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NyAya SiddhAnjanam

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Dear Sri Balagi CG,


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Balaji CG wrote:


> Respected BhAgavathA-s,


> Is there is any book published with commentaries on Swami Desikan's NyAya

> SiddhAnjanam and VirOdha parihAram. AdiyEn shall be vastly obliged if the

> learned members of the list could provide some information.


> Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

> vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai


> dasan

> Balaji



> Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

> Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:






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Dear Sri Balaji:


Regarding VirOdha ParihAram , a sequel to

Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram , the very last work

of Swamy Desikan , one can access it .


Sri Poundarikapuram Aasramam has published

three volumes of Chillarai Rahasyams of

Swamy Desikan . You can get them at

Srirangam .These volumes contain Swamy Desikan's

original MaNipravALam text and Sri U.Ve.

Srirama DesikAcchAr's lucid commentary

and elaboration in Tamil .


VirOdha parihAram (VP)is one of the Rahasyams

covered there . Beofe you read that , You

might wish to have a familiarity of Sriamth

Rahsya Thraya Saaram (RTS)since VirOdha ParihAram

addresses some of the doubts one will have

regarding the comprehension of the three rahasyams.

There are 109 doubts & objections that are

answered on RTS in VP for clarification on the main

doctrines of VisishtAdvaitham .


Even better , you can study PradhAna sathakam (PS)

for a grounding on fundamentals of the Tattvams ,

Hitham and PurushArtham summarized in the most

brilliant manner by Swamy Desikan .PS is housed in

the SaraNAgathi Journal archives .


NyAya SiddhAnjanam(NS) is what is known as a Prakarana

grantham(fundamental text ) and is in Sanskrit .

Understanding of it in the Sanskrit text form

is above our heads & requires an enormous

scholarship that the AchAryaas possess. Even to study

one page is an uphill task .Sri UtthamUr Swamy

might have commented on it.


NS deals with fundamentals of VisishtAdvaitha

philosphy under 6 headings: TriguNa dravyaa (substances of

three qualities), Jeevan , Isvaran , nithya vibhUthi

( Supreme abode of the Lord) , Buddhi and adravyaa

(no-substance). Swamy uses opious quotations from his

poorvAchAryAs ( Yaamuna's Aagama PrAmANyam ) ,RaamAnujA's

GithA BhAshyam , ParAsara Bhattar's Tatthva rathnaakaram ,

Tatthva Saaram of Vatsya Varada Guru ( Commented upon by

Sri UtthamUr Swamy ) , NithimAlA of NarAyaNAryA and SadhArtha

sankshEpA of Raama Misra et al.


The Academty of Sanskrit Research , Melkote has

published a complete list of all commentaries on

VisishtAdvaithA source literature .


You may wish to meet with HH Para Kaala Matam Jeeyar ,

offer Your dandavath pranaamams and approach

him as a sishyA . You can continue these discussions

with Your own AchAryA later.


Namo Narayanaya ,



At 02:08 PM 12/1/00 +0530, you wrote:

>Respected BhAgavathA-s,


>Is there is any book published with commentaries on Swami Desikan's NyAya

>SiddhAnjanam and VirOdha parihAram. AdiyEn shall be vastly obliged if the

>learned members of the list could provide some information.


>Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

>vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai







>Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

>Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:




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Dear SrI Balaji,


As far as nyAya-sidhdAnjanam is concerned, it is a prakaraNa grantam

for VEdAnta SidhdAntham explaining the VisishtAdvaita pramEyam

in an unparalleled and unsurpassed manner. SrI U.Ve. Tiruputkuzhi

swAmy (mahAmahOpAdyAya chatusSAstra vidwAn SrI KrishNa thAthAchArya

mahA DESika) has written an wonderful commentary on this grantham.

Whehter a person attempts to learn the orignal text or the same

with commentaries, it is always advisible to learn it in a qualified

SrI VaishNava AachArya sannadhi. There are many extraordinary

aspects/concepts mentioned in this grantham which are not present

even in grantas like SrI BhAshya. One has to study the nyAya

pariSudhdi properly to understand this grantham in a better way.

Refer: " yannyAya-pariSudhdyanthE sangrahENa pradarSitham,

punasthath-vistArENa-athra pramEyamabhidadhmahE " .

nyAya-sidhdAnjanam has six parichchEdams in it.

SrI U.Ve. VIrApuram Venkata dIkshithar has written a commentary

" ChandrikA " in Tamil based on upanishad-bhAshyakAra's commentary.

But he has not included the first parichchEdam. The first parichchEdam

has been published by Tirupathi dEvasthAnam (nAvalpAkkam tirumalai

chaturvEda-krathu SrI U.Ve vidwAn SrI KrishNa thathAchArya swAmy).


VirOdha parihAram has been published by SrI PowNdarIkapuram

SrImath Andavan swAmy Asramam. This grantham has to be learnt in

AachArya sannadhi after preferably after SrImath Rahasyatraya sAra



Thanks & Regards

M.S.HARI RAmAnuja DAsan.


At 02:08 PM 12/1/00 +0530, you wrote:

>Respected BhAgavathA-s,


>Is there is any book published with commentaries on Swami Desikan's NyAya

>SiddhAnjanam and VirOdha parihAram. AdiyEn shall be vastly obliged if the

>learned members of the list could provide some information.


>Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

>vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai







>Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

>Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:




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