOkam (Chapter 18.66) alone would yield immense

peace of mind in this world .The performance of Prapatthi

through a SadAchAryan would bless us all with residence in

the Lord's supreme abode and engage in kaimkaryam for

the divine couple there along with the nithya sooris .


Sri KrishNArpaNam asthu

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

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