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Operation of the CD ROM on AchArya RaamAnujA

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Dear BhakthAs :


I sent the first batch of the CD ROM on AchArya RaamAnujA

to those , who have supported this project . The next batch

will go out next week . With the pressures of work , I regret

that I could not send all of them in one setting . They will all

leave my end before the end of this year . I still need

the address of some of you to send this CD ROM .

If I have left out any one due to my inefficient

data base management Schools ,please send me a note

immediately with your addresses for dispatching

the CD ROM rightaway .



The attached note from Dr.Alwar might be of help

to you in operating the CD ROM and the many features

incorproated for easy navigation..I had no difficulty

in gaining access from my Multimedia PC. many of you are experts in

using CD ROMs .Hence this note may be superfluos to

many of you.The details on individual sections however

will be of interest to you as well .


At the very beginnign of this kaimkaryam,

I had promised to complete a TennAchArya

Version of AchArya RaamAnujA CD ROM for those

belonging to that SampradhAyam .I am pleased

to let you know that Sriman Alwar has completed

that Kaimkaryam with the help of a sole sponsor

from India , who has provided advanced Funds

to complete this Kaimkaryam. Five Hundred

CD ROMs are being produced for distribution .

Please contact Dr.Alwar at " alwar "

if you wish to purchase this version . He will

provide additional details .


Regarding the Vadakalai Version , We have little more than 100

copies available now . The First commitment is to all

those , who gave their invaluable support to

this Kaimkaryam . We will mkae additional copies

as the need arises for more CD ROMs.


With sincere gratitude to all of you

who have provided encouragement to

produce this pioneering CD ROM

on our SampradhAyam ,

Daasan, V.Sdaagopan



The Input from Dr.M.A.Alwar


>>I am enclosing herewith detailed instructions for operating the CD as well

>>as the detailed view guide for viewing the same. This may be sent by

>>e-mail in advance to all those who are to get the CD-Rom. In the end I

>>have mentioned " If you have any queries, send an email to

>><sgopan. or to me < alwar "






>. Installation Procedure : (for the first time you insert


>the CD to view " Ramanuja " )



>>>>1. Make sure you have set your monitor resolution to 640x480, 16 Bit High

>>>>Color. (If it is in a different mode such as 800x600, change it to the



>>>>2. Make sure your sound card is alright and also check if your speakers

>>>>are working fine.


>>>>3. Disable the Screen Saver without fail.


>>>>4. Take the Ramanuja CD, insert it into your CD Drive.


>>>>5. Go to Windows Explorer, click on the drive 'D' or 'E' depending upon

>>>>your computer.


>>>>6. Go into the Folder " Ramanuja " , and find the file titled " Setup "


>>>>7. Double Click on the icon 'Setup' and the program will automatically

>>>>guide you through the Setup Process.


>>>>8. Now, go to " Start Menu " and you will sell a Group titled " Ramanuja " .

>>>>In that there will be an icon " Ramanuja " , and when you click on it, the

>>>>program will automatically run.


>>>>9. If you have any problem of the text overlapping, quit the Ramanuja

>>>>program by hitting the " Escape " button, quit all other programs and just

>>>>restart the computer.


>>>>10. From the second time onwards to run the Ramanuja program, follow steps

>>>>1,2,3 and 8 only. Skip the other steps.


>>>>11. If any problems are encountered, kindly send an email to




>>>>A guide to view the CD Title Ramanujacharya



>>>>Opening Screen

>>>>The Opening Screen begins with a verse sung in traditional Indian

>>>>Classical style. The visual is in accordance with the meaning of the

>>>>verse whose meaning is as follows :


>>>> " The sun called Ramanujacharya rose, in this world, to dispel the darkness

>>>>of sin and to make the lotus of virtue and righteousness bloom " . This

>>>>verse very concisely tells us the main aim of the appearence of

>>>>Ramanujacharya. To convey this message, in the visual, it can be seen that

>>>>as the sun is about to rise, an unbloomed lotus can be seen in the

>>>>background. Even as Ramanujacharya, personified as the sun, rises, the

>>>>darkness gradually fades out and makes the lotus bloom. Thus the opening

>>>>screen conveys the complete theme of the appearence of Ramanujacharya.


>>>>Those who are using the package and want to go the main program directly

>>>>have to press the space bar.


>>>>Title Screen

>>>>The title screen tells the user about Sri Ramanujacharya's greatness, and

>>>>the difference between Him and the others, who are generally mentioned on

>>>>par with Him. Apart from this it also tells the user the main fields of

>>>>acheievements of Sri Ramanujacharya, in a nutshell. The image of Sri

>>>>Ramanujacharya, shown here is a photograph of His divine idol in

>>>>Sriperumbudur in South India, where He appeared. This idol, the different

>>>>modes of which are used throughout the program excels in its grandeur, and

>>>>depicts Bhagavan Ramanuja precisely as He was.


>>>>Towards the right corner is a button titled " Blessings " . When the user

>>>>clicks on this button, the video containing the blessings of HH The 45th

>>>>Jeeyar of the Ahobila Mutt, the guiding spirit behind this venture

>>>>appears. Also given for the benefit of the users is the translation of

>>>>the speech of HH the Jeeyar, which can be scrolled down and read. The

>>>> " Back " button helps the user come back to the Title Screen.



>>>>Main Menu Screen

>>>>The Menu Screen shows the different menus that leads the user to different

>>>>parts of the software. When the user moves the moves on the buttons

>>>>situated in two columns on either side of the screen, he gets details of

>>>>where the buttons lead, in the form of text at the middle of the screen.

>>>>In the middle is the photograph of the image of Sri Ramanujacharya, which

>>>>is still there in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai in South India, the place of

>>>>His appearence. This image too, almost life-size, is very significant and

>>>>truly portrays His divine presence. In fact tradition tells us that He

>>>>Himself acknowledged that the image portrayed all His features and was

>>>>most fit to be worshipped by all His devotees.


>>>>Charitram(Life History)

>>>>When the user clicks on this ( " Charitram " ) button, the program goes into

>>>>the menu screen of this section and shows the different buttons leading to

>>>>the subsections of the program. Further, when the user clicks on any of

>>>>the six buttons in this screen, he will be able to view a particular part

>>>>of the Life History of Bhagavan Ramanuja.


>>>>In each of the stories, the following features in the form of buttons are

>>>>available to facilitate easy navigation through the program:

>>>>1. Menu (When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to the

>>>>Menu Screen of the Charitram section).

>>>>2. Back Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the previous scene of the story).

>>>>3. Forward Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the next scene of the story)

>>>>4. Chakra : Repeat Button (When the user clicks on this button, the

>>>>program will repeat the same scene of the story once again)

>>>>5. Quit (Will quit the program after a user interface)



>>>>Granthamala(Works of Ramanujacharya)

>>>>When the user clicks on this ( " Granthamala " ) button, the program goes into

>>>>the menu screen of this section and shows the different buttons leading to

>>>>the subsections of the program. Here, the famous nine gems which are of

>>>>great significance in religious and practical, are shown, and each of them

>>>>are made to represent a particular work of Ramanujacharya. The gem

>>>>representing the particular work is known by moving the mouse on it. The

>>>>order of the works are according to the chronology in which they were

>>>>composed by Ramanujacharya.


>>>>When the user clicks on any of the buttons, a few details about the

>>>>particular work are given. Of them, generally the shloka from the

>>>>original which lets us know about its essence is sung in a traditional

>>>>manner. Further, a narration lets the user know about the essence of each

>>>>work. The respective visuals are in accordance with the themes of the



>>>>In each of the stories, the following features in the form of buttons are

>>>>available to facilitate easy navigation through the program:

>>>>1. Menu (When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to the

>>>>Menu Screen of the GranthaMala section).

>>>>2. Back Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the viewing of the details of previous work of the Bhagavan Ramanuja).

>>>>3. Forward Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the viewing of the details of the next work of the Bhagavan Ramanuja)

>>>>4. Chakra : Repeat Button (When the user clicks on this button, the

>>>>program will repeat the viewing of the details of the same work of the

>>>>Bhagavan Ramanuja)

>>>>5. Quit (Will quit the program after a user interface).

>>>>6. Tell Me More (Clicking on this button will help the user to hear to

>>>>more original compositions of Bhagavan Ramanuja of the respective work)

>>>>7. Philosophical Significance (Clicking on this button will help the user

>>>>to read and know more about the background/circumstances under which

>>>>Bhagavan Ramanuja authored the respective work)



>>>>Vaibhavam (Anecdotes depicting the greatness of Ramanujacharya)

>>>>This section is self-explanatory. The shloka which is sung in the

>>>>background, gives a list of holy places, like Srirangam, Kancheepuram and

>>>>so on, which Ramanujacharya patronised with great devotion, and are of

>>>>great importance to all Srivaisnavas. Then the program goes into the menu

>>>>screen of this section and shows the different buttons leading to the

>>>>subsections of the program. Further, when the user clicks on any of the

>>>>two buttons in this screen, he will be able to view a particular story of

>>>>depicting an anecdote of Bhagavan Ramanuja.


>>>>In each of the stories, the following features in the form of buttons are

>>>>available to facilitate easy navigation through the program:

>>>>1. Menu (When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to the

>>>>Menu Screen of the Vaibhavam section).

>>>>2. Back Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the previous scene of the story).

>>>>3. Forward Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the next scene of the story)

>>>>4. Chakra : Repeat Button (When the user clicks on this button, the

>>>>program will repeat the same scene of the story once again)

>>>>5. Quit (Will quit the program after a user interface)


>>>>Aradhanam(Performing of Pooja according to the instructions of


>>>>This section instructs the users about the procedure to perform the Pooja

>>>>or worship (popularly known as Aradhana) of the Lord, as instructed by

>>>>Ramanujacharya. The Pooja, as Ramanujacharya says, has six main

>>>>components, plus two preliminary sections, given in the form of buttons.


>>>>When the user clicks on this button, the procedure for this are shown.

>>>>Instructions given online instruct the user as what needs o be done. The

>>>>visual also depicts the same, while the shlokas sung in the background

>>>>inform the user as to what needs to be chanted while doing so. The

>>>>significance of the particular action to be performed is also shown

>>>>online, in the form of text. The user can proceed to the respective

>>>>sequence/event of the Aradhana either by clicking on the right arrow or

>>>>directly clicking on the button shown on the right hand side of the

>>>>screen. More details can be had about the Aradhana by clicking on the

>>>> " Tell Me More button "


>>>>The following buttons too are available to facilitate easy navigation :

>>>>1. Menu (When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to the

>>>>Menu Screen of the Aradhanam section).

>>>>2. Back Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the previous sequence/event of the Aradhana).

>>>>3. Forward Arrow(When the user clicks on this button, the program leads to

>>>>the next sequence/event of the Aradhana)

>>>>4. Chakra : Repeat Button (When the user clicks on this button, the

>>>>program will repeat the same sequence/event of the Aradhana.)

>>>>5. Quit (Will quit the program after a user interface)



>>>>Fun (Quiz and Info)

>>>>This section contains two small subsections -- Quiz and Info.

>>>>Info :

>>>>When the user clicks on this button, the video containing the Tirumanjanam

>>>>of Bhagavan Ramanuja, venture appears. Also given for the benefit of the

>>>>users is the greatness of that particular idol of Bhagavan Ramanuja, which

>>>>can be scrolled down and read.


>Direct Link to the Ahobila matam homepages

>thru hyperlink has also been provided to

>aceess the detailed SaatthumuRai related

>to Bahgavath AarAdhanam .


>>>>The Info section comes to an end with this video.


>>>>All buttons that are part of the Main Menu screen continue here with their

>>>>respective functions remaining the same.



>>>>The Quiz section is self-explanatory. When the user completes this

>>>>section, the program automatically goes to the main menu..


>>>>All buttons that are part of the Main Menu screen continue here with their

>>>>respective functions remaining the same.



>>>>When the user clicks on the button and confirms that he wants to quit, a

>>>>ancient and famous song is sung in the background. The song gives a very

>>>>picturesque account of the divine body of Ramanucharya and explains its

>>>>greatness. The visual focusses on the particular part of the body which

>>>>is explained in the particualr part of the song. It concludes with an

>>>>account of the advantages a person begets when he meditates on

>>>>Ramanujacharya. Meanwhile, the names of the persons involved in the

>>>>development of this program is also displayed.


>>>>All buttons that are part of the Main Menu screen continue here with their

>>>>respective functions remaining the same.


>>>>At the end, the program terminates and the original Windows screen



>>>>If you have any queries, send an email to <sgopan.>




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