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Experiencing Swami Desika - 88

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Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:

Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:

Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:

Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:

Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:


" SrimAn VenaktanAthArya: kavithArkika kEsarI!

VedAnthAchArya varyO mE sannidhatthAM sadhA hrudhi " !!



Subhasita Nivi is filled with gems which can enlighten our

path in the acquisition of knowledge. Swami has taken

different kinds of people, their nature of behaviour and

varied circumstances into consideration. This is like a

practical guide for us in our day to day life!


In Anipuna Paddhati, we saw that Swami had dealt with persons

lacking mental discrimination. Swami says that they see

non-existent fault in others, and assume themselves to be

perfect. The following Sloka is on such ignorant critics!


" Pashyathi ParEshu dhOshan asathOpi jana: sathOpi naaiva guNaan!

Vipareethamidam swasmin mahima moohaajjanasyaisha: !! "


-- Anipuna Paddhati (3)


" Men see non-existent faults in others but not their obvious

virtues. On the contrary, they see not their own defects but

see imaginary virtues in themselves. This is the wonderful

effect of the collyrium of delusion applied to their eyes. "


The ignorant critics, due to false notions as explained above,

becomes a drpta (Proud and arrogant). In the following Sloka

in drpta Paddhati, Swami explains that great men may have

similarities with other men in certain aspects. But this does

not mean that they are equals. Ordinary men have their own



" ghativyOrmnA kim tadgarudamabhitIkEta cataka:

pibhatvambha: sharam na khalu kalashIsoonuralasa: !

kala: kantE nAda: ka yiva mashaka: kinnara pati:

kathamcit sAdharmyam shipati nahi vaidharmyaniyamam !! "


-- Drpta Paddhati (11)


" Pride and arrogance behoove little to ordinary beings. Can a

sparrow challenge Garuda though both fly in the sky? Can an

invalid, who gets saline water for his cure, claim equality with

sage Agastya who drank the entire ocean? Can the whine of the

mosquito ever rival the music of the celestial bard? Flying, drinking

and singing may be common to such pairs, but there ends the

similarity. "


In the Durvrtta Paddhati Swami emphasises on the need for

purity of character. Here, Swami deals with one who lacks

good character.


" jAthimAtrasharaNA bhahishkrutA: kEcidAdrutajakhanyakrutaya: !

rOshanA viparidhAvinO mudhAhrEpayanti janam vujjitahiya: !! "


-- Durvrtta Paddhati (11)


" The truly virtuous will shun all contact with those who though

well-born, commit evil deeds who are shunned in good society due

to their actions, are ill tempered and being unconscious of their

own guilt, swank about in society arrogantly. "


Swami gives us a clear picture of who deserves to be served and

who does not. In the asevya Paddhati Swami states that birth alone

is not detrimental in people deserving service!


All of Swami's preachings are what He Practiced. Swami's humility and

respect to elders is unparalleled. In the following Sloka Swami goes

to the extent of stating that people who do not honour their elders

will never be served by good people!


" anAkalitamAnushyA: shamAsamsparshavarjitA: !

pratibhuddai: na sEvyantE pOrvadEvavirOdhina: !! "


-- Asevya Paddhati (10)


" Wise and good men would not serve those who show scant respect for

human values, lack tolerance and good behaviour and who do not honour

their forbears and elders. "


Swami gives us inputs on how to lead a tranquil life -


" anantakhyAtisampanna: shuddhasatva: sudhIbhala: !

dhattE bhahumukham bhOgam shutidtAshtisthirAshaya: !! "


-- ibid (6)


" True knowledge, correct observances, virtuous conduct, sharp intellect,

courage of conviction and viewing the world through the lens of scriptures

with complete trust in God's dispensations will enable a person have

a tranquil, joyous life in this very world. "


The following is an interesting comparison on Generosity and



" vadAnyashca kadaryashca gruhIta sthiralO bhata: !

svAnarthAn sancinOtyarthAn parAnarthairrayOjayan !! "


-- Vadhanyua paddhati (9)


" A miser hoards wealth in the delusion that it will remain

permanently with him. A generous person amasses wealth in the

hope that he can gift it away permanently to others. "


All the translations are by Shri M.K. Srinivasan.


Subhasita Nivi clearly shows Swami's deep concern for us. He

warns us of different kinds of people, guides us as to whose

company has to be preferred and whose should be shun, specifies

the undesirable qualities to be discarded and desirable qualities

to be cultivated...the list can go on.


Swami in short has given us A-Z of all what we should do!!!



" Kavi Taarkika Simhaaya Kalyaana guna SaalinE!

SrimatE VenkateshAya VedAnta Gurave nama !! "


....To be continued!


dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi

1st Sep 1999

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Smt. Praveena,


Thanks for your wonderful Kaimkaryam. Adiyen had undertaken the task of


the translation of the Subhashita Nivi verses on another list a couple


years back. However, due to various pressures, it could not be

completed. Your

postings are a good reminder for Adiyen to complete this task

(Don't know when Adiyen will get the time for this!). Please continue

your wonderful Kaimkaryam.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan

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