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Periya Thirumozhi- 5.5- maRavaadhu eppozhudhum maayavanE! MadhavanE! enginraaL..

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


Bhagawaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan stays at Srirangam only for

protecting us. AzhwArs longs to perform kaimkaryam to Him. Nothing happens

and it does not materialise. He gets into the NayikA Bhavam, and becomes

Parakala Nayaki. The mother (of Parakalanayaki)’s bursting out is this ten.

She says : I am not able to her unite with PerumAL; nor am I able to

alleviate her sufferings. What can I do? What is my use of being a mother?”


1. My darling daugher, who should not be saying this (to me- the mother).

Yet, she has no fear or shyness; She babbles shouting, ” VenkatamE!

VenkatamE!”. Oh no.. she does not even lie down on my lap.. She is suffering

so much.. Her darting, spear like beautiful eyes, have lost their sleep.

That Lord- who has the dark beautiful ThirumEni, like that of black bee, the

dark clouds,- that Chief of Nithyars, the Greatest One, the Consort of

Periya PiraaTTi- How can I think of the damage (?) He has done to this girl!

(means: It is much more than what I can even think of)


2. My girl says : My waist is not able to hold my dress; my golden bangles

fall off from my wrists; What shall I do! Will He not like me? Won’t He?”.

The Lord who has Thirumeyyam, as His place. The One who is the Chief of

Nithyasooris, the One who aimed the arrows through seven trees (in Rama

avtaar), The Chakravartthi Thirumagan, - How can I think of the deeds He has

done to her!


3. My daugher who has the deer like eyes, - Her present state is: all her

bangles fall off; Her large bright eyes are welled with tears and the tears

are rolling down the soft cheeks ceaselessly. She always talks of the

greatness and fragrance of thuLasi maalai that adorns the broad Divine Chest

of The Lord and she forgets to sleep. Look at this pitiable condition of

hers. The Lord- who stays at the forest (to rear the cattle during KaNNan

avtaar), the One who stole the curd, ghee and butter from the cowherd folks’

homes, the darling son of Nandhan, - Oh mothers!, the way He has captured my

darling- I simply am not able to comprehend.


4. She is not listening to this poor mother’s advice even. She is not

joining her peers and friends also. She does not apply sandal paste on her

large, tender breasts. “She always keeps asking “Where is my Swami’s

Srirangam?” Oh young girls! The Lord- who sucked the devil woman’s

(Poothanai’s) breasts and finished her off; the One who swallowed the Earth

during PraLaya kaalam, (the large stomach Lord- Peru vayiRRan- because He

could have the big Earth in It..) the One who is Sarva Vyapakan, Sarva

Shakthan, - the damage He has done to her- how am I able to tell all to you!


5. My darling girl is not applying sandal on her body. She is not applying

“Kaajal” (Collyrium?) (mai) on her large fish like eye lids. She does not

even think of anything else (but Him) as the pastime. (enna adhirshtam..-

How mucky is this girl!) “Where is Srirangam wherein the Lord who is my

Upakaarakan stays?” asks she. The Divine Consort of Periya PiraaTTi (staying

in fresh Lotus flower), the Cowhed Boy, who came to everyone’s delight (for

us to enjoy Him) – The Pari poorNan- the Purushan (He is the Only Male..)

(AaN maganaaay) – I am not able to comprehend the deeds He has done to my

darling; Oh mothers!


6. My girl weeps and exhausts herself crying “Oh … Hmmmm… He is not giving

me the Vanamaalai..” Look at this pitiable state of hers. If I try to

distract her by uttering some other statement, she comes back to Srirangam..

saying “SarvEshwaran stays there at Srirangam”. The Sriya: Pathi, The

dancer (with the pot); the One who killed Madhu kaitapar (two asurAs as Lord

Hayagrivan..) – The One who went as the messenger for Paandavaas; That

Swami- all that he has done to her- How can I express!


7. She is not thinking of (worried about) the colour changing (getting pale)

of her young breasts. All that she thinks and contemplates is: only the

Primordial Chief- His name. Her mother (who gave birth to such a girl!)_

what shall I tell! That Lord- who has the garland only for saving us; the

One who is at the cool Thirukkudanthai, the One drove the chariot for

Paandavaas in the battle filed; KaNNan- all damage He has done to her- How

can I express!


8. Is there absolutely no relative (for her) to tell and advise her good

things? “ -like that people are blaming me.. Oh no.. But, she at all times,

without never ever forgetting Him, is thinking of the Emperumaan alone and

tells “Accharya BhoothanE! ThirumaalE! MaadhavanE! MaayvanE! “. This Lord-

(PiRavaadha pEraaLan- who has the greatest Name that can remove the birth

cycle (of those who utter His names) the One who does such damage to young

women (like my daughter); the One who is merciful and compassionate to

Nithyars, the One who rules the Earth; - all that he has done to her- How

can I tell! (PiRavaadha PeraaLan- there is also another meaning: the One who

has no births like us..)


9. This young girl (of playful age) is not looking for dice

(pallaanguzhi..); She does not feed milk to the parrots; She does not play

with toys; (Barbie..) All that she says is : “Sri RanganAthan is not coming;

Alas! Am I going to perish?”. She does not even know that her bangles are

falling off from her wrists.. SarvEshwaran- SaamavEdha Geethan- The One who

knows the meaning of Vedas; the One who does Homam in five types of Agnis

(fires), (i.e. anushtana mayan- the One who stands as an example for the

world to carry out their karmas) ; the One who is proclaimed by and is the

essence of Taitthriya Upanishad; - all that He knows; - Oh mothers! But He

does not know my darling’s state of sufferings languishing for Him.


10. The mother of that large fish like eyed girl, tells her daughter’s

suffering and languishing for Thiruvarngatthu ammaan , who has His Yoga

nithrA there in this ten. This ten is narrated in this manner by Nam

Kaliyan. Those who recite this ten (with their meanings), will rule the

world as great kings and then reach Paramapadhm blissfully.


ThirumangaiAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Narayana Narayana


Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan



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