Guest guest Posted May 4, 2000 Report Share Posted May 4, 2000 SrI: SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaha SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa- SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha Dear devotees, namO nArAyaNa. Gaudiya Vaishnavas (ISKCON) hold the view that Lord KrishNa is the " original Lord " and all other forms of PerumAL are His expansions. But, the SAstras do not support this view. Few months back, couple of devotees asked adiyEn to write on this issue. Its bhagavad sankalpam that it has come out now. Considering Lord KrishNa as the " original God " is a direct violation of very authoritative texts of pAncarAtra AgamAs. Lakshmi Tantra (11.19-25), SAttvata Samhita (ch.9) and Ahirbudhnya Samhita (5.50-57) clearly enumerate the various vibhava avatAras like Lord Nrusimha, Lord vAmana, Lord RAma and others (Totally 38 or 39). Lord KrishNa is very much in this list. Ofcourse, there is no strict stipulation in the number of vibhava avatArams - They are many, as per the divine will of Lord. Para-VAsudEva at SrI VaikuNTham has an eternal form, from beginingless time. During PraLayam, since all the material world attains its sookshma state, there is no avatAram of PerumAL in the material world that time. In otherwords, YOga nidra at milk-ocean,arcA avatArams etc are all winded up during praLaya. After creation, all these avatArams are again manifested by PerumAL. It is to be noted that SrI VaikuNTham is not affected during praLayam. Be it at milk ocean, at various vyUha and vibhava lOkas as presiding Lord, antaryAmi avatAram in the heart, vibhava avatArams and arcA avatArams - All are manifested again by Lord appropriately. He knows what forms are to be taken for what avatArams etc. There are many pramAnas which clearly state that Lord KrishNa is only an avatAram taken by Lord VishNu / Lord NArAyaNa. Lets consider certain important ones. In SrI VishNu purANam (5.1.2), Sage MaitrEya asks Sage ParASara as follows: amSAvatArO brahmarshE yO(a)yam yadukulOdbhavaha | vishNOstam vistarENA(a)ham SrOtum icchAmi tattvataha || " O Brahma Rishi ! I desire to hear the accurate, detailed account on this amSAvatAra of ViSNu born in yadu kula(race). ( bhavaha = birth; tattvataha = true account, as it is ). This ofcourse doesn't mean that KrishNa is an " amSAvatAra " like Sage VyAsa, who was a jivAtma empowered by Lord. We very well know from other pramAnas that Lord KrishNa is none other than Lord ViSNu Or Lord NArAyaNa. This is what asserted by the likes of BhIshma and Brahma through their glorifications recorded in SrImad BhAgavatham (SB). The purport is that, KrishNa is not merely a human being who was playing at GOkula etc, but He is certainly the Supreme Lord NArAyaNa Himself. In SrImad BhAgavatham (SB), a similar type of question is asked about the avatAram of Lord VishNu by King Parikshit towards Suka Brahma Maharishi : " yatOSca dharmaSeelasya nitarAm munisattama | tatrAmSEnAvatIrNasya vishNOr vIryANi Samsa naha || " (10.1.2) Trans. by AC BhaktivEdAnta swAmi : " Oh Best of Munis! You have also described the descendants of Yadu, who were very pious and strictly adherent to religious principles. Now, if you will, kindly describe the wonderful, glorious activities of Lord VishNu <<or KrishNa>>, who appeared in that Yadu dynasty with BaladEva, His plenary expansion " . First of all, its extremly clear from this verse that Lord VishNu was the one who had come as krishNa. SrI Parikshit pointedly says that he wants to hear about the glorious activities of Lord VishNu <who had come as KrishNa>. There is no mention that he wanted to hear about the glories of KrishNa, the original God who has descended directly from gOlOka etc. Our AchAryas have also accepted the interpretation that " amSEna " can refer to SrI BalarAma as interpreted by the ISKCON AchArya. But, more importantly, the verse can also be interpreted as KrishNa being Lord VishNu's amSAvatAra which is mentioned in SrI VishNu purANam itself. In this case, it will imply that SrI Parikshit requested SrI Sukar to describe the glorious activities of the amSa of Lord VishNu ie. KrishNa (same as in SrI VishNu purANam). Also, SrI BalarAma is not directly Lord VishNu. He is an avatAram of SrI AdisEsha. But, for GVs, SrI BalarAma is the very next expansion of Lord KrishNa, their original God ie. SrI BalarAma is in the " ISwara Tattva " and not " jIva tattva " . In either of these interpretations, its very clear that Lord VishNu is born as KrishNa. The account of the birth of Lord KrishNa in SB is very clear on this issue. After Lord VishNu appeared with His four arms etc, SrI VasudEva recognized Him to be the Supreme Lord and offered glorifications /prayers. Then, DEvaki offered her glorifications/prayers. In SB 10.3.28, DEvaki requests Lord VishNu to make His form which denotes Supreme Lord and meditated upon by yOgis, invisible to the general public { " ...........rUpam cEdam paurusham dhyAna-dhishNyam mA pratyaksham mAmsa druSAm krushIshThAha " }. In the next verse (10.3.29), she says that she is afraid of Kamsa and is in anxiety, and requests the Lord to do something so that Kamsa will not understand that Lord VishNu Himself has been born. Kamsa already knew that Lord VishNu is after killing Him, soon after Sage NArada briefed him about these things (SB 10.1.65-66 : " ...............dEvakyA garbha sambhUtam vishNum ca sva vadham prati|| ....). Thats why DEvaki wanted Lord VishNu to make His identity unknown to others. She then requests (10.3.30) : " upasamhara viSvAtmannadO rUpam alaukikam | Sankha Cakra gadA padmaSriyA jushtam catur-bhujam || " Trans. by Sri BhaktivEdAnta SwAmi of ISKCON : " O My Lord, You are the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead and Your transcendental four-armed form, holding conchshell,disc, club and lotus, is unnatural for this world. Please withdraw this form [and become just like a natural human child so that I may try to hide You somewhere] " . DEvaki is adding one more reason here. Not only that Kamsa will find Him out, but also that this form is un-natural for a child in this world. Another point to be noted is that, Lord is glorified as " ViSvAtma " ie. all-pervading aatma, who is the aatma for everything. Though the Lord is the " aatma " which is all pervading, He has taken a four handed form and its being addressed here. This also enables us to understand the distinction between the aatma (Lord Himself) and divine form of Lord. She elaborates her request in the next verse (SB 10.3.31) : " ViSvam yad YEtat sva-tanau niSAntE - yathAvAkASam purushaha parO bhavAn | bibharti sO(a)yam mama gharbagO(a)bhUd - ahO nru-lOkasya vidambanam hi tat || " Trans. by Sri BhaktivEdAnta SwAmi : " At the time of devastation, the entire cosmos, containing all creatures moving and non-moving entities, enters Your transcendental body and is held there without difficulty. But now this transcendental form has taken birth from my womb. People will not be able to believe and I shall become an object of ridicule " . Thus, she desparetly pleads Lord VishNu to make His identity unknown to the people and take a form resembling a human child. She doesn't say, " Get back Your Original form of KrishNa " etc here. Also, Kamsa identified God (ie. Vishnu) with the four-handed form only and its well known to him and many of the people. Lord VishNu then narrates about the past two lives of VasudEva and DEvaki, in which He Himself was born to them. Lord then says (SB 10.3.45) : " Etad vAm darSitam rUpam prAg-janma-smaraNaya mE | nAnyathA mad-bhavam jn~yAnam martya-liNgEna jAyatE || " Trans. by Sri BhaktivEdAnta SwAmi : " I have shown you this form << of VishNu >> just to remind you of My previous births. Otherwise, if I appeared like an ordinary human child, you would not believe that I << the Supreme Personality of Godhead, VishNu >> has indeed appeared " . This makes extremly clear that Supreme Lord is identified with four handed form and the human form with two hands is only to be taken by Him now. SB 10.3.46 says that " ......bhagavAn aatma maayayA .... babhUva prAkruta: SiSuhu " ie. Lord by His sankalpa (divine will) became a human child (ie. took the two handed form). Here, SrI BhaktivEdAnta Swami adds : " In other words, He transformed Himself into His original form : krushNAstu bhagavAn swayam " . Well, there is no indication in the original texts even remotely regarding this. There were plenty of oppurtunities in these chapters of SB to say that Lord transformed into His original form. But, this has never been said and the reasons given are in the contrary ie. Lord transformed Himself into the two handed form like a human, since the four handed form would make people understand that He is the Supreme Lord. Also, in SrI VishNu purANam which describes the birth of Lord KrishNa, there is no mention of Lord VishNu getting back His original form ; rather it is clear that Lord VishNu is taking an avatAra ie. vibhava avatAra. Infact, it states Lord KrishNa as Lord VishNu's amSAvatAra, which is quoted above. Apart from SrI VishNu purANam and SrImad BhAgavatham, HarivamSam also describes the lIlAs of Lord KrishNa. So, adiyEn is quoting from it also regarding this issue. On the acceptance of HarivamSa as a pramAna for those who are unaware of this work : HarivamSa is an appendix to MahAbhArata and is also a valid pramAna. To my knowledge, SrI Adi Sankara has quoted atleast one verse from this. In his VishNu SahasranAma BhAshyam, for the nAma " KESava " (654), the following HarivamSa verse has been quoted to explain the etymology : < Lord Siva says to Lord KrishNa : > " ka iti brahmaNO nAma iSO(a)ham sarvadEhinAm | aavAm tavAngE sambhUtau tasmAt kESavanAmavAn || " (131.48) " 'ka' is the name of (four-headed) Brahma and I am 'ISa', who rules over all embodied beings. Both of us have been born out of Your body and therefore You are known by the name 'KESava' " . This verse has been quoted by SrI ParASara Bhatta (a great SrI Vaishnava AchArya) also in his commentry for this nAma. SrI BhaktivEdAnta SwAmi has also quoted many verses from HarivamSa, esp. in 10th Canto of SB. HarivamSa is also very clear that it was Lord VishNu who is born and how SrI VasudEva and DEvaki recognizes the Lord, asks Lord to change His form to be like a human child etc. I don't want to repeat the same thing that has been known from VP and SB. adiyEn would like to quote only few selected verses from it. The following are the words of ParasurAma (who is a ciranjeevi) to Lord KrishNa and Lord BalarAma, when they met him : " tatra tE krishNa ! san~grAmE suvyaktam vaishNavam vapuhu | drakshyanti ripavassarvE surASca surabhAvana || " (39.76) " tAm bhajasva gadAm krushNa cakram ca ciravismrutam | bhajasva svEnarUpENa surANAm vijayayAyavai || " (39.77) " Oh KrishNa, the cause of birth etc of dEvas (surabhAvana)! In that battle (san~grAmE), everyone -all enemies <ripavaha> and dEvas - will clearly (suvyaktam) see (drakshayanti) You in the form/body of vishNu (vaishNavam vapuhu) " (39.76) " At that time, by bearing (bhajasva) Mace and Cakra, about which You would had forgotten for a longtime / hidden them for a longtime (cira-vismrutam), accept (bhajasva) Your original / natural form (svEnarUpEna) <ie. of vishNu> - for the victory of Yourself and dEvAs " (39.77). The following verse (HarivamSa 113.62) is a popular one amongst SrI VaishNavAs and has been quoted by SrI VaishNava AchAryAs in their works. " yEsha nArAyaNaha SrImAn ksheerArNava-nikEtanaha | nAgaparyankamutsrujya hyAgatO madhurAm purIm || " ie. " This nArAyaNa who is ever united with SrI (ie. SrIman nArAyaNa) < of SrI VaikuNTham >, who has milk-ocean as His abode <vyUha form>, has now come to the city of Madhura < as KrishNa, a vibhava avatAra >, leaving His bed AdisEsha. " Thus, there is no doubt that Lord KrishNa is a vibhava avatAra of Lord NArAyaNa (VishNu). The view that Lord KrishNa being the original God expands Himself into four handed forms of NArAyaNa etc is not supported by SAstras. Though the above pramAnas by themselves are extremly clear on this issue, there are more pramAnams even from SrImad BhAgavatham, SrI VishNu purANam and HarivamSam, apart from MahAbhAratam, pAncarAtra etc. If bhagavad sankalpam approves, adiyEn will post them after few months, if needed. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, anantapadmanAbhan. krishNArpaNam. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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