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Anya Devata worship

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Dear Bhagavatas


I am not a member of the moderating committee. However, as an impartial


I would like to place the following observations on the topic of Anya Devata

worship hotly debated recently.


I have great regard for Sri Vijayaraghavan Srinivasan as the one who arranged

to host the first ever Srivaishnava Conference at Buffalo, NY His devotion in

performing Nitya karma Anushtanam and Tiruvaradanam marks him out as second

to none.


But, his outbursts against one of the moderator's appeal to a fellow

Bhagavata were out of sync of his swaroopam.


There are certain matters in which, we who claim to be Srivaishnavas, can

never compromise. It is a cardinal principle, not a mere article of faith but

of conviction that Prapannas (those who have done Prapatti) and Mumukshus

(those desirous of Moksham) should avoid at all costs viz., Anya Devata

worship and Bhagavad, Bhaagavata and Achaarya Apacharams.


Since we have time and again emphasized on these matters strictly in

accordance with the dictates of our Acharyas, I thought that by now, the

general membership would have been convinced. It is unfortunate that there

seem to be some still out there questioning this stand. And, this naturally

compels a sharp reaction from the moderators. We need not be apologetic about

our having to reiterate our stand.


Malolan Net has set its principles and policies clearly according to which

anything repugnant to the basic tenets as laid down by our Acharyas will not

be welcome therein. Even in our day to day life, we find that someone who

transgresses the rule of law as laid down and accepted is pulled up.


As moderator of the Net, Sri Sampath Rengarajan has only carried out his


I do not find anything offensive in his reply to Sri Mukundan whom he has

merely advised to look up the archives to educate himself, before coming up

with 'personal' opinions not consistent with the advice of our Acharyas as

avowedly espoused through the net.


I am still trying to persuade myself into believing that Sri Vijayaraghavan

did not justify Anya Devata worship but was merely advising against too much

emphasis on the issue and was highlighting the need for Discipline,

Atmagunas, spirit of giving, helping, not speaking ill of others, doing nitya

karmanushtanams etc. I agree that these are good by themselves, should

follow the routine of a Srivaishnava as a kind of second nature, like the

calf following the cow. These are always encouraged in our scheme of things.


But, most importantly, it is the twin requisites of avoiding Anya Devata

worship and the various Apacharams - are the sin-qua-non for any true

Srivaishnava worth calling himself so. It is not known how emphasizing these

can be regarded as less important than the discipline, etc., listed above,

which in any case are the accepted norms of anyone, not only the



If this were to be deemed arrogant, it is a welcome kind of arrogance. In

fact, is a facet of " Satvika Ahamkaram " - a pride in belonging to Desika

Sampradayam and in zealously guarding against onslaught of its basic tenets.


In such cases, 'finesse' is not a virtue. Sri Rengarajan's reply, if it was

blunt, it had to be so. Otherwise, his own projection would have been blunted

and lost its very purpose. It is not that Sri Rangarajan is not capable of

writing with 'finesse'. He has obviously preferred to be plain,

straightforward and forthright so that the point could be understood not only

by the elite but also the neophyte.


Sri Dileepan has very effectively brought out the undesirability of 'personal

sarcasm' and how one accusing others of 'arrogance' should not be guilty of

the offense they are accusing others of. I entirely agree with the sentiments

expressed by Sri Dileepan.


Powers of Anya Devatas:

I believe that none in the net denied the power of Kshudra devatas to grant

favors in terms of Tiruvoimozhi Pasuram " Avaravar " etc. The point sought to

be emphasized was that a Prapanna (whose objective is Moksham) should not

indulge in worship of Anya Devatas and curry petty favors from them, when

Lord Sriman Narayana is there to confer such favors also as a bonus

(Anushangikam) besides Moksham.


Quality Vs Quantity

I do not agree with the suggestion that we should take comfort in numbers.

Quality should be our forte; Quantity need not be our concern. We are not

here out to proselytize people but we seek to further educate the already

committed Srivaishnavas. And, what better theme than the twin prohibitions,

so *unanimously preached* by all our Acharyas? And, what better forum than

the Malolan Net dedicated to this very cause?


· To ask for a ban on discussing the issue of Anya Devata woeship is an

affront to BhagavAn, resulting in " Bhagavad Apacharam "


· To call a fellow Prapanna as 'arrogant' and 'immature' for a well meant

advice tendered by him is an affront to a Bhagavata- resulting in " BhAgavata

Apacharam "


· To cast aspersions and impute motives to an Acharya's actions (like,

Sudarsana Homam) is an affront to the Acharya-resulting in the words of

Bhagavad Ramanuja a " Asahya Apacharam " .


It may be noted that while Bhagavad Ramanuja expressly mentioned the other

two, he felt Acharya Apacharam 'unmentionable' as such.

So, he called it an 'intolerable' (ashaya) apacharam.


Anyone of these would nullify the effect of Prapatti, as clearly explained by

Swami Desika in his Srimad Rahasya Traya Saram.


Ban on the topic

Instead of having a voluntary ban on the discussion of the topic, I would

suggest that for the next 6 months there should be at least one posting every

day on the subject so that we would be truly carrying out the message of our

masters incessantly.


To this end, I propose to post articles based on PramANams from VEdas,

Upanishads, ItihAsas, PurANas etc down to the Sri Sooktis of Poorva AchAryas

and Prakritam AchAryas, if only to bring home that *ONLY Sriman Narayana is

THE Paramatma to be worshipped and NONE ELSE.*


Sudarsana Homam

I would like to believe that Sri Vijayaraghavan was only making a general

statement on Sudarsana Homam and did not imply anything against the Homam

performed by Azhagiya Singhar.


IF, in reality, he implied so, it is shocking to learn the insinuation on the

performance of Sudarsana Homam by Azhagiya Singhar being characterized as

" Kaamyam " .


In this connection, I would like to mention that sometime ago, I had a

discussion with my Acharya, Srimad Andavan of Poundarikapuram Ashramam. I

sought his advice on some mundane problems and enquired whether Sudarsana

Homam could be performed. He observed that Sudarsana Homam is mainly

intended to rejuvenate the power of the " Chakram " at the " peetam " in the

" Sanctum Sanctorum " in temples and is done periodically, say once in 10 to 12

years or so; that it should not be performed by a Prapanna as " kamyartham " ;

that there was no harm if it was done as " Bahagavad Preethyartham " .


As an alternative, he suggested the performance of " Asiddha - AswamEdha

ParAyaNam " at SwAmi Desika's Sannidhi at Thooppul. Actually, he arranged for

it saying that such a " pArAyaNam " without " kAmyam " will automatically fulfill

one's " KAmyam " also.


Worship of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna

Similarly, I would like to believe that Sri Vijayaraghavan mentioned

generally on the worship of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna and did not mean to

imply anything against the worship of Lord Nrisimha.


Again, IF in reality, he did imply that, it is even more shocking from a

person who has had his initiation at the hands of *Sri Anantha



Availability of AchAryas

When it is alleged that " Acharyas themselves differ in many points " , it has

to be supported with proof as to which Acharya differed from which and on

precisely what point and what context.


It must be remembered that luckily, all the present day Acharyas are very

much available and most of the members are connected on hotline with them for

obtaining corroboration, clarification or denial.


None can fling generalized statements like these and get away with them. They

should remember that they can be called up on to provide strict proof-

whether it be Sudarsana Homam or Worship of one or the other Avatars or any

other topic.



I wish we call a closure to this discussion and move on to more important

works assigned to us by our Acharyas.


Sorry for the lengthy note.



Anbil Ramaswamy

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Dear Bhaktas,


Adiyen read with interest Sri Anbil Ramaswamy's note on the subject of

Anya Devata worship. Adiyen eagerly looks forward to reading his series

on this subject based on authoritative Vakyams from the Vedas,


Smritis and Ithihasas. As Sri Anbil Swamin has stated, such a


will only help Srivaishnavas gain a better understanding of the


tenets of Bhagavad Ramanuja Darshanam as systematized by Swami Desikan.


Namo Narayana,




SriMuralidhara Dasan

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