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JET USA California December Celebrations

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Raghu ramanuja dasa




Dear Devotees of Bhagavan Ramanuja,

The following is an article published in the News Papers here.

The HTML version has been posted at http://vmudumbai.tripod.com


Jai Srimananrayana,

Vamsi Ramanuja Dasa





Jeeyar Education Trust(JET)-Vikasatarangini, California

celebrates the month of December with Sri Sudarsana Yagam,

Sri Sudarsana Laksha Archana, Divya Prabandhotsavam &

Sri Yagam.


Jeeyar Education Trust is an organization established by

His Divine Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana

Jeeyar Swamiji. His Holiness is the first traditional

Jeeyar (Sri Vaishnava monk) to have visited United States,

Canada, Europe and other Asian countries in order to spread

the message of Ramanujacharya.


Jeeyar Education Trust - Vikasatarangini, California

organized numerous events during the weekend of

December 2nd for world peace, prosperity and happiness.


With Divine Blessings of His Divine Holiness Sri Sri Sri

Tridandi Sreemannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji Maharaj,

His Holiness Sri Venkatesh Iyengar Swamiji had come to US

to represent Jeeyar Educational Trust- Vikasa Tarangini

organizations in the World Peace conference organized by

UN. His Holiness Venkatesh Swamiji is one of the few

disciples of His Divine Holiness Sri Sri Sri Jeeyar Swamiji

Maharaj who is personally trained towards guiding us souls

towards our Lord.


After attending the conference His Holiness Sri Venkatesh

Swamiji was impressed by the interest of people out here in

US. While answering the curious questions of the kids and

elders His Holiness Sri Venkatesh Swamiji was approached

by a few to personally guide them and dispel the obstacles

in their spiritual path. Several programs were conducted by

His Holiness Sri Venkatesh Swamiji in US during his short stay.


His Holiness Sri Venkatesh Iyengar Swamiji, was invited to

Bay Area and seeing the curiosity and eagerness of the

organizers Sri Venkatesh Swamiji extended his stay for another

one week and moved his journey to India further by one week.

December 2nd and December 3rd were the auspicious days and

will be marked in the history of Bay Area as being one of

the most enlightening events conducted in this land.





On December 2nd, 2000 Saturday the programs were started in

Sriman Vishnu Reddy's house. Sriman Vishnu Reddy is the JET

incharge of the CA branch. Sri Yagam was conducted for

Health, Wealth and Prosperity of the world.


DivyaPrabandhotsavam, an event to celebrate Thirunakshatrams

(Bithday) of Alwars was presided over by the Swamiji. Next

the venue was Sunnyvale Temple. Laksha Sudarsana Archana

for world peace was conducted and the program started

around 4:15PM with samoohika Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram

Parayan and a discourse about greatness and importance of

Sri Sudarsana Bhagavan in the Vedic Tradition.


It was a treat to watch over 250 bhaktas chanting

Sri Sudarsana Maha Mantra for over one hour. Sri Sudarsana

Bhagavan blessed all the participants present at this unique

event. People were really impressed with the Divine Energy

flowing through the auditorium and requested His Holiness

Sri Venkatesh Swamiji to conduct more such mass

chanting/meditation events.


On December 3rd Sri Sundarsana Yagam was conducted in

Sri and Smt. Bulusu's house in accordance with the Vedic

Tradition. Once again it was treat to all the people who

attended this function.


With the blessings of His Divine Holiness Sri Pramukh Swamiji

Maharaj and His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana

Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji Maharaj Sri Maha Lakshmi Deep Utsav

was conducted to pray Sri Lakshmi Narayana to give strength and

power to all our acharyas of this world so that no evil falls

on them and they spread the divine message of our Poorvacharyas

more effectively and in a much more rejuvinated way. Sri

Venkatesh Swamiji gave a discourse on the importance of a

spiritual master (acharya) in one's life. Sri Venkatesh Swamiji

fluently quoted from scriptures clearly highlighting

the need for the right guru and mentioned that even when God

incarnated on this earth, he needed guru like Bhagavan

Ramanujacharya, in one of His avatars. It was followed by mass

chanting of Sri Maha Lakshmi Mantra by all the devotees.


Right before Mangala Harathi was a Vedic Chanting by

Sri Srinivas Iyengar Swami and Mantras from Samaveda were chanted. Most

devotees were amazed to learn that Sama Vedam is very musical when chanted.


At the end Mangala Harathi was performed by the Panditji of the

Temple, Sri Venkatesh Swamiji and all the four hundred devotees

or so who attended the function. Devotees merrily sang

'Jai Jagdish Hare', 'Sriya: Ka:ntha:ya & Pallandu Pallandu'.

The celebration at Sri SwamiNarayana Temple reminded everyone of

the festival of lights, Deepavali.


JET USA thanks all the volunteers, participants and sponsors;

with speacial thanks to organizers:

Smt & Sri Vishnu, Smt & Sri Bulusu, Smt & Sri Rajendra,

Sunnyvale Temple, Sri Jimitbhai and Sri Swaminarayana

temple organizers in making this event a grand success.



About HH Sri Venkatesh Iyengar Swamiji


His Holiness Sri Venkatesh Swamiji was born in 1962 at

Srirangam. He is the founder of Sri Sudarsana Seva Samiti,

and resides in Bangalore, India. At the very early age

of 12 years, he learnt the entire Dravida Veda. Later

he studied Sanskrit Vyakarana and was awarded Siromani

title by Madras University. He was also trained in several

scriptures and Upanishads and Itihasas.


With Blessings of HDH Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Sreemannarayana

Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji Maharaj He served as Adhyapaka in

the Sri Venkateswara Temple of Tirumala Tirupati. Having been

inspired by the Divine order of Sri Ranganatha, and with

the blessings of HDH Sri Sri Sri Jeeyar Swami Maharaj he

conducted 108 Sri Sudarsana Yagnas and several Sri Maha

Lakshmi Yagams. Each yagna was conducted for a minimum of

3 days and maximum of 12 days throughout India and Nepal.

In addition to these 108 yagnas, he also conducted over

200 Sri Sudarsana Homams of one day durations in India,

Singapore, Malasiya, Hongkong, United Kingdom, France and

Switzerland. At present he is the General Secretary of

Vikasa Tarangini, the social service organization formed

by HDH Sri Jeeyar Swami Maharaj. He has dedicated his

life to protect and promote the Vedic Culture and the

philosophy of Vishistadvaita.



Upcoming Activities


His Divine Holiness Sri Sri Sri Jeeyar Swamiji Maharaj is

conducting Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam in Mumbai,

India which is expected to be attented by 10 million

people. Again His Holiness Sri Venkatesh Swamiji has been

picked by Sri Jeeyar Swamiji Maharaj to organize this event

and to act as His channel for spreading the Divine Energy

into this world.


One can learn more about activites of JET (Jeeyar Education

Trust)and Vikasatarangini from http://www.chinnajeeyar.org





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