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Periya Thirumozhi 7.8- vEdhap poruLai ellaam parimukhamaay aruLiyavan....

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Dearest Sisters and Brothers,


Last ten, AzhwAr performed saraNAgathy at Emperumaan's lotus feet,

apprehended of the five senses. PerumAL consoled him saying " I am here at

Divya Desams only for protecting you " . AzhwAr now tells us the same in this



1. With The recitation of gloriuos great Vedas, the performance of five

yaaghams, the learning of sruthis, the great vedic scholars Brahmins who

carry out the above and who have the calibre like that of chathur mukha

brahmmA- reside at Thiruvazhundhoor. This is like a beautiful ornament to

the whole world. Here, Emperumaan, enjoys staying permanently. the One who

is the Chief of Nithyars; the One whose tender beautiful, golden divine

lotus feet are gently squeezed and massaged by the beautiful Periya PiraaTTi

and BhUmi PiraaTTi, who is praised by Sanakaadhi rishis; who reclines and

has His Yoga nithrA on the bed of striped ThiruvananthAzhwAn on Huge vast

Ocean; SarvEshwaran. Enjoy looking at Him... (be blessed.) ( " vari aravaNaith

thuyinRa maayOn kaaNmin " )


2. Thiruvazhundhoor is full of beautiful ponds, wherein the swans swim along

with their mates, and where the red paddy fields dance to the tune of gentle

breeze. The Lord of this Divya Desam is the master of Nithyasooris; the One,

who (when the rishis and Devas were baffled and worried with the greatest

dense darkness engulfed everywhere with an~jnAnam in " iruL tharumaa

jnAnalm " ), appeared from Paramapadham as white Hayagrivan (horse faced) and

taught Vedas and saasthras. He is our Swami. Enjoy looking at Him... (be

blessed.) ( " pannukalai naal vEdhap poruLai ellaam parimukhamaay aruLiya

emparaman kaaNmin " )


3. Thiruvazhndhoor is blessed with the river Cauveri's swift currents of

flows which sweep aside the agil, sandal branches of trees, golden, and gem

stones along with its waters to the banks; The Emperumaan of this fertile

Divya Desam is the Lord of Nithyars; He is the One who had saved the

elephant GajEdnran, (it was caught by the crocodile) when it had called Him,

" Oh jyOthiswaroopA! " and removed its mental and physical agony. He is the

purest (free of blemishes) Lord, who blessed adiyEn. Enjoy looking at Him...

(be blessed.)


4. the Lord of Thiruvazhundhoor, (where the bees hum and sing, while flying;

the cuckoos sing and peacocks dance to that tune; the river waters flow

beautifully by the side of charming gardens); is the master of Nithyasooris;

He is the One who had appeared as the Huge Varaaha Moorthy (appeared as huge

mEru mountain with gem stone impregnated on it) and brought back the BhUmi

PiraaTTi from troubled waters keeping Her on His horn; That most graceful

Emperumaan is my Lord; Enjoy looking at Him... (be blessed.)


5. Emperumaan of Thiruvazhundorr, where women folk, beautiful with their

bimbha fruit like lips, speaking sweetly like parrot, walks gracefully like

swan; reside permanently, is the Chief of Nithyasooris. He had appeared as

the Lion faced Huge ferocious Narasingan, and tore open the strong chest of

hiraNyakasipu. Also the most wonderful Lord, Kutti KaNNan sucked the breast

of the raakshasi, Poothanai. Enjoy looking at Him... (be blessed.)


6. PerumAL of Thiruvazhundorr, which is full of lovely tall buildings,

beautiful halls, palaces, and where brahmins of great AthmaguNAs, reside, is

the master of Nithyasooris. He had appeared cunningly as a small dwarf form

in Vaamana avattar, and measured the whole Universe and brought everything

under His Feet. The most victorious Lord, the unparalleled Emperumaan the

One who has the strongest shining, divine ChakrA in His resplendent hand, is

my swami. Enjoy looking at Him... (be blessed.)


7. Thiruvazhnodrr is know for its resident brahmins, who have the calibre

like that of four faced BrahmA, and who recite the sanksrit Vedas and Tamizh

pAsurams. ( " senthamizhum vadakalaiyum thigazhndha naavar.) Here the

Emperumaan who resides permanently is the Chief of Nithyars. He had helped

the PiraaTTi SitA, by going to lankA, where even sun cannot enter due the

tall buildings, and sending an arrow to make the ten strong heads of

rAvaNan fall onto the ground. He alone is my SarvEshwaran. Enjoy looking at

Him... (be blessed.)


8. Thiruvazhundhoor is fertile with the betel nut trees, where its fruits

are reddish in colour like corals; its flowers look like pearls; its

un-ripened fruits are so green like " maragatham " ; the ramparts appear

golden; the whole place is surrounded by beautiful gardens; - The Lord of

this charming Divya Desam is the Chief of Nithyasooris; He is the one who

fought with seven bulls and killed the same who broke the huge elephant's

tusk and killed that; who joined and danced with other womenfolk of cowherd

groups. the One who enjoyed stealing and eating the curd and butter kept in

hidden place by His mother YashOdhA. H e is the Accharya bhUthan.

Enjoy looking at Him... (be blessed.)


9. Thiruvazhundhoor is full of fresh gardens; beautiful streets, nice

houses, where at the verandas, young womenfolk comb their long hairs and

adorn them with fragrant flowers. The Lord of this great Divya Desam is the

master of Nithyars. He is the One who had killed kamsan, the wrestler

mushtikan, the one ho broke the bow; who kicked the wheel (sakatAsuran),

killed the elphant (kuvalauyaapeetam), the One who has the peerless,

strongest shining, victorious ChakrAyudham in His Hand. SarvEshawaran- My

Swami. Enjoy looking at Him... (be blessed.)


10. The One who appeared as Varaaham, Fish, Singam (Lion), who created,

protected the Universe, swaollowed and brought out the worlds (during mahA

praLayam), - Sarvaadhikaaran; He is the One who is here at Thiruvazhundhoor,

at whose feet, Indran, BrahmA, Sivan fall and prostrate.- the master of

Nithyasooris. This ten is on that greatest Emperumaan of Thiruvazhundhoor,

which is like the jewel on the earth. It is composed by Kaliyan, the chief

of Thiruvaali naadu. Those who learn this sweet ten pAsurams, will be

blessed with: being ruler of the whole world, and be considered equal to

celestial beings namely Devas.


ThirumangaiAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam




Narayana Narayana



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