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Sri Hayagriva SthOthram : Part XIV- SlOkam 5

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Sri Hayavadhana ParabrahmaNE nama:

Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Dear Sri HayagrIva BhakthAs :


In the previous posting , adiyEn indicated that

the sthuthi of Lord HayagrIvan starts from this

Fifth SlOkam. Here, Swamy Desikan proclaims his

Prapatthi to that " VaaghIsAkhyA VAASUDEVASYA MURTHY: " .


The Fifth slOkam housing the SaraNAgathi of Swamy Desikna

is as follws:


Visuddha Vig~yAna ghana SvarUpam

vig~yAna visrANana Bhaddha dhIksahm I

DayAnidhim dehabruthAm SaraNyam

Devam HayagrIvam-aham prapadhyE II


(Meaning): AdiyEn seeks refuge in Lord HayagrIvA,

whose divyAthma , Suddha Satthva SvarUpam is

the embodiment of pure and unalloyed dhivya Jn~Anam .

As the overflowing treasure house of DayA , He has

taken the sankalpam to bless the chEthanams with

His rejuveanting blessings of dhivya Jn~Anam that

will liberate them from the cycles of births and deaths.

To fulfill His vow to liberate them from the darkness of

ajn~Anam , He stands as their beacon light , their

sole and final refuge to bless them with dhivya Jn~Anam.

AdiyEn also desiring that divine and redeeming

dhivya Jn~Anam perform prapatthi at His lotus feet .


This prapatthi slOkam can be split in the following

four ways patterned after a chathur vEda vanthanam format :


1. Visuddha Vij~nana ghana SvarUpam Devam HayagrIvam

aham prapadhyE .


2. Vij~nana VisRANana Bhaddha DhIksham Devam HayagrIvam

aham prapadhyE .


3. DayAnidhim Devam HayagrIvam aham prapadhyE .


4. dEha BruthAm SARANYAM Devam HayagrIvam aham prapadhyE .


The refrain of " Devam HayagrIvam aham prapadhyE " is

like a ChathurvEda Vandhanam to the Lord of Supreme

divine Knowledge .These salutations are steeped deeply

in Upanishadic teachings .


For instance in Sri HayagrIvOpanishad , Sage NaradhA

approaches his father , BrahmA Devan and asks the question

requesting guidance to realize divine Jn~Anam :


" Oh Bhagavan (revered One)! Oh son of BhagavAn !

Please perform upadEsam for me that Brahma Vidhyai,

which will quickly erase all sins , confer Brahma Jn~Anam

and make adiyEn the posssessor of the richest of all riches !

( adhIhi Bhagavan ! Brahma-VidhyAm varishtAm

yayAchirAth Sarva Paapam vyapOhya , Brahma VidhyAm

labdhvA , IsvaryavAn Bhavathi )


Lord BrahmA , the Master of the Four VedAs and their

inner meanings as taught to him by Lord HayagrIvan

Himself earlier responded to his son's request :


BrahmOvAcha: " HayagrIva DhaivathyAn manthrAn yO Veda

sa Sruthi-Smruthi -ithihAsa -PurANAni veda sa

sarvaisvaryavAn bhavathi ta yEthE manthrA: "

(Lord BrahmA said: Oh my Son ! Those who know

the Four Manthrams that have Lord HayagrIvan as Devathai,

would fully comprehend the inner meanings of Sruthi ,

Smruthi , IthihAsams and PurANams and would become

the possessor of sarva Isvaryam and these four

ManthrAs have Lord HayagrIvan as their protecting

Supreme Lord/Para-dEvathai ) " .


The Chathur-Mukha BrahmA then initiated NaradhA

with the Sri HayagrIva manthrams , which have all

in common the Brahma-Adhri-Soorya- BharghavA as

the Rishis , Gayathri-anushtup-Thrishtup as Chandas,

Sri HayagrIva ParamAthmA as Devathi , llhoum as

BheejAksharam , sOham as sakthi , lhUm as the keelakam ,

BhOga-Moksham as ViniyOgam , akAra-ukAra-makAra

as kara and anga nyAsams .


The blessings invoked by the double " SvAhA-SvAhA "

namaskAram in the Sri HayagrIva manthrams is :

" mahyam mEdhAm praj~nAm prayaccha " . MedhA and

Prj~nA arw two poweful words with deep Vedic

Connotations. Swamy Desikan asked for the blessings of

" MedhA and Prj~nA " from the DayAnidhi and peroformed

prapatthi under the sacred feet of Lord HayagrIvan

at the OushadhAdri Hill of ThiruvahIndhrapuram .


After the Sri HayagrIva Manthra japam , the four

Veda manthrams representing the four VedAs are

to be recited as instructed by Sri HayagrIvOpanishad :


1. YadhvAgvadhanthyanu chEthanAni rAshtrI dEvAnAm

nishasAdha mandhrA ; chathasra oorjam dudhuhE

payAmsi kva svidhasyA: Paramam jagaama .


2. GourImimAya salilAni takshathi yEkapadhi dhvipadhI

saa ChathushpadhI; akshtApadhI navapadhI BhabhushI

sahasrAksharA paramE vyOman .


3. OhshtapidhAanA nakulI dhanthai: parivruthA pavi:,

Sarvasyai vaacha IsAnA chAru maamiha vaadhayEth

ithi cha Vaagrasa:


4. Sa SarparIramathim vArdhamAnA Bruhan mimAya

jagadhagnidhatthA;AasUryasya dhurithA tanAna sravO

dhEvEshvamrutha majuryam .


Inview of brevity, the meanings of the veda manthrAs

will not be covered.


Sri HayagrIvOpanishad states that the recitation of

the Sri HayagrIva Manthram initiated by the AchAryan

would make one a MahA purushA and Brahma Vidhyai will

never leave from such UpAsakAs blessed by Sri HayagrIvan.


That was the paramAnugraham Swamy Desikan received

on that blessed dwan from Lord hayagrIvan on

the OushadhAdhri Hill after being initated into

the Parama Paavana Sri HayagrIva manthram by

the Veda SvarUpi ,Garuda BhagavAn Himself .


We will conclude this first section of the posting on

the fifth slOkam of Sri HayagrIva sthOthram with

Swamy Desikan's own visualization of Lord Garudan

with the Veda Bhaagams as His Limbs . The third slOkam

of Sri Garuda panchAsath visualizing the Veda SvarUpam

of the Lord starts with the words " nEthram GaayathramUchE "

and has the following meaning :


In every limb of Garuda BhagavAn , the portions of

the VedAs are seen . SthOmam , the Saama Rk(Saaman)

is prsent as His dhivyAthma SvarUpam ; the Saaman revered

as Gaayathram are His eyes; the Thruvriddh Saaman serves

as His head; Yajur vedams serve as His many names ,

the different metres (chandas) serve as His hands;

the seats of rthviks known as dhishnyams are His hooves;

the saaman known as VaamadEvyam becomes His body ;

the Bruhadh and Rathanthra Saamans become His two wings ;

Yaj~nAyaj~Iya Saaman becomes His puccham/tail).

VedAs themselves declare that these Veda Saamans

are limbs of Lord GarudA . May that Lord free us

from the bonds of our karmAs and show us the way

to Moksham and free us from the afflictions of SamsAram .


NamO PakshirAjAya ,

Namo Sri HayagrIva Para BrahmaNE !


Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan

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