Guest guest Posted May 1, 2000 Report Share Posted May 1, 2000 SrI: SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaha SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa- SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha Dear devotees, namO nArAyaNa. This posting is on the difference between Brahman and its form, as enshrined in Brahma sUtras. Third pAda of third adhyAya discusses the nature of various upAsanAs ie. Brahma VidyAs. It gives the clarifications on what all attributes of Brahman are essentail for meditation in all Brahma VidyAs, and what are specific to certain Brahma VidyAs etc. In the Aananda adhikaraNa, Sage BAdarAyana (alias VyAsa) states " aanandAdaya pradhAnasya " (3.3.11), which implies that " Bliss etc qualities are a must for meditation in all upAsanas " . The qualities are the Satyatvam, jn~yAnatvam, aanandatvam and anantatvam (all four from TaittirIya Up - Aananda Vidya, which the current adhikaraNa is discussing about). amalatvam (from Mundaka Up - akshara Vidya) as a quality of Brahman to be meditated upon in addition to the above is stated in the sUtra 3.3.33 - aksharadhi adhikaraNa. The present context in Aananda adhikaraNa is on TaittirIya Upanishad. Now, the question arises as to why not other qualities of Brahman mentioned in TaittirIya Upanishad for Aananda vidya, like the following is not included for meditation : " tasya priyam-yEva Siraha | mOdO dakshiNa-pakshaha | pramOda uttara pakshaha | aananda aatmA | bramha puccham pratishThA | " (II.5) ie. " Priya <pleasure in seeing a thing> is his head, MOda <pleasure in obtaining> is his right wing <hand>, pramOda <pleasure in enjoying> is his left wing <hand>, aananda <extreme pleasure> is his trunk and Brahma is the tail <leg> that supports them all " Sage BAdarAyana answers this doubt in the next sUtra (3.3.12): " priya-Sirastvataadyapraptihi upacayApacayau hi bhEdE " ie. " Having Priya as the head etc donot come in <for meditation>; for with difference <of organs>, there would be thickness and thinness <of Brahman> " . Bhagavad RAmAnuja in SrI BhAshyam says that the Upanishad only makes up the representation of Brahman in a human form. The argument is that, if Brahman <divyAtma svaroopam> is made up of different organs/members such as head, wings and tail, then some would be large and some small; some would be thick and some thin, and this would be in conflict with the passages like Taittriya Upanishad text occuring earlier, defining Brahman viz. " Satyam <eternal and unchanging>, jn~yAnam, anantam <all pervading> Brahma " . In other words, the unchanging and all-pervading characteristics of Brahman <divyAtma swaroopam> will be violated if Brahman by itself is a combination of different organs as in this case. It will also violate texts which say that Brahman is neither thin nor thick: " astUlam anaNu ahrasvam adIrgam ..... " (BruhadAranyaka Up. 3.8.8) ie. " Brahman is neither gross nor subtle, neither short nor long ..... " . This pramAnam is given in SrutaprakASika explaining the term " etc " used by BhAshyakAra wrt the pramAnas which would get violated. In VEdAnta Deepam, BhAshyakAra makes the point that, understanding of Brahman in this way will make Brahman be liable to change in size and form, which will contradict Upanishad texts like " Satyam jn~yAnam anantam Brahma " , advocating all-pervasiveness and unchangability. Also, those texts that advocate the " partless " nature of Brahman will be violated. This sUtra certainly rejects the identity of Brahman with a body composed of many organs and establishes that, the essential nature of Brahman is only characterized by Satyatvam, jn~yAtvam etc and they only needs to be meditated upon as the essential characteristics of Brahman. Brahman certainly has an eternal divine form with many organs and also takes up many such forms in various avatAras. But, that divine body is not verily the Brahman. In the sUtra 3.3.14, Sage BAdarAyana gives the reason for such description of Brahman in Upanishads : " aadhyAnAya prayOjanAbhAvAt " ie. " For meditaion, since there is no other purpose " . BhAshyakAra comments that, various varieties of Joy are being represented as various organs of Brahman, to comprehend Brahman as " bliss " (aanandamaya). It is for this specific Brahma Vidya. In the next sUtra (3.3.15), Sage BAdarAyana adds a reason for not taking these attributes (Priya as head etc) for meditation in all the upAsans : " aatma-SabdAcca " ie. " On account of the term aatma <being used> " { TaittirIya Upanishad : " anyo(a)ntara aatmA(A)nandamayaha }. BhAshyakAra comments that, aatma cannot have parts like head, trunk etc and its having Joy for its head etc should thus only be a representation for the sake of comprehending Brahman as " bliss " . Again its very clear that, Brahman being an aatma can't be made up of parts like head, hands etc. ------------------------- A upAsaka should also meditate upon the arcirAdi mAraga. There are other upAsana-specific forms and upAsana-specific auspicious qualities of Brhman that needs to be added in the meditation of Brahman, in accordance with the upAsana adopted by a bhakti yOgi. --------------------------- To just give a sample of the references in Brahma sUtras listed in the previous posting : 1. SUtra 1.2.7 belonging to SarvatraprasiddhyadhikaraNa is : " armakaukastvAttadvyapadESAcca nEti cEnna nicAyyattvAdEvam vyOmavacca " " If it is said - 'No, because Brahman is stated to dwell in a very small place and to be of very small size', the reply is 'No ! Because He has to be so meditated upon ; in Himself He is like ether <whole space of universe ie. all-pervading> " . This adhikaraNa is an enquiry into a passage in ChAndOgya Upanishad. The message from this sUtra is that, though Brahman in its essentail nature is all pervading, it is prescribed to be meditated upon _as though_ in a very small place and size, since a finite being can't meditate upon an infinite easily. 2. SUtra 1.2.30 belonging to VaiSvAnara-adhikaraNa is " abhivyaktErityASmaratyaha " => " For the purpose of (meditator) forming a vivid image / implying definiteness. Thus opines ASmarathya <a Sage>. Bhagavad RAmAnuja says that, this sUtra answers the question " Why the highest aatma, who is unlimited, is to be meditated upon in a limited form ? " . Then BhAshyakArar says that the next sUtra answers the question as to Why the Highest Brahman is represented like a man having head and limbs in the VaiSvAnara Vidya. That sUtra 1.2.31 is " anusmrutEhE BAdarihi " ie. " For meditation; BAdarAyana <alias VyAsa> thinks " . Thus, its only for the sake of meditation. note : ChAndOgya Up personifies Brahman ie.VaiSvAnara as one with head, eyes, breath, trunk, chest, feet etc, as representing tEjas, earth, components of a yaj~nya etc. 3. Dahara adhikaraNa on Dahara Vidya. ChAndOgya Upanishad instructs one to perform meditation upon the one who is in a very small place of the body. To clarify that, this is only for the purpose of meditation, Sage VyAsa says : " alpaSrutEhE iti chEt tat uktam " (1.3.20) " How <ParamAtma> described as small (dahara) ? - Answered already " . In VEdAnta Deepam, Bhagavad RAmAnuja (ie. BhAshyakAra) comments : " Objection : Since jIvAtma is like a point of an awl, it can be described as small. How can the ParamAtma be described as small when He is all-pervading - greatest of all ? Reply : This has already been discussed in the <First adhyAya> second pAda, first adhikaraNa, seventh sUtra (1.2.7). Its so said, only for the purpose of meditation. " The gist of the sUtra is also give above. 4. In the next adhikaraNa viz. PramitadhikaraNa, a kaThopanishad text is discussed, which says " Purusha, the controller of the past and the future dwells in the heart of the meditator's body, in a form of the size of the thumb .... " (4.12). To the question as to why the limitless Brahman is said to be of the size of the thumb, Sage BAdarAyana says " Hrudi apEkshayA tu manushyAdhikAratvAt " (1.3.24) implying : " Because He is present in the heart, the mention of the size is in consideration of human heart's size - He is present in the heart for meditation to be performed by men " . ------------------ Regarding the divine body of Brahman : The all-pervading ParaBrahman SrIman nArAyaNa takes/has form, and makes His devotees meditate, reciprocate lovingly etc in a finite media. This act of great compassion by the infinite Lord, only magnifies His glories. The Suddha Sattva material comprising His divine body is also jn~yAnAnanda-maya, similar to His essential characteristic, which is also jn~yAnAnanda. It is in this light Sastras say that, Brahman and its form are same in nature. Brahman, a chEtana, feels the sense of " I " (ie.pratyaktvam) and has dbj. But, an achEtana like Suddha Sattvam does not posses pratyaktvam (ie. feeling of the " I " ness) and doesn't have dbj. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, anantapadmanAbhan. krishNArpaNam. Attachment: vcard [not shown] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 1, 2000 Report Share Posted May 1, 2000 SrI Anand Karalapakkam wrote: > This posting is on the difference between Brahman and its form, > as enshrined in Brahma sUtras. .......... .......... > ------------------ > > Regarding the divine body of Brahman : > > The all-pervading ParaBrahman SrIman nArAyaNa takes/has form, > and makes His devotees meditate, reciprocate lovingly etc in a > finite media. This act of great compassion by the infinite Lord, > only magnifies His glories. The Suddha Sattva material comprising > His divine body is also jn~yAnAnanda-maya, similar to His > essential characteristic, which is also jn~yAnAnanda. > It is in this light Sastras say that, Brahman and its > form are same in nature. Brahman, a chEtana, feels > the sense of " I " (ie.pratyaktvam) and has dbj. But, an > achEtana like Suddha Sattvam does not posses pratyaktvam > (ie. feeling of the " I " ness) and doesn't have dbj. Dear bhAgavatottamas: I realize that my statements may be redundant, especially in the wake of recent discussions on this subject and also the corresponding questions addressed to Srimad Azhagiyasingar after HH Jeer's most recent telephone upanyasam. However it is very obvious to me (a person who is not knowledgeable about upanishad and brahmasutra) that based on the premises of monotheism and the infinitude of paramatma, it would be futile to seek Perumal in one single form, be it vibhava, archa or as in SrIvaikunTham. These manifestations are for meditative purposes and are not in themselves, the all-pervading brahman of the upanishads. Taking the " forms " to be paramatma would make idol worshippers of vedantins, while in fact the opposite is true (svamoortarchana) - we worship God as enshrined in the image, not the image itself as God!! Srimad Azhagiyasingar reiterated this fact in response to a question as to whether the thirumEni of PerumAL in paramapadam could itself be treated as PerumAL, and about how we should view archavataras in this regard, etc. Personally, if someone approached me with proof to the contrary, I would rather give up my religion than become an idol worshipper. I've always believed that veda/upanishads and the teachings of our Acharyas expounded universal truths and weren't confined to idol worship. So far, I haven't been disappointed - my respect for Srivaishnavism and for the principles of ramanujar have only enriched my life and fueled my desire to learn more. aDiyEn -Srinath Chakravarty email: xsrinath Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 1, 2000 Report Share Posted May 1, 2000 > Kindly forgive me if this cause any offense, but > kindly consider what Sri Ramanuja said about archa > avatharam, namely, no one should consider archa > thirumeni as just a peace of stone. adiyEn is > sure your use of " idol worshipper " is nuanced, > but a simply statement like this can be misunderstood. > It is true that we need to think of the paramathma > who pervades the thirumeni as different from the > thirumeni, but just the fact the paramatma has > pervaded the archa thirumeni makes the " idol " > immensely worshippable. SrI Dileepan: I agree with your statements; one cannot be so simplistic about this. As a matter of fact, the same is true for salagramams. And to go a step further, for all our aradhana moorthis, perumal padams, etc. Meditation on the indwelling paramatma is considered a prerequisite in Srivaishnavism as far as images, archas etc. are concerned - if not it amounts to idol/anya worship because we then fail to recognize the presence of Sriman Narayana in these manifestations. For example, while performing sandhyavandanam - we must meditate upon agni, vayu, varuna and indra as the manifestations of Sriman Narayana's powers; also during ramayana parayanam, if/when aditya hridayam is recited we should meditate upon Sriman Narayana as pervading the sooryamandala, etc. It is a difficult line to draw, since chanting and namasankirtanam of the divine names of PerumAL presupposes such recognition. Let's just say, that the chances of someone worshipping archa/other thirumeni and *not* thinking of Sriman Narayana are next to impossible given the complete focus on bhakti and Vaishnavism in our sampradayam. Thanks very much for your response and also for addressing my questions to Srimad Azhagiyasingar after the upanyasam. I am fortunate to have access to these teleupanyasams and to shishyALs like yourself. namo narayana aDiyEn, -Srinath Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 1, 2000 Report Share Posted May 1, 2000 Dear BhAgawatas, I found this statement in SrImAn Srinath Chakravarthy's mail relating to the topic " Brahman and its forms " : > the corresponding questions addressed to Srimad > Azhagiyasingar after > HH Jeer's most recent telephone upanyasam. I get the impression that some questions on exactly this topic of the Lord and His thirumEni were asked to SrImad Azhagiyasingar *after* the most recent tele-upanyAsam concluded. Could someone be so kind as to post the questions and the answers that HH presented. thanks in advance. -aDiyEn, muraLi kaDAmbi Send instant messages & get email alerts with Messenger. http://im./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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