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Tribute to UttamUr SwAmi in Acrostic - By SrI D.R.

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SrI PadmAvati samEtha SrInivAsa ParabrahmaNE namaha


SrImad abhinava dESIka UttamUr VAtsya VeerarAghavArya -

mahAdESikAya namaha


SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa SrI -

nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha


Dear devotees,

namO nArAyaNa.


A Tribute In Acrostic (*) To SrI UttamUr VeerarAghavAchArya

SwAmi By SrI D.RAmaswAmy IyengAr, On The Eve of SatAbhishEkam

(80th Birthday) Celebrations < Pub. in Souvenir > :


(*) : When the first letter of all the following

lines are combined, it yields the word

" Veeraraghavacharya " .





V eerarAghavAchArya Swamy of UttamUr !


E lated do we feel, - relations, disciples, admirers,


E ighty years of sacred, pure and dedicated life !


R are specimen of profound scholarship and prolific authorship,


A fine exponent of ancient culture in methods modern and attractive,


R edoubtable authority on all systems of philosophy,


'A bhinava DESika', Thou art acclaimed by the knowing ones,


G reat indeed are Thy achievements, as great as DESika's,


H ighlighted by Thy professorship in many colleges of Sanskrit lore,


A nd AchAryaship imparting KAlakshEpam to sishyas galore,


V EdAntas twain ever at Thy finger's ends,


A t home equally in Scriptures - Sanskrit and Tamil,


C ommenting on the Upanishads in each, with equal felicity,


H is Holiness KOzhiyAlam Saint's favourite and chosen disciple,


A ttached deeply to Lord SrInivAsa, Thy patron Deity,


R ecipient ever of His Grace and Blessings, sacred and mighty,


Y ears and years more, may Thou live in peace and plenty,


A dorning the AchArya-Peeta with lustre, great and lofty.



Thats what the sacred name of the AchArya " VeerarAghavAchArya "

is all about - says SrI D.R.



adiyEn will take a break regarding the postings on SrI UttamUr

SwAmi. Probably after few weeks, adiyEn will start the series

(around 16 to 20 postings) on UttamUr swAmi's Biography.


Meanwhile, kindly go through the previous postings as well.

Please donate for the republication of very important books

on ViSishtAdvaita viz.


1. Bhagavad GIta with bhAshyam by Bhagavad RAmAnuja +

TAtparya candrika by SwAmi DESikan and Notes by UttamUr

SwAmi, alongwith his detailed Introduction/Analysis on

the commentries of other systems of thought like advaita

and dwaita.


2. ParamArtha BhUshaNam by SrI UttamUr SwAmi. This is the

" newer " SatadUshani. PanditarAja SrI D.T. TAtAchArya

has said in amazement that each and every page of this

monumental work is filled with many original arguments and

newer insights. This is an invaluable book to not only know

the defects of advaita, but also to understand very

intricate details about ViSishtAdvaita.


3. TatvamuktA KalApa of SwAmi DESikan with the commentry

SarvArtha Siddhi by SwAmi DESIkan, + Gloss by SrI VAdUla

SrInivAsAchArya + Gloss by SrI Sowmyavarada RAmAnujAchArya

+ Gloss by SrI UttamUr SwAmi. This is an invaluable

collection of the commentries on the most important advanced

work explaining the tenets of ViSishtAdvaita.


Many such classics of our pUrvAchAryas are almost in the

state of extinct. It is our primary duty to preserve them

and pass onto the next generation. When the foundation

layer itself is not taken care off, there is no point in

thinking about building big castles. There are many more

very important treatises of pUrvAchAryas with commentry/

notes/Introductions by SrI UttamUr SwAmi, to be republished

- ALavandAr's Siddhi Traya, SrutaprakASika (Commentry to

SrI BhAshyam by SrI SudarSana SUri), Upanishad BhAshyams by

RangarAmAnuja Muni, Tattwateeka (Incomplete work by SwAmi

DESikan; Commentry till a part of jig~nyAsAdhikaraNam of SrI

BhAshyam), SatadUshani of SwAmi DESikan, NyAya SiddhAnjanam

(An exposition of all the metaphysical categories of

ViSishtAdvaita by SwAmi DESIkan), AdhikaraNa SArAvali

( Essence of each adhikaraNa in Brahma SUtras, presented

in metrical form of verses by SwAmi DESikan), ParamArtha

PrakASika (Criticism by UttamUr SwAmi, on the book Advaita

aamOda), PAdukA Sahasram, Hamsa SandEsam, Sankalpa

SUryOdayam, SubhAshita neevi, YadavAbhyudayam ....etc

(adiyEn just stops with this list for now).


The special additional features of these publications are :


1. Notes for certain texts by SrI SrIvatsAnkAchArya,

as he has taken down during the kAlakshEpam (discourses) of

SrI UttamUr SwAmi.


2. Introduction by SrI SrIvatsAnkAchArya and other eminent

scholars regarding the subject/Book, comments/salient

features on/of the Commentries of pUrvAchAryas + UttamUr



3. Translation of the Introductions by UttamUr SwAmi and that

of other scholars like SrI SrIvatsAnkAchArya into English.


Note : The tamil translation of the sanskrit Introductions

(of various books) will be performed by SrI

SrIvatsAnkAchArya and that will be published as a

separate volume.



For even printing the first three books, we are short by

more than US $5500. Someone with generous heart should also

kindly come up to sponsor the entire cost for the publication

of a book (of their choice). That would be a very great

service to SrI VaishNavas. A one page photo to the liking

of such a sponsor can be added to the book - Be it the

photo of the sponsor, his/her parents etc. These things

can be negotiated.


adiyEn also pleads you to sign up for regular contribution,

through automatic Bank account Deduction scheme (eg: $150 every

three months from your account may be transferred to SMSA Inc).

Please contact either Smt Nagu Satyan <satyan

Or SrI KrishNa Kalale <kkalale1 for more details

regarding this. Please do visit the SVSS website to fill the



For donors donating $200 Or above, around 50 books (inclusive

of volume number) published by SrI UttamUr SwAmi will be

sent as a compliment (worth around $50). Kindly see the

list of currently available books in the net archives (probably

last month Or so). But few of them are out of stock now.


Those who are specifically interested in getting the books

Or those who are not in US : Please contact adiyEn in private

for more details in terms of the tailor made cost involved for

getting the books <actual cost + shipping cost>.


For those who are at either US Or Canada:

Please mail your (tax deductible) contributions payable to

SMSA Inc to


Sree Vaishnava Seva Samithi

7821 W.Alder Drive


CO 80128-5522



For others (Indian Citizens from anypart of the globe - Be it

Singapore, Bahrain, India etc):


Please mail your cheque payable to " Sri Uttamur

Viraraghavachariar Centenary Trust " and mail to my

address :


SrI K.G.KrishNan

2 (Old No.11), Hasthigiri Street,

Chennai 600 033, India.


Note: The house numbers at chennai has been changed by the

govt. The new number is 2 and old number is 11. But,

as long as the name " K.G.KrishNan " Or " Anand " is there,

the letter will surely be delivered at our house (even if

11 is adressed as the house number).



All the sponsors will be duly acknowledged in the Book and

a copy will be reserved for them.


Thanks in advance.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,



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