Guest guest Posted December 5, 1999 Report Share Posted December 5, 1999 Dear Members of the MalOlan Net : A devout member has sent in the following comment from Cuddalore , India . This comment created auspicious thoughts about Sri DevanAthan of ThiruvahIndhrapuram. I would like to share them with you as response to the dear BhakthA's comment . V.Sadagopan At 09:18 PM 12/4/99 +0530, you wrote: >Dear Sri Satagopan Swamy, > >I enjoyed your posting on Nava Mani Maalai. I am from Cuddalore >just 3 KM from ThiruvahIndhrapuram. >> Paasuram 8: This is a beautiful , lilting >> paasuram set in PathinAnku Seer Chandha Viruttham . >> Here again Swamy Desikan prays to Achyuthan >> ( Adiyavarkku Meyyan /Natha Satyan/Sathya Vrathan) > >I just spotted a typo here. Should it not read 'Dasa Sathyan' >instead of 'Natha Sathyan'? Dear BhakthA from Cuddalore/ThiruvahIndhrapuram : Thanks very much for your welcome note . Coming as it does from Swamy Desikan's aasthAnam , adiyEn takes it seriously and wish to use this opportunity to record the auspicious thoughts stimulated by Your Question . Prior to that , let me invite the attention of the Bhakthi list members to the excellent home pages created by Sri MaNi VaradarAjan for Sri HemAbjavalli SamEtha Sri DevanAthan of ThiruvahIndhrapuram . The URL is: You will enjoy those home pages immensely , if you have not seen them already . Now coming back to the question " Should it not read as " dasa Satyan " instead of " natha Satyan " , this is a welcome question . In his magnificient Praakruth Sthuthi on Sri DevanAthan of T'Puram , " Achyutha Sathakam " ,Swamy Desikan is very particualr about the use of name of the Lord as Natha Satyan and Daasa Satyan to remind us that Lord DevanAthan will not abandon His true devotees befitting His name as Achyuthan and that He is true to His devotees ( Natha Sathyan , Daasa Sathyan , DaasAnAm Sathyan , Kinkara Sathyan , SaraNAgatha Sathyan , Namath sathyan ). We find these names behind the Achyutha Tatthvam interspersed liberally throughout the 100 slOkams of Achyutha sathakam . Let me summarize the slOkams , where these names appear in Achyutha Sathakam and include in paranthesis , the number of times we come across each of the specific names in Achyuth aSathakam : A. Kinkara Sathya (5 times ): SlOkams 2,24,38, 69 and 72 . B. DaasAnAm Sathya (4 Times ): SlOkams: 41,51,80, 91. C. Daasa Sathya ( 4 Times): SlOkams 17,21 ,34 ,71. D. SaraNAgatha sathya ( 3 Times): slOkams 8, 48, 59. E. namath Sathya ( 2 Times ): SlOkams 46 and 97. F. natha Sathya ( 13 Times ): SlOkams 19,20,22,43,54,55,62, 74,79 ,86,88,99,100 . Each of the 13 times , Swami Desikan addresses the Lord of Ahindhrapuram as natha Sathyan , he has a different prayer to Him as Achyutha Svaroopan . One has to refer to each of the 31 slOkams addressing the Lord in six differnet ways(A to F)to celebrate His Achyutha Tattvam of being unfailingly true to His dear devotees . The BhakthAs' question as to whether the name should be " dasa Satyan " induced another line of thought . Dasa means ten and Daasa Means the adiyavan or the subordinate one , who takes refuge at the adi of the Lord ( Prapannan). Fitting with the prefix, " dasa " , we can also venture to recognize Him as the true (Sathyan ) in Ten different ways : 1. Sathya Kaaman (2) sathya vrathan (3) Sathya Sankalpan (4) Sathya Mithran (5) Sathya PrabhAvan (6) Sathya Hrudhayan (7) Sathya AachAran (8) Sathya ManOrathan (9)Sathya - avathAra VihAran and (10) Sathya Suddha Tatthva mayan . Many of these are anmes used by Our AchAryALs like Sri RaamAnujA and Swamy Desikan in their Sri Sookthis. The meanings of each of these " dasa (vidha) sathya " svaroopan are profound and hence we will not elaborate on them for the sake of brevity . NamO AchyuthAya natha SathyinE , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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