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Dear BhaghavatAs:


It is almost 10 days since I had returned from a wonderful trip to India.

Thanks to this cyber sat-sangh it added greatly to the enjoyment and

purposefulness of the trip which rather turned out to be a pilgrimage. Through

EmperumAn's grace I performed the BrahmOpadesam for my younger son at Tirupati

and subsequently got the SamasrEyanam done for my two sons at the holy feet of

Shri Anantha Narasimhachar swamigal (Garudapuram Swamigal's acharya vruksham).


Thanks to so many factors, I was forced to travel via Singapore and what a

blessing it was. I was extremely happy to have met Shri Anand and " Abhinava

Godha " Smt. Praveena and our dear Shri Madhavkkannan. Through them our

sampradayam is vibrant at Singapore. Their example is influencing a lot more

people and I understand that even some of the local people want to have

samasrEyanam done. Thanks to the tireless efforts of this trio, the foundation

laid by Ramanujacharya and Swami Desika is standing on solid grounds at

Singapore. I am indeed happy to have visited that place and to have had their



At India I first visited my Kula Deivam Lord Veeraraghavan of ThiruvallUr and

their I met Shri KGK Krishnan. Just a mention of membership of Bhakti or

Malolan group is enough to get into their 'Antaranga quarters' and a lively

conversation that follows. At that time Shri Azhagiya Singhar was planning a

mega Sudarsana homam at Thiruvaheendrapuram.


Subsequently, I visited Thiruvellikeni, Tirupati, Kancheepuram, Melkote and

finally Srirangam. Tirupati is as usual crowded with ever abounding Emperuman's

glory. At Kancheepuram I had the bhagyam of witnessing the Tirumanjanam of Lord

Varada and the Ubhaya Natchiars. At Mysore I obtained the blessings of

Parakalamatam Swamigal, witnessed the arAdhanam of Lord Hayagreeva and Swami was

extremely appreciative of the contributions of the electronic medium in

restoring the essentials of Sri Vaishnavistic principles . Thanks to TVS Inc.,

Parakalamatam is now beautifully renovated and is shining with Swami Desika's



Subsequently at Srirangam I was there for Yajur Upakarma and Shri Hayagreeva

Jayanti (Sravanam). Poundrikapuram Swamigal gave a brief Anugraha Bhashanam on

Lord Hayagriva. When I had the bhagyam of speaking to him personally, Swami

kept emphasizing the need for regularity in Sandhya vandanam and anushtAnams in

general. This is important for a Sri Vaishnava. Shri Anantha Narasimhachar

Swamigal spoke very eloquently about Lord Hayagreeva. This was followed by a

talk on " Hastigiri Mahatmyam " by Shri Rangamani Swamigal.


All-in-all a very satisfying trip. I see a few changes in my children. They

proudly wear Urdhvapundram at home and during socio-religious occassions. I

hope all these effects last till we undertake our next trip to India!


There are many things about our Divya Desams that I thought I should share with

you all. I hope to do it under the title " Divya Desams - Prioritizing our



I am happy to be back and be part of the Malolan net once again.



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