Guest guest Posted December 4, 1999 Report Share Posted December 4, 1999 >Sri: >SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha, >Translation of Paaduka Sahasram by U.Ve. Sri V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin: > >122. bhrushAtura sahOdara praNayakhaNdana svairiNA >padEna kimanEna mE vanamihAvanAdicchatA!! >yitIva parihAya tannivabrutE swayam yat purA >padatramidamAdriyE druta jagat trayam rangiNa: !! > >I hail the Ranganatha-Paaduka,-Which retreated from >the Lord's feet and ever stands for the good of >all the three worlds,-Which did so, evidently, >on such a thought, as " What am I to do with these feet >that desire to dwell in the forest rather than do good >by ruling over the kingdom of the country, especially >spurning the entreaty of the grief-stricken brother, Bharata? " > >Namo Narayana, >Adiyen,SriMuralidhara Dasan NOTES BY V.SADAGOPAN (V.S): **************************** (1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: AdiyEn longs for the sambhandham of those Paadhukhais , which once returned to AyOdhyA , since they were unable to reject the sorrowful prayers of BharathA .RaamA's feet rejected those prayers and proceeded towards the forest . PaadhukhAs could not however do that out of their compassion for BharathA and the citizens of AyOdhyA and hence bid farewell to RaamA's feet and returned to AyOdhyA with BharathA . (2) AdiyEn meditates on that peerless Paadhukhais , which concluded that their Lord was too harsh to His greiving brother (BharathA), who was ready to part with his life , if RaamA would not return to AyOdhyA . PaadhukhA assessed that RaamA was not gentle in His rejection of this moving request , but was abrupt and did not demonstrate DayA in His response .Hence The Paadhukhais decided to leave the Lord's feet and return to AyOdhyA to comfort the greiving BharathA and the Citizens of the Raajyam . The inner meaning here is that PerumAL punishes chEthanams , who break His Saasthraic injunctions . He also tests chEthanAs (sOthanai) even when they conduct their lifes according to His injunctions as if He is esting their mettle (sthairyam). AchAryAs on the other hand have more compassion than the Lord Himself . They forgive the offenses of those who commit mistakes. Even when one does a little good ,they bless that one with great rewards. In this slOkam , Swamy Desikan is somewhat sorrowful over the way that the Lord treated BharathA (for understandable reasons) at Chithrakootam . (3) The state of BharathA is described by Swamy Desikan as " Bhrusam aathura SahOdhara: " ( deeply greiving brother).He made the prayer /loving appeal (PraNayam) and the Lord pushed that " praNayam " aside and rejected it harshly (KhaNDanam).After this " PraNaya KhaNDanam " , Lord's feet were itching to leave for the forest instead of coming to the rescue of the crushed BharathA ( avanaath vanam icchathA ). Hence,Paadhukhais said : What is the use of these Paadhams of the Lord for me ( anEna PadhEna kim ?) and left (parihAya) to return to AyOdhyA . After intrepreting the mind and mood of the Paadhukhais in this PrathiprasthAna Paddhathi SlOkam , Swamy salutes those Sri RanganAtha Paadhukhais , which protect all the three worlds ...V.S Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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