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Dear Sri Murali Kidambi swAmin,


adiyEn's pranAms to dEvareer. adiyEn thank dEvareer

for boh your mails. adiyOngaL do need feedback and

there may not be not much wrong in

dEvareer's frankly conveyed

notion either. adiyEn went on to explain more details

to everyone so that this oppurtunity clears the air

in the minds of many bAgwathAs. adiyEn didnot mean

that you had asked for a different intent or of that

sort. As regard to the 2 questions, what all adiyEn

wanted to convey was that

when one question was acceptable to dEvareer, the other

was not. adiyEn simply attempted to justify that, may be both

were important questions for srimadh Azhagiya singar.


If adiyEn can recall the question on VS,

such came from Singapore

bAgawthAs. Sri HH has been asking for feedback from

singapore audience several times in every upanyAsam.

Not everyone among us are highly philosphical in

their intent at the time of Q & A session.

Many times many bAgawathAs have simple questions that

has been pestering their mind for which they have never

heard any satisfying answers.


Actually a lady asked this question to srimadh azhagiya singar

for her own benefit. ie " Some are saying that Srivaishnava

sthrees sholud not recite SV, what is HH's samAdhAnam ? "

Srimadh Azhagiay singar said, " Just because you are

asking I am saying this,... " . ie., dEvareer may recall

that even Srimadh Azhagiya Singar was extremely sensitive

to this question as HE is aware of the audience and

their mixed emotions. Same way, on worship of Sri hanumAn

also Srimadh Azhagiya Singar had very cautiously explained

the Sri Sannithi position with lot of reluctance in public.

He said that only because it was asked he was answering ..

for that question as well. Even in this issue of Sri Hanuman

worship there is a small difference in position between

Sri Sannithi and Sri PeriyAsramam, adiyEn is told. What is

important here is that dEvareer need not feel upset over these

small differences. Even if dEvareer's bAryAL may have heard from

Srimadh Azhagiya Singar, it is said that it is

apt only to follow one's own AchAryA parampari and

their thiru uLLam on sensitive

matters such as these. Due to " avai adakkam " these differnece

need not be discussed openly by adiyOngaL. dEvareer didnot

do that and adiyEn very much appreciate the same.


Coming to restricting a question from a lady,

if a parasthree asks AchArya a question (to clarify

her own doubts), is it dharmam for us to curtain her ?

adiyEn want to share adiyEn's own anubavam on this.

When Srimadh Azhagiya Singar did ponnadi sARRal to adiyEn's

gruham, HH was delivering a upnayAsm and suddenly he brought

the whole moral of the upanyAsam to parama ekAnthatthuvam and

compared adiyEn with many assembled there and asked

everyone to follow how adiyEn is a parama ekAnthin (PE)

(As per HH's explanation PE is one who never worship

annyadEvatha and never ask perumAL anything for their own.

Even many AchARyAs differ in their explanation of who is a

parama ekAnthin. But the literal meanig for it is that one

who worship " ekam " is Sriman nArAyana alone and one who always

want only onething " ekam " from Lord ie service to nArAyana in

whatever he does). adiyEn's wife jovially interferred and

commented in the presence of all that adiyEn can be a PE

and also attempt to be nice to the family etc.. as well.

adiyEn prevented her from saying more. Srimadh Azhagiya

Singar interferred and said that adiyEn need not

fear and adiyEn and others should give them (patthini) the

freedom to ask such questions freely. Ever since adiyEn

feels stronger that our AchAryA wants to hear from all his

children both putthrAs and putthris, equally. So when Srimadh

Azhagiya Singar Himself wants all the sihsyAs to ask questions

how can we prevent them ? How often we take time to explain

many of the nicities to our patthini's ? If they get a chance

to directly ask the " source " , can we curtain that also ? adiyEn

is not sure we can do so.


adiyEn recognise dEvareer's concerns for dEvareer's patthini,

dEvareer's respect to Srimadh Azhagiya Singar and dEvareer's

dilemma (dharma sankatam). Of these discussions many analysis

are coming out. That is good about this.


One more reason that this upanyAsm is very much depended

on question etc. dEvareer may have noticed

that the very format of HH Srimadh Azhagiya singar's upanyAsam

is like a class room style. This is like a guru kulam.

HE often stops and asks questions

himself if we understood etc and adiyOngaL have to interact.

When the whole format and fabric of the very upanyAsam is like

that how can we be choosy on questions ? In an observation,

another respected AchAryA's upanyAsam was a discourse format

and adiyEn and someothers felt that a major

portion of the upanyAsam was sounding like a taped ahead

and played then, though AchAryA was

present all through. It is also felt

that there were pausings when the tapes were changed for sides.

This observation may be inaccurate. This observation is not

a critic but a honest feedback such as dEvaeers.

But nevertheless it was

how it appeared to many and adiyEn had also provided that

feedback to the concerned organiser himself in a positive way.

The organiser himself was not aware of such and honestly

suggested that he will discuss with their kainkarya barALs

in india on this.


In fact this way, (supposedly taping ahead) more materials

were covered in that particular upanyAsam.

At the end of that upanyAsam also, AchArya asked if

we have any questions. AchAryA was very eager to get questions and feedbak

in that upanyAsam as well.

Though there was limitted place for any interaction

or questions during the upanyAsam that time, the questions

were sought at the end by AchARyA Himself. Using

this format there were two advantages such as uninterrupted

granthAnubavam for more than 90 minutes or so and the voice

was very very clear and loud (some felt due to the taped



Each AchAryAs has their own thiru uLLAm and formats to adopt

(class room style, discourse style etc) and it

is all adiyOngAL's bAgyam to learn different

granthams from differnt AchAryAs in different ways.

We probably may not want to attempt to amend the very

fabric of these upanyAsams in anyway.

When adiyOngaL join these sadhas

of various AchAryAs, we adopt to such and such AchAryAs

thiru uLLAm and donot demand of our own. However as a

shishyAL who is closer to the (other upanyAsam's) AchAryA

adiyEn gave the feedback to the organiser in full and didnot

ask for one thing or the other in the way it was conducted.

On the other hand adiyEn went out of the way to suggest to that

organiser some ways to lessen the financial burden if a

breakeven was not achieved. Feedbacks are necessry and AchAryAs themselves

are asking for it. adiyOngaL have to be careful

when we give feedback as not to hurt the sentiments of

organisers and as well fellow shishyAs. The organisers

for one, do a lot of sacrifices (time, money etc) in

bringing these nectar of upanyAsams. So we are all thankful

to them.


The only thing adiyEn can suggest, is that may be we can restrict

no of questions per individual. Due to extraordinary

enthusiasm of interacting with Jeer, Sometimes some persons

jump ahead to question and they end up doing back and forth.

Most often HH is very tired after a long day and by the

time some " sAthus " come forward to question at the end,

the day is already over. So to avoid this each person may

have a chance to ask only one question and a total of 5 or 6

questions may be asked in an upanyAsam. If there was no one

to ask so many questions then, one may come back at the end

and ask more.


Please forgive adiyEn if even inadvertantly adiyEn has

committed any offence to you or anyone during these



Srimadh Azhgiya Singar thiruvadikaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

thiruk kudanthai Sampath Rengarajan


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