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Last tiruumozhi of Godhai's Prabhandham

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Dear Sri ANDAL BhakthAs :


adiyEn was fortunate to receive an advanced

copy of the concluding (fourteenth ) decad of

GodhA Piraatti's NaachiyAr Thirumozhi today

from Srimathi KalyANi KrishNamAchAri of Chicago.


One of the doctrines of Sri VaishNava Dharmam is

not to enjoy anything alone , but to share it

with fellow BhakthAs ( koodi Irunthu uNNa vENum as GodhAi

Herself has pointed the way thru Her ThiruppAvai).


Srimathi KrishNamAchAri has accomplished a great task

in which she has excelled and placed Her Kaimkaryam

at the lotus feet of Godhai as a SamarpaNam for

the forthcoming SamprOkshaNam at SrivilliputthUr .

These postings will now be archived at SriVilliputthUr

Home pages lovingly created by Sri Venkat Iyengar

of Sri ANDAL's birth place.


The summary of the whole 14 decads outlined

at the beginning of this posting is simply



AdiyEn thanks Srimathi KrishNamachAri for

the completion of this Brahma Yaj~nam of

posting on all of the 143 Paasurams of

NaacchiyAr Thirumozhi with commentaries

from PoorvAchAryAs like Sri Periya VaacchAn PiLLai

to enrich our Bhagavath anubhavam .This indeed

is a life time achievement that Srimathi

KalyANi KrisshNamAchAri can feel proud about .

Vayam thu BhAgyavantha:


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.SadagOpan



SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE



General Introduction to nAcciyAr tirumozhi XIV – paTTi

mEyndOr kArERu


godai who declared “nArAyaNanE namakkE paRai taruvAn”

in tiruppAvai decided that reaching Him can only

happen with His grace [“aduvum avanadu innarulE”].

Since she did not get Him immediately, she fell at the

feet of kAman, performed SiRRil, took early baths in

the river, played kUDal game, conversed with the

cuckoo and desired to see Him in person. Since she did

not succeed, she tried to live with just the dream of

her marriage with kaNNan. Since the dream anubhvam was

not enough, she started conversing with pA’ncajanyam,

then used the clouds as messengers and being reminded

of His soundaryam because of the things she saw in the

rainy season, started losing herself. She started

losing faith in His word “na tyajEyam” (I will not

forsake My devotees) and started feeling that even

er AcArya sambandham (association with periAzhvAr who

was very dear to Him) was not sufficient for her to

reach Him. She tries to reach Him by her own efforts.

When she becomes too weak to do anything by herself

anymore to attain Him, she pleads with the people

around her to somehow establish the association

between Him and her by taking her to places where He

resides in His arcA form etc., or bring to her things

that are related to Him.


What was nArAyaNan thinking all this time, when godai

was pining in love for Him? He wished to transform her

love for Him into parama bhakti and kept postponing

showing His face to her. Just as food given to a

person suffering from indigestion might result in life

danger, pErinbam might not be digestible if a bhakta

does not develop parama bhakti. When she reaches the

pinnacle of her extreme love for Him and has attained

the stage of parama bhakti to Him where she will live

only if she gets Him and will die if not, that is when

He decides to show Himself to her. Just as nammAzhvAr

(tiruvAimozhi ) received a blessing “en avAvaRac

cUzhndAi”, godai also is showered with His Grace.

Finally, godai’s kaNNan ennum kAdalan, her kaNNil ADum

mAyavan, her kuRai onRum illAda gOvindan shows Himself

to her.


So far godai has showed in detail using the

nAyaka-nAyaki bhAvam, that the sole purpose in life is

for the jIvAtmA to seek the union with the paramAtmA

and attain brahmAnandam only after reaching paramAtmA.

She has outlined in detail the sorrow that the

jIvAtmA goes through until this union happens. This

is the only and the supreme goal. Sri SadagOpan quotes

SrImAn Justice rAmAnujam: “All the wealth in nature

are God’s blessings; these are meant to be used by

people as fertilizers in growing the bhakti in the

society” - (i.e., to be used in His service and

nothing else). That is what ANDAL is pointing out

through her aRuL mozhigaL. godai who showed us that

the only goal of life is to be united with emperumAn,

sang the praise of “Ongi ulagaLanda uttaman” and got

the greatness of being permanently united with Him. To

show that reaching His kaimkarya sAmrAjyam is a

herculean task, she sang the first one hundred and

thirty three pASurams of nAcciyAr tirumozhi depicting

the viraha bhakti (tApam), UDal (fight representing

the temporary frsutrations etc.). In the last 10

pASurams, she describes with great glee how her

kaNNan, who was playing hide and seek with her finally

showed Himself up and gave her a sight where He

revealed Himself to her and her friends in His

AyarpADi appearance and removed all her despair. Thus

ends vislEsham (the separation and the longing

associated with it) and thus starts samslEsham (the

brahmaAnda anubhavam associated with realizing Him).


Thi tirumozhi is in the form of a conversation between

two sets of people. Each pASuram starts with the

question from the seeker asking whether they have seen

emperumAn, and the second part is the response of

those who have had the pErAnandam of having attained



Meanings from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise:


pASuram 14.1 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 1 paTTi

mEyndOr kArERu)


paTTi mEyndOr kArERu baladEvarkku Or kIzhkanRAi

iTTiru iTTu viLaiyADi I’ngE pOdak kaNDIrE

iTTamAna paSukkaLai inidu maRittu nIrUTTi

viTTuk koNDu viLaiYADa virundA vanattE kaNDOmE


sundarAngan kaNNan gives godai several, wonderful

sights (sEvai) and gives her paramAnandam. In the

first pASuram, godai indicates how kaNNan is

independently roaming around in brindAvanam area,

while acting as a good brother to balarAman and being

mischievous at the same time with the AyarpADi girls

and pleasing all His friends.


“Did you see a dark-hued, bullish personality, who is

balarAman’s brother and goes around playing and

grazing cows to His delight?”

“Yes, we did; we saw that gOpAlan in brindAvanam,

looking after His most beloved cows with great joy,

lovingly calling them by their names, feeding them

water, and letting them graze the grass happily.”


pASuram 14.2 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 2 anunga

ennaip pirivu Seydu)


anu’nga ennaip pirivu Seidu Ayar pADi kavarundu uNNum

kuNu’ngu nARik kuTTERRai gOvardhananaik kaNDIrE?

gaNa’ngaLODu min mEgam kalandAR pOla vanamAlai

Mmnu’nga ninRu viLaiyADa virundAvanattE kaNDOmE


“Did you happen to see that young bull by name

gOvardhanan, who made me suffer by leaving me alone,

who has completely taken over AyppADi and enjoying

every bit of it, smells of butter all the time, and

looks after the cows?”

“Yes, we have seen that kaNNan who wears vanamAlai and

plays with all His troupe in vrindAvanam; Watching

the beautiful vanamAlai on His dark-hued tirumEni is

like watching the lightning in the mist of the



pASuram 14.3 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 3 mAlAip

piRanda nambhiyai)


mAlAip piRanda nambiyai mAlE Seyyum maNALanai

ELAp poygaL uraippAnai i’ngE pOdak kaNDIrE?

mElAl paRanda veyil kAppAn vinadaic ciRuvan ciRagu


mElAppin kIzh varuvAnai virundAvanattE kaNDOmE


“Did you see the one who is the embodiment of Love,

the one who entices all the girls with His soundaryam,

the one who is meant to be my maNALan and the one who

goes around throwing lie after lie, go this way?”

“We saw a wonderful sight; we saw that kr*shNan

playing in vrindAvanam. vinathai’s son, garuDan was

flying up and down following His path just so that He

will not be affected by the hot, sun’s rays”. (For a

change, instead of SenrAl kuDaiyAm AdiSeshan being an

umbrella for Him, here, periya tiruvaDi – garuDan gets

to do this kaimkaryam)


pASuram 14.4 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 4 kAr taN

kamalak kaN ennum)


kAr taN kamalak kaN ennum neDum kayiRu paDutti ennai

iRttuk koNDu viLaiyADum ISan tannaik kaNDIrE?

pOrtta muttin kuppAyap pugar mAl yAnaik kanRE pOl

vErttu ninRu viLaiyADa virundAvanattE kaNDOmE


“He has loving lotus-like eyes on His kariya tirumEni,

with which He enslaves me and takes my mind with Him

wherever He goes, as this is His sport. Did you see

this ISan anywhere?”

“We saw Him playing in vrindAvanam; His body was all

perspiring. He looked like a huge, dark, shiny, baby

elephant that is decorated nicely with pearl garment

(because of His perspiration).” (He wouldn’t perspire

in SrIvaikuNTham or if He is inside nandagOpan’s

house, but we saw Him perspiring because of His

playing around outside.)


pASuram 14.5 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 5 mAdhavan

en maNiyinai)


mAdhavan en maNiyinai valaiyil pizhaitta panRi pOl

Edum onRum koLattArA ISan tannaik kaNDIrE?

pItaka ADai uDai tAzhap perum kAr mEgak kanRE pOl

vIdi Ara varuvAnai virundAvanattE kaNDOme


“Have you seen the Lord who is the Sriyah pati (The

Lord of SrI or Lakshmi), my precious jewel, who is

arrogant like a boar that skillfully escaped from the

net that was thrown to catch it, and does not give

away anything from His side except when one is devoted

to Him unconditionally?”


“We saw that person walking in our street in

vrindAvanam. He was wearing an exquisite pItAmabaram;

it was so tall it was flowing on the ground and He was

walking, moving this way and that way beautifully. He

looked like a huge, dark colored cloud floating on the

sky here and there.” (We saw Him not in the public

places of AyppADi where everyone can see; we saw Him

in our own SrI vrindAvanam, which is meant for us to

play with Him exclusively).


pASuram 14.6 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 6 darumam

aRiyAk kuRumbanai)


darumam aRiyAk kuRumbanait tan kaic cArngam aduvE pOl

puruva vaTTam azhagiya porutta miliyaik kaNDIrE?

uruvu karidAi mugam SeydAi udaya paruppadattin mEl

viriyum kadirE pOlvAnai virundAvanattE kaNDOmE


“Have you seen that kaNNan go this way - the one who

does not have any mercy towards those who love Him,

who indulges in mischief towards everyone, who has

beautiful eyebrows that resemble the Sar’ngam bow that

He carries in His hand, but who does not know how to

share this beauty of His with those who love Him?”


“We did see that kaNNan with a dark colored tirumEni

and lotus-like face in vrindAvanam. With His

brilliant face in the background of His dark-hued

body, He looked like the rising sun in the background

of the huge Eastern mountain”.


pASuram 14.7 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 7 poruttam

uDaiya nambiyai)


poruttam uDaiya nambiyaip puRam pOl uLLum kariyAnaik

karuttaip pizhaittu ninRa ak-karu mA-mugilaik


aruttit tArA gaNangaLAl Arap perugu vAnam pOl

virtuttam peridAi varuvAnai virundAvanattE kaNDOmE


“Have you seen that kaNNan who is “poruttam ili” in

the sense that He does not know how to share His

beauty with those who love Him as we saw in last

pASuram, but who is quite consistent (poruttam uDaiya

nambi) in the sense that His mind is as cruel,

merciless and dark inside as His hue is outside?. He

is also One who escapes our mental comprehension, and

is huge and dark like the dark clouds.”


“Yes, we saw that emperumAN in brindAvanam, surrounded

by a big crowd of all His friends, and He looked like

a bright sky studded with a huge collection of stars

when He came thus”.


pASuram 14.8 (fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 8 veLiya

Sangu onRu uDaiyAnai)


veLiya Sa’ngu onRu uDaiyAnaip pItaka ADai uDaiyAnai

aLi nangu uDaiya tirumAlai Azhiyanaik kaNDIrE?

kaLi vaNDu e’ngum kalandARp pOl kamazh pUnkuzhaLgaL

taDantOL mEl

miLira ninRu viLaiyADa virundAvanattE kaNDOme


godai is done with her nindAstuti of emperumAN; she

now indulges in His beauty and kalyANa guNam-s:

“Did you see that Sriyah pati (tirumAl), who carries

the exquisitely white hued Sa’ngam called SrI

pANcajanyam in His one hand, wears the beautiful

pItAmbaram on His body, carries a cakkaram in His

other Hand and is the embodiment of compassion towards



“We saw that perumAN playing in virundAvanam; His

beautiful, fragrant hair, which looked like dark bees

flying around after drinking a lot of honey, was

flowing on His big shoulders when He was playing.”


pASuram 14.9(fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 9 nATTaip

paDai enRu)


nATTaip paDai enRu ayan mudalAt tanda naLir mAmalar


vITTaip paNNi viLaiyADum vimalan tannaik kaNDIrE?

kATTai nADit tEnuganum kaLirum puLLum uDan maDiya

vETTai Adi varuvAnai virundAvanattE kaNDOmE


“Have you seen this utmost pure emperumAn, who,

through His leelA, first created the beautiful lotus

in His navel, then created brahma and other

prajApati-s through this lotus, and ordained them to

create the rest of the worlds?”


“We did see that kaNNan (in virundAvanam), who not

only created the creators, but who did not then just

leave the protection of the created beings to these

creators or the created beings. He took it upon

Himself to protect the created beings by getting rid

of the evil beings in order to protect the good. We

saw that kaNNan who, like a hunter who kills all the

wild animals, got rid of dEnukAsuran, the elephant

kuvalayApITam and bakAsuran so easily.”


pASuram 14.10(fourteenth tirumozhi-pAsuram 10 parundAL

kaLiRRUkku aruL Seyda)


parundAL kaLiRRUkku aruL Seyda paraman tannaip pArin


virundAvanattE kaNDamai viTTu cittan kodai Sol

marundAm enRu tam manattE vaittuk koNDu vAzhvArgaL

perum tAL uDaiya pirAN aDik kIzhp piriyAdu enRum



In the very last pASuram of nAcciyAr tirumozhi, SUDik

kodutta nAcciyAr, ANDAL, declares the benefit or

phalam that will accrue to those who chant the last

ten pASurams that came out as a result of extreme

happiness from seeing her kaNNan in virundAvanam:


godai, the daughter of viTTucittan, sang these

pASurams narrating how she discovered in brindAvanam,

right on this Earth, that very same paraman who saved

the elephant, gajEndran. Those who want to cross the

ocean of samsAra should keep these pASUrams in mind as

their medicine for achieving the objective of having

the nitya anubhavam of being associated with His Feet

for ever and inseparably.


There is no doubt, that with ANDAL’s anugraham bhaktas

will be blessed with this great anugraham of being for

ever at emperumAN’s tiruvaDigaL.


SrI ANDAL tiruvaDigalE SaraNam; SrI rangamannAr

tiruvaDIgaLE SaraNam.


Sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.


KalyANi kRshNamAcAri

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