Guest guest Posted May 27, 2000 Report Share Posted May 27, 2000 Sri: SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha, Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin: 231. thulyEpi dhEvi! raGhuvIrapadhAshrayathvE pUrvABhiShEkamaDhigamya garIyasI thvam thenaIva KhalvaBhajathAm maNipAdharakshE! raksha:plavangamapathI BhavatIm savmUrDhnA Oh Manipaaduka Devi! That all three of You enjouyed an equality in the manner of clinging to Rama's Feet (and thereby acquiring a crown and a throne too!) is there. However, You enjoy a seniority and a real supremacy. That is why the kings of Rakshasas and Vanaras (namely, Vibhishana abd Sugriva respectively) prostrated to You! Namo Narayana, SriMuralidhara Dasan Special Notes by V.Sadagopan(V.S): *********************************** 1) Oh MaNi PaadhukE! Both SugrIvA , the king of monkeys and VibhIshaNA , the king of LankA both came forward and showed their respect to You by carrying You on their heads. Although PaadhuukAs , SugrIvA and VibhIshaNA were elevated by RaamA to become rulers, the PaadhukAs were the first to have received the coronation bath.Further , the PaadhukAs have connection to the sacred feet of the Lord. Therefore , SugrIvA and VibhIshaNA offered their worship to the Lord's PaadhukAs. 2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! Even though Yourself, SugrIvA and VibhIshaNa had taken refuge at the holy feet of the Lord , You are superior among Your peer group, since You were the One to receive the first PattAbhishEkam . Therefore , the other two saluted You by carrying You on their heads . 3)In " Raghuveera PadhAsrayam " ( seeking refuge at the feet of the Lord ) , the PaadhukAs, SugrIvA and VibhishaNA were equal ( thulyam). Inspite of that " equality " in status, SugrIvA and VibhIshaNA recognized that PaadhukA is superior to them. Why ? The PaadhukAs attained that exalted status due to the fact that they were coronated first ( Thvam poorvAbhishEkam adhigamya garIyasi). In recognition of that superior status of the Paadhukais , SugrIvA and VibhishaNA carried them on their heads and presented them to RaamA (Raksha: plavangama pathI bhavathIm svamUrhdnA abhajathAm )....V.S Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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