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Experiencing Swami Desika - 98

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Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha:

Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha:

Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha:

Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha:

Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha:


" SrimAn VenaktanAthArya: kavithArkika kEsarI!

VedAnthAchArya varyO mE sannidhatthAM sadhA hrudhi " !!


In yesterdays Posting we saw Swami portraying Prapatti as an

atma vivAha (wedding) - the wedding between the Jeevatma and

the Paramatma. Hence every Prapanna (as Lord's wife), have a

code of conduct to be followed!


In the 36th Sloka of SaranAgathy Deepika Swami further

emphasises on the way an Prapanna spends his time as long as

he is in this world.


Swami Desika mentions four distinctive features on how

Prapannas lead their life.


1. A Prapanna is always amidst like minded people. Prapannas

relish the company of other Prapannas - godly men who have

surrendered to the Lord. This sat sangam makes even this

boolOkam a Srivaikundam!


2. Just as how it is necessary for Prapannas to have constant

sat sangam, it is equally important for them to keep away from

the company people who have a wayward tendency. Prapannas

should not associate themselves with people who are erring

personalities. He should run away from men who sin against

Lord as if they have seen serpents. They do not mix with people

who are devoted to other devatas.


3. The most important attribute visible in Prapannas is the

unflinching steadfast faith in blemishless conduct. Prapannas

follow anushtAnams very strictly for the sake of Bagavat

preetyartham (to please the Lord and not for any other material



4. A Prapanna has no illusions about the power and position of

devas such as Brahma, Siva, Indra etc. He worships only

Sriya: Pathi. This does not mean that he hates other devas, it

is just that he is indifferent towards them. A Srivaishnava

considers everything to be Lord's property and so does not

hate anything!


In the 67th Sloka of Achyuta satakam, Swami explains how these

devas treat humans. Swami also explains that there is a drastic

change in the way Devas treat a Jiva when he becomes a Prapanna

and heads towards Srivaikundam.


" dEvAnAm pashusamAnO janturgatvA dEvanAtha tava padam !

tairEva sarvai: samsaramAnai: bhavati sadA datta bali: !! "


Swami states that every one is indebted to Devas, Rishis and

Pitrus. There are various ways to wipe out these debts. The

debts to devas can be wiped out by performing yagas and yagnas,

to Rishis by Vedadyaya and by begetting progeny the debt to

pitru's gets liquidated. Swami hence explains that Devas regard

humans as mere sacrificial beings!


But the reaction of Devas is absolutely different when a person

by the grace of the Acharya and the liberality of the Lord

ascends to Sri Vaikundam. The muktas are instantly freed from

their indebtedness to the Devas. Not just this, the Devas and

even the persons who continue in this samsara treat the Mukta

with great reverence and respect and offer homage and tribute

to Him.


So, it is once again clear that a Prapanna should be grateful to

his Acharya (who by his upadesa) converts his atma and makes it

fit to be offered to God for eternal kainkaryam by doing Prapatti

which takes him to Paramapada.


The following things should be abandoned by a Prapanna at

any cost:


1. Worship of anya devatas


2. association with Devotees of other devatas


3. Showing disregard to a true devotee of Sriman Narayana and


4. Showing disregard, disrespect and neglect to his Acharyas.


The Prapannas thus spend their days, each karaNam and each Indriya

getting its full share of enjoyment on proper lines.


The above write up is based on " Tattva Rahasyartha Sangraha " an English

translation of " Upayukta Sangraham " by Srimad RangaRamanuja Maha Desikan

(Sri Koliyalam Swami) and Shri R.Ramaswamy Aiyangar's commentary on

Swami Desika's SaranAgathy Deepika and Achyuta satakam.


" Kavi Taarkika Simhaaya Kalyaana guna SaalinE!

SrimatE VenkateshAya VedAnta Gurave nama !! "


....To be continued!


dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi

11th Sep 1999

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