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Sri VaikunTa Sthavam 1: The Quality that is twice blessed!

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Sri VaikunTa Sthavam of KoorathAzhwAn

Dear Bhagavatas:

Hope you enjoyed the postings on " Sri Sthavam " of KoorathAzhwAn.

As remarked in the Introduction to Pancha Sthavams, every single SlOkam of

the 400 plus SlOkas contained in the Pancha Sthavams is a gem. It is very

difficult to pick and choose but due to space constraints and my own

limitations, a random selection is attempted and presented in this series

based on what I have heard during the KAlakshEpam discourses of U.Ve. VidwAn

PaiyambADi SEtlur V SrivatsAnkAchAriar SwAmi and his masterly comments in the

twin volumes written by him.


The credit for all that is stated correctly goes to him and my AchAryas, HH

Srimad ParavAkkOttai GOpAla MahA DEsikan of Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam

and HH Azhagiya Singhar of AhObila Matam. All errors of commission and

omission are entirely mine and I seek your indulgence in forgiving me for the



Sri VaikunTa Sthavam (100 SlOkas) on ParamapadanAthan. The SAstra arthas

contained in Sri BhAshyam and other Rahasya granthas have been clearly

brought out in this Sthavam without transgressing the preclusions and

exclusions ordained in the study of the vEdas, in such a manner that it used

to be said " Sri VaikunTa Sthavam theriyAdhavan Sri VaishNavan allan " meaning-

" one who does not know Sri VaikunTa Sthavam is not a Srivaishnavan at all "


Now, let us enjoy some of the SlOkas from his " Sri VaikunTa Sthavam " .



Anbil Ramaswamy


Sri VaikunTa Sthavam 1: " The Quality that is twice blessed! "


PrEma Ardra vihvala girah: purushAh: purANA:

tvAm thushtuvu: madhu ripO! madhurai: vachObih:/

vAchO viDambitham idham mama neecha vAcha:

kshAnthi: thu thE savishayA mama durvachObih://

(SlOkam 10)



" Oh! Hayagriva, who killed the demon, Madhu!

AzhwArs and great sages of yore (PurANa; purushA) have praised you (tvAm

thushtuvu:) with nectarine words (madhura: vachObih:) drenched in (aardra)

loving devotion (prEma); My praise, however, is mean and low (neecha vacha:)

and is spurious and sham (vAchO viDambitham). The fact of your not becoming

furious at my damaging utterances (dur vachObih:) lends color and glory to

your quality of mercy (kshAnthi: thu thE savishayA) "



The first line alludes to the expression of extreme love of great Sages like

Bhishma, NArada, PrahlAda, and then the AzhwArs who donned the role of

love-lorn lasses.


SwAmi Desika in SlOka 43 of his " Sri SaraNAgathi Deepikai " expresses similar

NaichyabhAvam. He says that he pretends to follow the noble example of his

ancestors while in reality, he ignores his Atma and indulges thoughtlessly in

the forbidden evil ways. He implores Lord DeepaprakAsa to accept and relish

this pretense because the Lord Himself is a great dramatist-make-believe


" Prathyak parAng mukha mathE: asameekshya karthu:

PrAcheena sajjana viDambhana bhoomikA mE// "


In " Sri VishNu SahasranAmam, one of the names ( Nama 919) reads as

" Kshaminaam vara: " . This means- " The foremost among those who forgive " AzhwAn

seems to imply that by enduring his misadventure in attempting to praise, the

Lord can live up to this name and make it meaningful!


Did not ThonDaraDippoDi AzhwAr say-

" iLaya pun kavithaiyElum empirAnukku iniyavAre "

meaning " May even my lowly poem please my Lord "


Scholars used to aver that one Sri VedAchArya BhaTTar composed a sthuthi

called " KshamA shODasee " , which they say, forms part of daily routine

recitation of some Bhagavatas, bringing out the significance implied in this

bhAva. In fact, this " KshamA shODasee " is said to be the first ever StOtra

that set the precedent to " DayA Sathakam " of SwAmi DEsika and several other

StOtras eulogizing this particular trait of mercy of the Lord.


AzhwAn seems to say that the Lord's quality of mercy is a double blessing

since it benefits both him as the recipient and adds glory to the Lord

Himself who grants!


I believe that it may not be out of place to quote from Shakespeare's

" Merchant of Venice, " expressing similar sentiments thus --

" The quality of mercy is not strain'd,

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:

'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes

The throned monarch better than his crown;

His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,

The attribute to awe and majesty,

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;

But mercy is above this sceptred sway;

It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,

It is an attribute to God himself "




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