Guest guest Posted November 28, 2000 Report Share Posted November 28, 2000 Greatness of Bhagavad RamAnuja Darsanam (GRD 7) ==================================================================== PART I: SECTION 4 COMMON GROUNDS AS BETWEEN ADVAITA, DVAITA AND VISISHTADVAITA and SECTION 5 DVAITA VIS - A - VIS OTHER SCHOOLS, ESPECIALLY VISISHTADVAITA =================================================================== [Please read the note and request given while introducing the series. If anything has been expressed forcefully, it is only to bring home the point more graphically and not to hurt the feelings of anyone] Dasoham Anbil Ramaswamy ===================================================================== SECTION 4 COMMON GROUNDS AS BETWEEN ADVAITA, DVAITA AND VISISHTADVAITA ==================================================================== The Dvaita and VisishtAdvaita and to a certain extent Advaita also (so far as it pertains to 'Saguna Brahman') agree on the following:- (i) All agree that Sri Narayana is the Supreme deity. (ii) All agree on his having all the auspicious qualities. (iii) All agree that He creates, sustains and destroys the world, when due. (iv) All agree that He has a divine form. (v) All agree that He takes the various Avatars to protect the virtuous, to quell evil and to establish Dharma.(ParitrANAya SadhoonAm etc) ======================================================================== SECTION 5 DVAITA VIS - A - VIS OTHER SCHOOLS, ESPECIALLY VISISHTADVAITA ======================================================================== (i) Though the Dvaitins accept Lakshmi as Lord Narayana's Consort, they give her a slightly lower position than Narayana. Though she also has a divine form like Narayana and is all pervading (Vibhu) like him, she is only a JeevAtma but subject only to Narayana. VisishtAdvaitins do not accept this. (ii) Dvaitins hold that JeevAtmas are quite different from one another. VisishtAdvaita holds that though separate they are all alike in all respects. (iii) Dvaitins group JeevAtmas into two categories, Males and Females. VisishtAdvaita holds that individual souls are neither male nor female. Sexual connotations do not cling to individual souls. (iv) Dvaitins hold that there are different categories and gradations in Moksha like · SaalOkya - being in the same location, · Saaroopya - acquiring the same form, · Saameepya - being in the immediate proximity of the Lord and · Saayujya - being in full and eternal companionship with the Lord. Individual souls depending on the relative merits attain one or the other of these four grades. VisishtAdvaita holds that a Prapanna / Bhakti yogi reaches directly this Saayujya which alone is mOksha. And, other categories are included therein like a 'Hundred' being part of a 'Thousand'. (v) Dvaitins accept Bhakti as the means to attain salvation; VisishtAdvaita holds that both Bhakti and Prapatti as the means, the former involving delay and difficulties while the latter is easy and immediate in securing mOksha for the Prapanna. (vi) The Dvaitins hold that jeevas are eternally different from ParamAtma like parallel lines and the " twain shall never merge " For VisihtAdvaitins, the Body- soul relationship between JeevAtma and ParamAtma is the sheet anchor of their Siddhanta. The differences the Dvaitins insist on may be summarized as follows:. (a) Sentient Chetana JeevAtmas are different from Paramatma. (b) Insentient Achetana matters are different from Paramatma. © JeevAtmas are different from the insentient primordial matter (Prakriti). (d) JeevAtmas are different inter se from one another. (e) The various components of Prakriti are all different from one another. Prof. Narayanachariar observes; " In Advaita, if there is ONLY ONE absolute, in Dvaita, there are MANY INNUMERABLE absolutes in the form of souls in addition to God and God's possessing them by External relations. This benefits neither Him nor them in any way. It is a grand system of helplessness leaving room only to pessimism in the last analysis instead of open illusionism " (vii) The Dvaitins do not accept that there is a category of 'Never- born souls' like Nityasuris; the only Nityasuris being Lord Narayana and Sri Lakshmi. All others who are in Moksha are only those who have secured liberation, having earlier been in Baddha- SamsAra. VisishtAdvaita holds that there are three categories viz. · Bhaddas (Bonded), · Muktas (Liberated) and · Nityas or Nityasooris (Never born) (viii) There are grades of enjoyment of Brahman in mOksha depending on the relative merits of the released souls. VisishtAdvaita holds that there is no difference in the enjoyment in mOksha as between Muktas and Nityas. (ix) According to Dvaitins- Among souls, there are three categories:- (a) those that are fit for Mukti (Mukti yogyas). This includes five groups called - (i) Deva gaNas (Group of divinities) comprising Brahma, Agni, Vayu, Varuna, Indra and others (ii) Rishi gaNas (Group of Seers) comprising Narada, Saptarishis and other sages (iii) Pitru gaNas (Group of manes) comprising Sira, Aryama and others (iv) Chakravarti gaNas (Group of Kings and Emperors) comprising Raghu, Bharata, Ambarisha, Puru, Sibi and such others (v) Manushya gaNas:(Group of humans ) who attain Mukti by meditation on Brahman's various qualities and attributes like truth, knowledge, bliss, inherent nature etc. (b) Those that are not fit for Mukti (Nitya SamsAris) who have to eke out existence in this world eternally and © Those who are eternally condemned to suffer in hell on account of their interminable karma (Tamo yogyas) . This would include such sinful souls like Daityas, DAnavas, Asuras, PaisAchas and even among humans who possess evil tendencies akin to these. (x) Dvaitins distinguish between what they call 'Brahma Srushti' and ' Jeeva Srushti'. The former is the creation of the world by God; the latter the procreation of progeny by the souls as directed by their karmas. (xi) The Dvaitins read the MahAvAkya ' Tat Tvam Asi ' by prefixing the word 'Atma' to it. The conjunction sounds 'Atma atatvam Asi " which when pronounced together means 'You are not that' Prof. Narayanachariar: " For MAdhva, frankly this is no equation at all. It is anything but that. The word " Tat " refers to God, free from all imperfections, full of all auspicious qualities and sole refuge of the world. But, " Tvam " refers ONLY to SvEtakEtu, the recipient of the UpadEsa. Since there is nothing common between their natures, the sentence is meant to emphasize the differences only and not the equation by reading it as " Atattvam Asi " . If taken together, it can have several meanings like · Thou art FROM Him · Thou art IN Him · Thou art FOR Him · Thou art OF Him and · Thou art LIKE Him, as Jayathirtha adds in his commentary on " TattvOdaya " on the lines of " Bimba- Prathibimba vAda " - so dear and peculiar to the mAdhva system " ======================================================================== GRD 8: SECTION 6: CONCLUSION – (Comparing and Contrasting the 3 streams) will follow ======================================================================= ______________________________\ _____ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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