Guest guest Posted December 4, 1999 Report Share Posted December 4, 1999 (DO NOT FORWARD THIS SERIES TO ANYONE WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE TRANSLATOR) Sri: Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha ParabrahmaNE nama: Srimate Sri Satakopaya nama: Srimate Sri Ramanujaya nama: Srimate Sri Nigamantha mahadesikaya nama: Srimate SrimadhaathivaN satakopa yatindra mahadesikaya nama: Srimate Srivan Satakopa Sri Vedantha Desika Yatindra Mahadesikaya nama: Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Dhivya Padhuka sevaka Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya nama: An episode from Poorvacarya --------------------------- In his commentary on Sri AlavandhAr's 3rd sloka, " Ishat tvatkaruNAnirIkshaNa " from ChatuslOki, Sri Periyavaachaan Pillai recounts an interesting exchange between Nadathur Ammal and his Acharya, Sri Kurugaipiran Pillan. Nadadur Ammaal asks, " Does Piratti play any role in the act of creation? " Sri PiLLAn answers, " Why is there any doubt on this issue? Don't we know that it is said, 'AvAbhyAM karmANi, kartavyAni, prajAshchotpAdayitavyA:' (Let us both engage in activities and in creating progenies)? Is she not a 'sahadharmacAriNi'? " Another commentator, Nayinachariyar, also has narrated this episode in his commentary on Catusloki, in the same place. In as much as the episode described by the two commentators has not been denied anywhere, it is abundantly clear that Piratti, like Perumal, is involved in the cause and act of creation. Let us now examine the analysis of this issue found in Srimad Thirupputkuzhi Sami's " RathnapEikai " . Definition of Patni Question: Piratti is known as Vishnu Patni, both from the Vedas and from worldly common knowledge. However, what is actually meant by the term " Patni " ? If the term only means " Vishnu seshatvam " (within the control of Vishnu), then even inert matter which is under the control of Perumal, will have to be designated as Vishnu Patni. But this is absurd. We may refine the definition of Vishnu Patni as, " cetanetva sati ViShNu seShatvam " (sentient entity that is under the control of Vishnu). With this refined definition we are able to exclude inert matter from being designated as Vishnu Patni. However, all Jivathmas are now entitled to be called Vishnu Patni as they all are sentient and under the control of Vishnu. Thus, this refined definition also falls short of precisely defining the term " Vishnu Patni " . The status Patni is obtained only after it is conferred through the ritual of marriage. In worldly affairs also, only when the act (karma) of marriage is fulfilled a girl attains the status of Patni. Thus, Piratti is Vishnu Patni because Perumal has accepted her as Patni though the ritual of marriage. But this matrimonial relationship is not eternal. First, a girl becomes a boy's Patni only after about twenty years of her life. Even after marriage we sometimes see the relationship broken. Therefore, the status of Vishnu Patni for Piratti must be transient also. Answer: Patnitvam is not defined in terms of (i) seshatvam (being under Vishnu's control), or (ii) cetanathve Sathi seshatvam (a sentient under the control of Vishnu) or, (iii) through the act of marriage. It is a status conferred through " SaasthrIya sankalpa visesha vishayatvam " (a relationship qualified by the resolve to observe Sastra). At the time KanyadhAnam (offering of bride) the groom beholds his bride and resolves to jointly perform the acts required of a married couple, and produce children. She in return agrees with this solemn resolve. At this point she attains the status of his Patni. She becomes his Patni because she becomes an integral part of the action the man has resolved to undertake. This is the essence of the status called Patni. This type of resolve in worldly realm is entered into only after the man and woman come of age, and it does not last eternally. But, the resolve of Perumal is permanent and eternal. Perumal resolves with Piratti, 'AvAbhyAM karmANi, kartavyAni, prajAshchotpAdayitavyA:' (Let us both do all the activities, and create progeny). This resolve is permanent. Therefore, the status of Vishnu Patni is permanent for Piratti. It is not transient. The status of Patni does not manifest just because a man grabs a woman and utters the words that amount to the resolve stated above. The resolve must be within the bounds of and in conformity with sastras. Thus, a complete and proper definition of the status of Patni is, " shAstrIya sankalpa viseSha viShayatvam " (a woman with whom a man resolves, in conformity with shasthras, to perform activities). The actions that Perumal undertakes with Piratti who is His Patni include protection of the universe and the like. " prajAshca utpAdayitavyA: " denotes the creation of the universe. In the worldly realm, the Sasthras say that Patni also participates in the traditional actions (vaidhIka karma) of the man. Similarly, Piratti participates in Perumal's actions of creation and protection of the universe. From the commentaries of Poorvamimamsai 6th Chapter, Jaiminisoothra Bhasshyam written by Srimad Thiruputkuzi Swami and Srimad Parakala Swami, we know that the Patni shares an integral responsibility for the actions that Purushan and Patni (Husband and wife) undertake together. Swami Sri Desikan has discussed this in Nyaya Sidhdhanjanam. In the above, enough Pramanas have been cited for establishing that Piratti has an integral role in " JagatShruShti " (creation of universe). That is, Piratti has " JagatkaaraNatvam " . In other words, Piratti is a cause of creation. Just the episode cited by Periyavaccan Pillai and Naiyinaracan Pillai is clearly sufficient to see that Piratti participates in the creation of the universe. Nadatur Ammal's question enquiring whether Piratti has a role in creation, and Thirukurugaipiran Pillan's answer starting with, " Why is there any doubt with it? " and continuing with the pramaanam, " AvAbhyAm karmANi, karthavyAni " and the comment, 'Is She not SahadharmachAriNi? " indicate Piratti's role in creation without a trace of doubt. The erudite Srimad Thiruputkushi Swami of Sri Desika Sampradayam, also cited the pramana, " SaasthrIya sankalpa visEsha vishayathvam " for establishing Piratti's role in creation. -- to be continued srimad azhagiya singar thiruvadigaLE saraNam -- adiyen ramanuja dasan (Translation by P. Dileepan) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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