Guest guest Posted July 28, 2000 Report Share Posted July 28, 2000 SrI: SrI SrInivAsa ParabrahmaNE namaha SrImad " abhinava dESIka " UttamUr VeerarAghavArya mahAdESIkAya namaha SrImatE nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESikAya namaha Dear devotees, namO nArAyaNa. Note : Please read this very important posting completly, though quite lengthy. Thanks in advance for your patience. aDiyEn would like to share a very sincere and emotional appeal from SrI R.Venkatachari, in his " Publisher's Note " for the UttamUr swAmi's book " UpanishadArtha Sangraha " . This work was rendered in sanskrit verses by UttamUr SwAmi, bringing out the cardinal teachings of around twenty upanishads starting from ISAvAsyOpanishad, followed by kEna, KaTha, praSna etc. UttamUr SwAmi himself has written a short commentry in tamil for it, explaining the meaning conveyed by these verses. It was published in commemoration of the SatAbhishEkam of SrI UttamUr SwAmi on 10th Oct 1977. SrI Venkatachari, a very devouted disciple of SrI UttamUr SwAmi writes atfirst about this book, then shares his anubhavams with SrI UttamUr SwAmi and then proceeds to make an appeal for the whole SrI VaishNava Community. What he appealed twenty three years ago through his " Publisher's Note " still carries lot of message and its very important for the SrI VaishNavas to ponder over. These feelings are also shared by some of us now. Lets read it and take appropriate action towards the successful fulfilment of these goals through the blessings of the Divya Dampati and AchAryas. Its high time to do more things concrete in action. It was during that time that the commentaries on almost all the works of SwAmi dESikan got completed by UttamUr SwAmi, within a span of just ten years. Trigerred by this amazing achievement and the invaluable importance of the works of SwAmi DESikan with the added invaluability through SrI abhinava DESikan's commentaries, SrI VenkatAchAri makes more references in his appeal regarding it. PUBLISHER'S NOTE by SrI R.VenkatAchAri ***************************************** I have great pleasure in presenting to the public a unique and rare work in Sanskrit as kArikAs of SrI " abhinava dESika " swAmi, called " UpanishadArtha Sangraha KArikAs " . The poems were written long ago, almost at the time of writting the commentaries for the Upanishads (1940s). Out of modesty, he didn't publish the same, as he wanted to publish all the works of SrI VEdAnta dESika first. Now that the works of SrI DESika are almost completed, he agreed to my request to publish this work. He has already published a tamil book in essay form called " Upanishad SAram " and this book will be a valuable addition for the proper understanding of the meaning of the Upanishads by the aastikas without much knowledge in Sanskrit. I felt really honoured when my Revered AchArya ordered me to be the publisher of this book and I now present this book to the aastikas as my humble homage to my Revered AchArya SrI U.Ve. abhinava dESIka UttamUr VeerarAghavArya MahAdESIkan on his SatAbhishEkam which falls on SwAti nakshatra of Makara mAsa (month) in the year Anala, which is being celebrated on 10th February 1977. In this connection, permit me little bit of indulgence and a bit of loud thinking on my impressions, sitting under the feet of my Revered AchArya for more than a decade as a student in his famous kAlakshEpa gOshti and also as his servant-secretary in his publications, starting with SrutaprakASika commentary followed by all the works of SrI VEdAnta DESika. I had the great fortune to associate myself under the feet of my Revered AchArya for the past twelve years. I consider that day as the luckiest day in my life when I caught hold of his feet and begged him to accept me as his Sishya. On that day, I approached him to undertake the re-publication of SrI RangarAmAnuja MahAdESikan's " LaghuvAhnikam " . Eventhough I never had any qualification to sit before him, I had the courage to approach him with my only qualification of having undergone the " Panca SamskAra - Purification " (SamASrayanam) from SrI KozhiyAlam swAmi, who is also the AchArya of SrI abhinava dESika swAmi. He permitted me to attend the kAlakshEpa gOshti of SrI GIta BhAshya. Today, when I look back, I really wonder how easily I could complete, not only the Grantha Chatushtaya, but many other granthas also under his feet. Almost immediately after I joined the kAlakshEpa gOshti, I found out that the publication of SrI BhAshya with SrutaprakASika commentary, started more than a year ago, could not progress for want of printing facilities in the city. SrI swAmi, my Revered AchArya, told me, casually, that he undertook the publication of SrtutaprakASika under instructions from SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi and also about his dilema to find means to push through the publication. He suggested that there is no other alternative than owning his own composing section. My Revered AchArya gave me the command to be incharge of the printing side. Within a few days Types and other appliances were purchased and work was started in my humble cottage. With the wide knowledge SrI swAmi possesed about the printing and with his guidance, we were able to finish the book SrutaprakASika in a record time of about one and a half years. Even though SrI swAmi had written more than seventy granthas (both original and commentaries) he was not satisfied and he expressed his desire to publish all the works of SrI dESika after a thorough scrutiny of the original works, along with ancient commentaries available and wherever there is none worth publication, along with his own commentaries. Under the banner of " Ubhaya VEdAnta GranthamAla " , we announced the publication of SrI dESika's panca kAvyAs (*). Today, within a span of ten years, SrI swAmi has completed almost all works of SrI dESika, in addition to many other works. ---------------- (*) : panca kAvyas : YAdavAbhyudayam, PAdukA Sahasram, Hamsa SandEsham, SubhAshita Neevi and Sankalpa SUryOdayam are referred to as five kAvyAs here. ---------------- It used to be a point of discussion amongst scholars as to how it was possible for SrI dESika to write so many books within his lifetime. But after my association with SrI abhinava dESika swAmi, my Revered AchArya, I have no doubt about that. SrI swAmi has also completed an equal number of books and thereby confirmed and proved that he is, no doubt, the abhinava avatAra of SrI dESika. Anybody visiting SrI swAmi, at 'SiddhAshramam " , at 25 (*), nAthamuni street, will find SrI swAmi thoroughly immersed in scrutinising some SrI SUkti or other, whether it is day or night. We all know that, he is the walking Encyclopaedia, not only in ViSishtAdvaita siddhAnta, but in other siddhAntas also. -------------- (*) : The house number was later changed by the govt to 17 and recently to some other number. ---------- He was the first paNdit selected for the President's award for Sanskrit on the year the award was instituted by the government of India. It is a fact that, throughout India, there will not be any paNdit who had not studied under SrI abhinava dESika swAmi either directly under him or through his books. For a few years, while he was staying in Pushkara Divya KshEtra, he had the oppurtunity to train many paNdits to understand the intricacies of our siddhAnta and today there are many who are doing AchAryakam in North India. There are many, spread over India, who had taken guidance under our swAmi and got their Ph.D. degrees. The most unique thing in our swAmi, SrI abhinava DESika, is his kAlakshEpa gOshti. To my knowledge and also from enquiries, I can boldly say that, in no Divya KshEtra, there is a regular sampradAya kAlakshEpa gOshti, similar to our swAmi's. We have about thirty sishyAs coming to him every day. The sishyAs are mostly the so called lowkikas consisting of office goers, retired officials, and professionals like doctors, advocates etc. It is a pity that more paNdits are not coming forward to utilize the vast ocean of knowledge which SrI swAmi could teach, so that they can inturn conduct similar gOshtis, little later in life. The way in which SrI swAmi is coming down to our level (in most cases it will be only a basic knowledge of sanskrit gathered while in college) and make us understand the intricate truths very easily and raise us to the ultimate God-Realization is unique. Sometimes, we even ask some silly questions out of ignorance; but he never looses his mood. He can very easily find out just by looking at our faces whether we have understood him or not. The soulabhya and souseelya of our swAmi is really unique. The true qualification for a great AchArya (as SrI swAmi has written while commenting on the 'Sad Vidya' of ChAndOgya Upanishad) is " mukha darSana mAtrENa Sishya jig~nyAsya niSchayam " . This is cent percent true in our case. Nowadays, he is not keeping good health. Even then, he will not stop his kAlakshEpam. The moment he starts teaching us, he will gather so much energy that we will be amazed. I am quite sure that the antaryAmi Lord HayagrIva is giving him the energy needed for that. While commenting on the GIta SlOka (10.9) " KathayantaSca mAm nityam tushyanti ca ramanti ca .... " , our revered AchArya says that, a true bhakta takes pleasure in reciting the kalyANa guNas of ParamAtma, considering that the mere recital of the kalyANa guNa itself is the parama purushArtha (Highest Goal) and incidentally help the Sishyas to do the same. This is absolutely true in our swAmi's case. Eventhough swAmi had the mantrOpadEsa for entering the fourth aashrama (SanyAsa), he was forbidden by his AchArya SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi, from entering the sanyAsa aashrama and he was ordained the mamoth task of bringing to print all the important SrI SUktis. It is a firm belief, of both the AchAryAs that the RAmAnuja SiddhAnta and SrI DESika SampradAya could be properly preserved and spread *Only* through the publications of all the granthas and *Not* by any other method. SrI swAmi used to say that money spent on platform talks and other festivities are equal to money spent on fireworks during DeepAvali. That is why he is concentrating on publications through his organization " Ubhaya VEdAnta GranthamAla " . He is nearing completion of all the works of SrI DESika with suitable commentaries both in sanskrit and tamil. It is a pity that the response from the aastikas is very poor. Almost all the copies are lying idle and there is not enough space in his aashramam to store the books. I earnestly request all the aastikas to come forward and purchase one set of books. SrI swAmi is offering the books at almost half the cost. He is printing only thousand copies in each book and I am not able to believe that there are not enough aastikas throughout India who cannot afford two or three hundred ruppees, just to help the cause of our siddhAnta. SrI abhinava dESika swAmi used to say that there is sAnidhyam of Lord HayagrIva in these books and the SrI sUktis are cent percent fit for worship. Just like we possess a set of KOyilAzhwAr in our homes, every one of us should possess a set of SrI DESika's works in our homes and do pooja, and earn the blessings of Lord HayagrIva. Just like we possess a set of KOyilAzhwAr and sAlagrAmam in our houses, to be handed over to the next generation, we should also possess a set of SrI DESika's works on our homes. That is the only way in which we can repay our debt to SrI DESika and SrI abhinava DESika, for the trouble they have taken to give us the SrI SUktis. If we imagine for a moment, " What will happen to our siddhAnta if all the SrI sUktIs disappear " , we will realize the importance of possessing a set of books. Who knows, in future generations some may be born in our family who may have the knowledge to study SrI DESika's works and to enrich the existing commentaries. It is but fitting that we leave a set of books also along with the KOyilAzhwAr and sAlagrAmam. Eventhough our swAmi SrI abhinava dESika is a gruhasta, we all know that he is actually living as a sannyAsi with complete detachment. He does not even know or have a list of his Sishyas, who have undergone either " Panca SamskAra " Or " BharanyAsa " under him (ie. he personally does not communicate to the Sishyas for forcing them to donate money etc by virtue of he being the AchArya etc and he concentrates only in their well-being through upadEsam). Many times, he used to spend more money by way of SambhAvanas to the paNdits during the celebrations of the thirunakshatrams (of AzhwArs and AchAryas, including himself) than what he gets from Sishyas. Today, SrI swAmi is the undisputed guiding star for our sampradAya. I have heard SrI U.Ve. ThirukkaLLam swAmi say that, by reading a few pages of the commentary of SrI abhinava dESIka, one can do upanyAsam for months together. He also used to compare the people who attend the " evening upanyAsams " in thousands to children in elementary classes and those who attend SrI swAmi's upanyAsams to students in M.Sc. and Ph.D. classes. Naturally the number is low, but contains the essence. I have seen lot of people directed by Jagadguru SankarAcharya (the late kAnchi SankarAchArya) who come to purchase SrI swAmi's books. The Jagadguru used to say, it seems, that if one wants to study advaita philosophy, he should read abhinava dESIka's works, where both the siddhAntas are very clearly explained and discussed. Such is the merit of our abhinava dESIka, even among other siddhAntins and it is a pity that we do not realize the Treasure available to us right at arm's length. In this connection, all paNdits will agree with me that one is amazed and astounded at the profundity of knowledge of my Revered AchArya, covering all the SAstras like MImAmsa, Tarka (ie. NyAya), VyAkarana, VEdAnta etc. to the extent he can talk and discuss with authority on all of them. Side by side, he was practising to the extreme limits the rigorous of AchAra and anushThAna in daily rituals. I can only think of one possible explanation to the profundity of knowledge of my Revered AchArya, matching in no mean way to that of SrI VEdAnta DESika himself. While explaining to us during the kAlakshEpa gOshti, the meaning of the nigama pAsuram in SrImad Rahasya Traya sAram viz. " veLLaip parimugar dEsikarAi virakAladiyOm, vuLLatthezhudiya vOlaittanam ........ " (**), our Revered AchArya used to explain to us as follows : " Lord HayagrIva, assuming the role of an AchArya, has written my (SrI DESika's mind). This is compared to the recording of voice in a gramaphone record - Mind being the Record. When I (SrI DESika) apply my buddhi(intellect ie. dharmabhUta gn~yAnam ) to my mind, I am able to read and tell you what is written there by Lord HayagrIva " . This is compared to the reproduction of the recorded sound when a needle(Buddhi) is applied to the lines marked earlier on the record. The lines marked on the record are permanent. So also the lines written by Lord HayagrIva in the mind of SrI DESika are permanent and did not disappear. It remained there even in the abhinava avatAra as my Revered AchArya, SrI VeerarAghavArya MahAdESIkan. So, it is no wonder that the knowledge of my Revered AchArya is no way inferior to that of SrI DESika. -------------------- (**) : In the pAsuram cited <a very often quote>, SwAmi DESikan pays his reverential tributes to his most merciful AchArya(s) and thereby with sAtvIka-tyAgam, the greatness of his grantha esp.SrImad Rahasya Traya SAram, in which this pAsuram occurs <Please read this very esoteric message in chaste tamil> : " VeLLaip parimugar dEsikar-aai viragAl adiyOm uLLaththu yezhudiyadu Olayil ittanam yAm idaRku yen koLLath tuNiyinum kOdu enRu igazhinum koor-madiyeer yeL athtanai ugavAdu ikazhAdu yem yezhil madiyE " ie. " The Lord (HayagrIva) whose face resembles that of a white horse, incarnated as my aachArya and by the device of upadEsam, He wrote these facts unto aDiyEn's mind and aDiyEn wrote them unto these palm leaves. Hence, where is the question of defect in this work (Or these works) ? (idaRku yen). Oh wise men with critical mind ! (koor-madiyeer), Whether you accept/glorify this work <by realizing its greatness> (koLLath tuNiyinum), Or you discard it as unworthy with defects <due to jealousy etc> (kOdu enRu igazhinum), my <pure, firm and> beautiful mind (yem yezhil madi) will Neither be elated <out of ego> (ugavAdu) Nor cast aspersions and hate <out of ego, those who disregard this work> (igazhAdu) respectively, to even an infinitesimal amount (yeL atthanai) <ie. It is Lord HayagrIva to be elated about it Or show nigraham as the case may be, since He is the principal writer of the work> " . What a great message from the greatest AchArya of all times !! The beauty as noted by SrI SrIrAmadESikAchArya is that, in general, people record whats available in palm-leaves/records into their mind ; But in case of SwAmi DESIkan, its the reverse: SwAmi DESikan wrote unto palm-leaves/records, what was recorded earlier in his mind by Lord HayagrIva !! Ref : SrI SrIrAmadESikAchArya's translation and noted on SwAmi DESikan's prabandhams, LIFCO. All these years, SrI swAmi has been modest enough not to publish his own books. There is a long list waiting to be published which will enrich our list of works of ancient AchAryas. It is our duty to undertake publication of his books, by way of repayment to SrI abhinava DESika for what he has done to our sampradAya. Otherwise, we will be loosing a huge treasure. I am happy to tell you that SrI swAmi, my Revered AchArya, has very kindly accepted my offer to bear the cost of publishing " UpanishadArtha Sangraha KArikas " with a commentry in Tamil. I am sure most of you will take this oppurtunity to grab at the chance to undertake publication of other SrI sUktIs of SrI abhinava dESika. Whenever my Revered AchArya mentions his association with SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi, he used to tell us about the astounding capacity of SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi to analyse and go deeper and deeper into the various granthas and their meaning and that if at all he (my Revered AchArya) has gained any knowledge, it is only because of the guidance he got under the feet of SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi, who even during his lifetime and even by the pandits of other sampradAya, was hailed as " abhinava BhAshyakAra " (ie. newer RAmAnujAchArya). SrI DESika, it seems had always regretted that he was not born during the lifetime of SrI BhAshyakAra to get the previlege of being his direct sishya. So also, we are told that SrI BhAshyakAra regretted that SrI DESika was not his direct sishya (Pandits say that BhAshyakAra even predicted the birth of SrI DESika). So, SrI BhAshyakAra took an abhinava avatAra as SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi and SrI DESika took an abhinava avatAra as my Revered AchArya, and thereby satisfying their mutual regrets. Later on, after the time of SrI DESika, some people went even to the extent of saying that SrI DESika differed in his views of BhAshyakAra's. By publishing the SrI sUktis of SrI DESika with many ancient commentaries, by adding suitable foot notes wherever necessary and also by writing fresh commentaries both in Sanskrit and Tamil wherever none worth available for printing, and also by his other publications, the controversy over the supposed difference of views between SrI BhAshyakAra and SrI DESika was given a deep burial by my Revered AchArya. SrI U.Ve.KOzhiyAlam swAmi himself blessed the Tanian (*) of SrI abhinava dESika as follows : " adbhutam yasya vikrAntam vEda-veethI-viSOdhanE aparam nigamAntAryam prapadyE VeerarAghavam " { " ie. Salutations/Surrender unto VeerarAghavAchArya, the newer VEdAnta DESika, whose expertness/prowess (vikrAntam) in cleansing (viSOdhanam) the streets of VEda (vEda veethI) <through the exposition of its actual interpretations> is wonderful/awesome (adbhutam) " . } ------------ (*) : The traditional kAlakshEpa style involves the recitation of ShAnti-pATha from VEda viz. " SannO mitra ... " , followed by taniyans of the AchAryas of the guruparampara for the kAlakshEpa grantha, till the taniyan of the AchArya under whom one is undergoing kAlakshEpam. Then, a sishya will read out the text(s) from the grantha and the AchArya will explain it word to word with the help of commentaries. Then the sishya should re-read the previously read text(s) and thereby see to it as to whether he has understood the text completely. If any doubt arises, he can ask it at the end of the kAlakshEpam (Or then and there itself, as per the style adopted by the AchArya). Again, the sishya should read the next text and the cycle goes on. At the end of each kAlakshEpam session, the AchArya taniyan has to be recited (Offering prostrations at the beggining and the end, being in SrI VaishNava dress code etc are assumed). After the kAlakshEpam on the entire grantha gets over, SAtRumarai is performed. For learning SrI BhAshya type of granthas, there are stricter rules like being in empty stomach etc and it will be taught in the morning hours. Usually, a sishya will compose the taniyan for his AchArya. Its very very rare and a great honour to the exalted status of a sishya, if an AchArya by himself composes the taniyan for his sishya. SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi composed that taniyan for its recitation by the sishyAs undergoing kAlakshEpam under SrI UttamUr SwAmi. ------------ How well SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi predicted the completion of SrI DESika's works ! What other better way can we find in cleansing the street of VEda ? He has not only cleaned the street of VEda, but also repaired and decorated and lighted the same by publishing SrI DESika's works. Don't you want to possess the light which adorns the " VEda VIthI " to illuminate your own homes also ! So, aastikas ! Come forward and hurry up by purchasing SrI DESika's works, the mere possesion of them will fill your house with Light viz. the blessings of Lord HayagrIva. How fitting it is that SrI SrInivAsa PerumAL and SrI VEdAnta DESika, enshrined in Mylapore, conferred the title of " abhinava dESika " on my Revered AchArya SrI UttamUr swAmi ! Is there any doubt that SrI DESika himself is born again amongst us (after having seen the complete works of SrI DESika being published) ? Are we going to stand aloof and keep quiet without helping the cause ! Is mere lip sympathy and a few words of praise on a platform, enough ! Do you want to stand out and allow the SrI SUktis of DESika, eaten away by white ants, for want of proper storage facilities in SiddhAshramam of SrI swAmi ! The blessings of Lord HayagrIva is just waiting for you, just for the asking. Just as we plant coconut trees in our garden so that our children can enjoy the fruits of the labour, it is our duty to possess a set of SrI DESika's works in our homes. Who knows ! One of your children Or grand children may be an AchArya, and do you want to deny him the pleasure of having the access to SrI DESika's works ! Finally, let us pray that Lord HayagrIva bless our swAmi, SrI abhinava dESika with long life and health, so that the task of " VEda VeethI ViSOdhanam " could be completed in full. With reverential regards and pranAmams. SrImatE VeerarAghavArya MahAdESikAya namaha SrI Bhoomi DEvi SamEta SrInivAsa Para BrahmaNE namaha - SohattUr Vangipuram Oppiliappan Sannidhi R.Venkatachari -------------------- This very moving appeal by SrI R.VenkatAchAri is much more relevant now. Please read it again to understand fully the deep emotions mixed with many disappointments, underwent by him even when " abhinava dESika " was in his vibhava dasai (in our midst). There is no need to elaborate on the current situation. aDiyEn will post a separate mail on the availability of the divine works of SrI abhinava dESika UttamUr SwAmi and other related issues. In the meantime, if any of you have missed reading the previous articles on SrI UttamUr SwAmi posted in the recent 5 months, please do read them. Thanks. Lets work together towards the propagation of " VEda VeethI ViSOdhanam " performed by our pUrvAchAryas. More in the future .... AzhwAr,emberumAnAr,dESikan,Azhagiyasingar thiruvadigaLE saraNam aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, KaralapAkkam KOmAndUr ELayavilli ananthapadmanAbhan. krishNArpaNam. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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