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Sri Krishna Jayanthi

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Dear Bhaktas,


On this most sacred day of Sri Krishna Jayanthi, Adiyen wishes to

recall with gratitude the blessings of AsmadhAcharyan, H.H.

Srimad Andavan Swami of Srimad Poundarikapuram Ashramam. This year

marks the celebration of the 80 Tirunakshatram of H.H. Interestingly,

H.H. is also a Rohini Sambhavan like Lord Krishna and shares the

Lord's name too. Aptly, H.H. is a boundless ocean of mercy and

exudes compassion for aparadha chakravarthis like Adiyen. Adiyen is

reminded of Swami Desikan's Padhuka Sahasram salutation " My pile

of sins and Your mahima Oh Paaduka are equally high. However, the

former is always destroyed by contact with the latter as a rule. "

while contemplating on the greatness of H.H.


Bhaktas in the USA are blessed to hear the Sri Sookthis of H.H. in

the monthly Padhuka Sahasram tele-Upanyasams. Additionally, the

recorded upanyasams of H.H. on the Yathiraja Sapthathi and Gopala

Vimshati are currently available. These set of tapes are a constitute

a rare treasure for serious students of Our Sampradayam.


Adiyen wishes to briefly dwell on the Gopala Vimshati Upanyasam

to give Bhaktas a glimpse of the gems embedded therein. Adiyen's poor

english translation does no justice to the majestic anubhavam of



The Upanyasam commences with a prelude from Srimad Bhagavatam,


H.H. focussed on the salutation " Satyam vidhatum nija bhruthya

bhAshitham vyApthim cha BhUthEshu akhilEshu chAtmana: Adhrushyatha

adhyadhbhutha rUpa mudhvahan sthambhE sabhAyAm na mrugam na mAnusham "

which pays tribute to the Avataram of Bhagavan Nrusimha. H.H. then

remarked " The word Krishna is beautiful because its construction

involves the akshara ka ra sha, Na and A. " Ka " symbolizes His eternal

relationship with Sri. He is never separated from His consort.

" Ra " indicates that He is none other than Lord Rama who has


again. " Sha " denotes that He is the embodiment of the six KalyANa

guNams-jnAna, Bala, Aishwarya, Shakti, Tejas, and Vatsalya. " Na "

represents the fact that He is none other than Bhagavan Nrusimha.

" A " refers to the Nara-Narayana aspect of the Lord. "


H.H. continued:

" In the opening verse of the Gopala Vimshati, Swami Desikan salutes

the Lord as VandE Brindavana Charam Vallavi Jana Vallabham Jayanthi

Sambhavam dhAma Vaijayanthi viBhushaNam. Here, one must observe the

careful choice of words employed by Swami Desikan. Out of utmost

concern for the Lord's safety, Swami Desikan briefly glorifies His

birth as one who incarnated on Jayanthi. Perhaps Swami Desikan is

fearful that word of the Lord's incarnation will reach Kamsa's ears

and the evil asura will harm the child. Therefore, Swami Desikan

cleverly uses the term Jayanthi to denote KrishNa Jayanthi. Let us

then focus on Vaijayanthi viBhUshaNam. It is well known that Lord

Krishna was born when Devaki and Vasudeva were imprisoned by Kamsa.

The moment a child is born, the child seeks out a toy to play with.

However, in the jail how can Devaki and Vasudeva provide Him with

toys to play with. Won't they feel miserable that they cannot give

the Lord even a simple thing like a toy to play with. Fully aware of

their plight, the Lord incarnated with the Vaijayanthi mala so that

He could play with it like a toy. " Adiyen's english translation is

very poor in conveying the delightful anubhavam of Swami Desikan and




In the second verse, H.H. referred to the fact that this verse

embeds the essence of the powerful Gopala Mantram. " Swami Desikan

had undisputed mastery over Mantra and Yantra (geometric forms

associated with a particular form of Lord Narayana). The Gopala

Yantram is extremely powerful and confers great Siddhis. In this

verse, Swami Desikan being a ParamaIkantin, why does he refer to

Saraswati, the consort of Brahma? "


Adiyen will summarize the answer in a subsequent posting.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan

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