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Final Day of Srimath Sundara KaaNDa NavAham : sargams 61-68(253 slOkmas ) and Sri Raama PattAbhishEkam (121 SlOkams).

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Dear Sri Raama BhakthAs:


There are 8 Sargams for today's paarAyaNam .

These are:


1) Sargam 61: Madhuvana BhanjanaM/The destruction

of king SugrIvan's Madhu Vanam by

the army of monkeys


(2) Sargam 62: VanapAla PradharshaNam/The intoxicated

monkeys attacking the guards of Madhuvanam


(3) Sargam 63: Madhuvana Bhanga nivEdhanam/ The transmittal

of the news about the destruction of

his beautiful Madhuvanam to King SugrIvan

and latter's deduction that HanumAn must

have succeded in his mission to LankA .


(4) Sargam 64: HanumadhAdhyaagamanam/The arrival of HanumAn

and retinue at Sugrivan's court in presence

of Sri Raaman and LakshmaNan


(5) Sargam 65: ChUDAmaNi pradhAnam:/HanumAn presenting

the ChUDAmaNi from Seethaa PirAtti to Sri Raaman


(6) Sargam 66: SeethAbhaNitha praschna:/RaamA requests

HanumAn to describe the message given by SeethA


(7) Sargam 67: SeethAvachanAnuvAdha:/ HanumAn describing in

detail the message from Seethai and Her appeals

for rescue by Her Lord


(8) Sargam 68: SeethA SamAsvAsana Kathanam/HanumAn briefing

Sri Raaman on how he consoled Seetha during

Her time of distress at LankA.



The 61st and the 62nd Sargams deal with the exhuberant

behavior of joyous monkeys at Madhu Vanam ,

a royal sanctuary that belonged exclusively

to SugrIvan and his ancestors .It was protected by

Dadhimukhan , the father-in-law of SugrIvan.

Elated by the heartening news that HanumAn

brought back from LankA , the monkey chieftains were

in a mood for celebration .They fell over each other

to drink the honey from the honey combs at the well

manicured pleasure garden , gorged themselves with

the fruits and jumped happily from tree to tree.

They became intoxicated and got into fight with each

other and the guards of Madhuvanam (Sargam 62). During this

process , they destroyed the pleasure gardens .Dadhimukan

was overwhelmed by the drunken monkeys , who had gotten

permission from HanumAn and the elders to enjoy

themselves and were engaged in ravaging the fruit

and flower garden of King SugrIvan.

Dadhimukan decided to fly to SugrivA's side and

let him know about the uncontrollable behavior of

the monkeys at Madhu Vanam (Sargam 63). Sugrivan

heard the report and quickly concluded that his

army would not behave in this fashion unless there

was extremely auspicious news that HanumAn had

succeeded in his misison to LankA. RaamA and LakshmaNA

were seated right next to Sugrivan . Latter shared his

thoughts with Raamaa and LakshamNA , who became

elated over Sugrivan's conclusions ( SruthvA

karNa sukhaam VaaNeem Sugriva VadhanAcchyuthAm).


Now Dadhimukan jumped from the top of the mountain

where Sugrivan was and landed back in Madhuvanam and

told HanumAn about Sugrivan's eagerness to meet

with him (HanumAn)(Sargam 64). Latter deduced that

the time had come for all of them to leave Madhuvanam

and reach the side of Raama, LakshmaNa and Sugrivan

to report on the most auspicious news of finding SeethA

at LankA. As the flotilla of monkeys in the sky

approached the paeak on which Sugrivan was seated,

Sugrivan concluded that SeethA has been seen by

none other than HanumAn ( dhrushtA dEvi na sandEhO

nachAnyEna HanUmathA)of extraordinary valour .

eanwhile , HanumAn landed right next to RaamAn

with the proclamation : " dhrushtA dEvI " . That

announcement by HanumAn was received by Raaman

and LakshmaNan as the equivalent of amrutham.


HanumAn now prostrated before the royal brothers

from AyOdhyA and his own king (Sargam 65)and

described in detail about his finding SeethA and

the events thereafter, after bowing in the direction

of SethA at Lankai.Next HanumAn presented RaamA

with the ChooDAmaNi that SeethA sent through him

to her Lord.That MaNi srEshtam was received by

RaamA with great affection and sorrow.HanumAn

passed on the appeal of SeethA to her Lord to come and

rescue Her within a month from RaavaNA's prison.

Raaman's desire to hear SeethA's words was insatiable.

He requested HanumAn to tell him more about his(HanumAn's)

conversations so that He (RaamA)can keep alive:


yEthEna khalu jeevishyE bhEshajEnAthurO yathA

MadhurA MadhurAlAbhA kimAha mama BhAmini

Sargam 66.14.2 and 15.1


In the 67th Sargam , HanumAn went over in great

detail all the vrutthAnthams that SeethA told him

including KaakAsura dhaNDanam at Chithrakootam.

HanumAn concluded by saying that SeethA is holding

on at AshOka vanam waiting for Her Lord's rescue

and that She is observing Her PathivrathA dhramam

scrupulously.Raaman was still eager to hear more

about HanumAn's conversation.In the final sargam

(68th) of Srimath Sundara KaaNDam , HanumAn continued

narrating the words of consolation and comfort that

he used to cheer up Seethai :


nivruttha Vana vaasam cha thvayA saardhamarindhama

abhishiktham AyOdhyAyAm kshipram dhrakshyasi Raaghavam

Sargam 68.28


(meaning): Oh Devi! You are going to unite with Your

Lord soon and see Him to Your heart's content as the One,

who completed His vana Vaasam , the destroyer of Raavanan

and as One ready to ascend the BhadrAsanam of Raghus with

You at AyOdhyA .


This final sargam of Sri Sundara KaaNDam concludes with

the happy message of HanumAn mentioning that SeethA

got consoled by these comforting words:


TathO mayA vaagbhiradheenabhAshiNA


jagAma SAANTHIM mama MythilAthmajA

tavApi sOkEna tathAabhipeeDithA

Sargsam 68.29


The above slOkam is the concluding slOkam of

Srimath Sundara KaaNDam and concludes on an

auspicious note setting the stage as it were

for the auspicious victory of RaamA at LankA

and leading upto His travel with His dEvi

by Pushpaka VimAnam to AyOdhya for His PattAbhishEkam .


We will conclude this year's Sundara KaaNda navAham

with the invocation of the traditional slOkams used

at the conclusion of the nine day PaarAyaNam of

Sri Raama charitham:


Svasthi prajAbhya: paripaalayanthAm

nyAayyEna maargENa mahIm mahIsa:

gObrAhmaNEbhyO : subhamasthu

nithyam lOkA samasthA: sukhinO bhavanthu--(1)


kaalE varshathu parjanya: pruthvee sasya saalinee

dEsOyam kshObharahithO BrahmaNAssanthu nirbhayA:--(2)


aputhra: puthrina: santhu puthriNa; santhu pouthriNa:

AdhanA: SadhanA: santhu jeevanthu SaradhAm Satham--(3)


Charitham RaghunAthasya satha-kODi-pravistharam

yEkaikamaksharam prOktham MahApAthaka-naasanam --(4)


sruNvan RAAMAAYANAM bhakthyA ya: paadham padhamEva cha

Sa yaathi BrahmaNa: sthAnam BrahmaNA pUjyathE sadha--(5)


RaamAya RaambhadrAya RaamchandrAya vEdasE

RaghunAthAya NaathAya SeethAyA: pathayE nama: --(6)


YanmangaLam sahasrAkshE sarva devanamaskruthE

vrutthranAsE samabhavath tatthE bhavathu MangaLam--(7)


YanmangaLam SuparNasya vinathAakalpayath purA

amrutham prArthayAnasya tatthE bhavathu Mangalam--(8)


amruthOtathpaadhanE dhaithyAn ganthO Vajradharasya yath

AdhithirmangaLam praadhAtthtE bhavathu MangaLam--(9)


ThrInvikramAn prakramathO VishNuOramithatEjas:

YadhAseenmangaLam Raama TatthE bhavathu MangaLam--(10)


rithava: saagarA dhvipA VedhA lOkA disasccha tE

MangaLAni MahAbAhO disanthu tava sarvadhA--(11)


Sri Raamachandra: SrithapArijAtha :

samastha KalyANa-guNAmbhurAsi:




KaayEna VaachA manasEndhriyairvaa

bhudhyAthmanA vaa prakruthE: svabhAvAth

karomi yadhyath sakalam parasmai



Sri Sundra KaaNDa NavAham sampUrNam .

Sri SeethA LakshmaNa HanUmath samEtha

Sri Raamachandra parabrahmaNE Nama:


Daasan , Oppiliappn Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

PramAthi Sri Raama Navami subha dinam

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