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SRIMAD VEDANTA DESIKA GADHYAM (Continued- Part 2 -(12 to 16)

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SRIMAD VEDANTA DESIKA GADHYAM (Continued- Part 2 -(12 to 16)

(Anbil Ramaswamy)


12. Sva padAmbuja dhyAna suprasanna Thuranga mukha mukha

vinisrutha lAlA sudhA pAna labda sArvagnya/


You drank the nectar right from the beautiful mouth of the

horsefaced Hayagriva who was delighted with your ceaseless meditation

on his lotus feet and thus became the all-knowing.


13. jnAna bhakti vairAghya vAtsalya souseelya soudhArya

chAturya mAdhurya sthairya dhairya kArunya kshamA

samathamAdhi anantha kalyANa guNa bushaNa/


You are fully bedecked with -

(JnAna) Supreme wisdom,

(Bhakti) Unflinching devotion to the Lord,

(VairAghya) Detachment to worldly attractions,

(VAtsalya) Love that ignores faults in others,

(Souseelya) Excellence of disposition,

(SoudhArya) An extraordinary trait of feeling as if you are

receiving while in fact you are conferring,

(ChAturya) Cleverness in winning over opponents and transforming

them into your ardent admirers,

(MAdhurya) Sweetness that makes one and all feel 'at home' with you,

(Sthairya) Steady determination to keep up promises to your devotees

and never forsaking them,

(Dhairya) Courage to face any situation,

(KArunya) Mercy towards even to the wicked,

(KshamA) Forgiveness even to those who seek to harm you,

(Samathama) Equanimity in weal or woe and

(Aadhi) Such other countless auspicious qualities -


What a rare combination!


14. Subha kula prasootha tulya guNa lakshaNa prEyasee saha charitha

sakala dharma/


You were born of an auspicious and noble family; you married an

equally qualified and loving consort; In her company, you carried

out all the duties of GrihastAsrama ordained in Dharma SAstras.


15. Haya-vadhana, dEva-nAyaka, achyutha, gOpAla, raghuveera-raNapungava,

varada, nara-hari, yathOkta-kAri, deepa-prakAsa, dEhaleesa, vEnkatEsa,

rangEsa, paksheesa, hEtheesa, ramA, kshamA, gOdhA-

vishaya stOtra sudhA ranjitha sahridaya budhajana hridaya /


You have endeared yourself to like minded knowledgeable people

through your delightful nectarine StOtras on -

Hayavadhana (Hayagriva StOtram)

DEvanAyaka (DEvanAyaka PanchAsat)

Achyutha (Achyuta Sathakam)

GOpAla (GOpAla Vimsathi)


Ranapungava (Raghuveera Gadhyam, ParamArtha Sthuti)

Varada (VaradarAja PanchAsat, VairAghya Panchagam,

NyAsa Dasakam, NyAsa Vimsati)

Narahari (KamAsikAshtakam)

YathOktakAri (VegAsethu StOtram, AshtabujAshtakam)

DeepaprakAsa (SaraNAgathi Deepikai)

DEhaleesa (DEhaleesa Sthuthi)

VEnkatEsa (DayA Sathakam)

Rangeesa (DasAvatara StOram, Bhagavad DhyAna SOpAnam,

Abheethi Sthavam, Nyasa Tilakam)

Pakshheesa (GaruDa DhanDakam, GaruDa PanchAsat)

HEtheesa (Sudarsana Ashtakam, ShODasAyudha StOtram))

RamA (Sri Sthuthi)

KshamA (Bhoosthuthi)

GodhA (GOdha Sthuthi)


16. ParadEvthA pAramArthyavEdhi parAsara, vyAsa, prAchEthasa

VaisampAyana, bhoudhAyana, Sukha, Sounaka, bharadwAja, sANDilya,

hAreetha - prabhrith parama rishi sama adhika vaibhava/


You shine equal to, nay, excelling the greatness of those who established

once and for all that Sriman Narayana is THE Supreme Lord- like

ParAsara: Father of Krishna Dwaipayana, aka Vyasa

VyAsa: aka Veda Vyasa; Author of Mahabharatha and the 18 Puranas

PrAchEtas: One of the Prajapathis who passed 10,000 years in the great ocean

deep in meditation of Vishnu and became the progenitors of


VaisampAyana: Celebrated sage disciple of Vyasa and who was the

original teacher of Krishna Yajurveda

BoudhAyana: Author of Dharma sutras and Grihya Sutras.

Sukha: Son of Veda Vyasa

Sounaka: Author of Brihad- Devata and teacher of the Atharva Veda.

BhAradwAja: Son of Brihaspati and father of DrOnAchArya

ChAndilya: The sage connected with Chandogya Upanishad

HAritha : Son of Yuvanaaswa of the solar race who descended from

IkshvAku, and Author of Dharma SAstra

Prabritih: and many others


(To Continue)


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