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Bhagavad Gita 4.7

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Sri Lakshminrisimha Parabrahmane Namaha

Sri Ramanujaya Namaha

Sri Nigamantha Mahadesikaya Namaha




- translation by Sri.V.N.Gopala Desikan


Chapter IV

slOkA 7


yadA yadA hi dharmasya glAnir bhavathi bhArata

abhyuthAnam adharmasya tadAtmAnam srijAmyaham


Translation :


BhArata - ArjunA ( of the BharatA clan )

yadA yadA hi - whenever

glAnir - decline

dharmasya - of dharmA

bhavathi - takes place

abhyuthAnam - and rise

adharmasya - of adharmA ( takes place) ,

tadA - then

aham - I

srijamy - create

AtmAnam - Myself


ArjunA (of the BharatA clan) , whenever decline

of dharmA takes place and rise of adharmA

(takes place), then I create Myself.


Commentary : Whenever there is a decrease in dharmA;

whenever there is increase in adharmA ; then I create

Myself; by My own free will and take births in this


DharmA means that which should be done , in

accordance with one's caste and stage of life (AsramA

- brahmachAri, grihasthA etc.) as prescribed in the






(Courtesy : Sri Visishtadvaita Research Centre)

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