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i apologise to the bhagawatas of the net for a

mixup.the first part of the piecetitled aravamudhe was

not mailed while the second part was.i am remailing

the twoparts and request you to bear with me.




Srimate Srivansatakopa Sri VedAnta Desika YathindrA

mahA DesikAya namaha





AdiyEn would like to pose a

difficult question to Sri VaishnavAs-which would you

consider the most evocative and most meaningful

of the Divya PrabandhA decads?(it may not be correct

or appropriate to comparatively evaluate the emotional

outpourings of various AlwArs,

but one may be excused for undertaking the exercise

,purely for the purpose of rasAnubhavam.

Just imagine Sriman NarAyanA,in his nAga

paryankA,resplendant with his divya Mahishis and

DivyAyudhAs,listening raptly to the various

AlwArs/Nityasooris singing His praise in any and all

forms,with vEda vinnappam (Etat sAmA gAyannAsthE) on

one side,Prabandha GhOshti(exhorting Him to “Munnindru

kEttaruLAi”) on another,and PoorvAchArya/Desika

srisookthis on yet another side, all vying with one


in their efforts to please UbhayavibhoothinathA with

their vAchika/gAyika kainkaryam.

The scene described above would

closely resemble the AdhyayanOtsava GhOsti

At Thirukkudanthai.

Well,don’t you think that,with all his aparimitha

gnAnA, emperumAn would be hard put to choose from

among the aforesaid Sreesookthis,in terms of

gAmbhiryam,mAdhuryam,arttha pushkalathvam ,etc.?

Yet,as He listens to all these immeasurably sweet

verses ,the Lord does reserve a special,intimate

portion of His attention to the Prapanna Jana

Kootasttha ,the one He honoured with the soporific

“NammAzhwAr”. If you were to be blessed with divya

shrothras and chakshu: like SanjayA, ,you would also

observe that His special attention is riveted on one

particular decad of the blissful ThiruvAimozhi –the

fifth- and the patthu in praise of the

Thirukkudanthai kidantha maal-beginning with

“AarAvamudhE”. For, it is these ten pAsurams which are

arguably the best of the entire divya prabandAs. If

“yet sArabhootam tat upAdadheeta” were to be applied

to the Divine 4000, one would invariably plump for


AdiyEn can almost

see the die-hard devotees of Peria Thirumozhi,

PeriAzhwAr Thirumozhi and Choodikkodutha NachiAr’s

sri sookthis and otheres of their ilk rise up in arms

in defence of their particular favourites-but please

listen to adiyEn’s words, however unworthy ,untrained

and lacking in substance they may be, before passing

final judgement.




But for Sri

AarAvamudhAzhwAn blessing Sri Nathamuni with the good

fortune to hear “ArAvamudhE” at His sannidhi, the

SampradAyam would have lost the invaluable PaithAmaham

dhanam comprising the divya prabandAs. It was not

enough if Sri Nathamuni heard the pAsurams-Sri

ArAvamudAzhwAn saw to it that the AchArya heard the

best ,most evocative, and emotionally appealing

Patthu. .HE therefore chose “ArAvamudhE”,which

instantly electrified Sri Nathamuni and galvanized

him into seeking the rest of the divya prabandAs

from Sri NammAzhwAr,in his yOga dasa,through the

recitation of “Kanninun SirutthAmbu”. AdiyEn craves

the indulgence of the perusing bhAgavatAs to dwell

rather elaborately on the apparent and hidden

treasures one may discover in “ArAvamudhE” . This one

Patthu has in it what is to be found in all the rest

of the prabandhAs,and what is not found in it cannot

be found,despite diligent search,in all the other

AzhwArs’ sreesookthis.



The test of

completeness of any adhyAtma shAstrA,is its ability

to mirror the Arttha Panchakam,which, according to the

HAritha SamhitA,is as follows:-

PrApyasya brahmano roopam,prAptuscha


PrAptyupAyam phalamchaiva

PrAptivirOdhis tataivacha

Vadanti sakala vEda:sEthihAsa purAnakA:

Or,in sweeter


Mikka irainilayum meyyam uyirnilaiyum

Thakka neriyum thadayagi thokkiyalum

Oozhvinayum vAzhvinayum (Odhum


Yazhinisai vedatthiyal.)

This thanian makes it

clear that the entire ThiruvAimozhi is but an

elaboration of the Arttha Panchakam.

Here,Mikka irainilai

refers to Parabrahma swaroopam,of which the following

are the lakshanAs-aparimita gnAna aanandatvam,ananta

mangala guna visishtatvam,jagat srishtyAdi vyApAra

seelatvam,aprAkruta divya mangala vigraha

visishtatvam,rakshakatvam,etc. Shall we see how

these attributes is beautifully portrayed in “

ArAvamudhE” ?

The very first word of

this ThiruvAimozhi is immensely evocative and

appealing.Just utter the word “ArAvamudhE”-don’t you

feel like exclaiming with sri Madhurakavi “Annikkum

amudhoorum en nAvukkE”?And is there a better word to

comprehensively describe the Parabrahma swaroopam?

Each sambhOdhanam in these pAsurams is a gem indeed.

”Adhi Moorthi “, for instance instantly indicates

Jagat Karanatvam . EmperumAn’s Paratvam is eloquently

mirrored by

The words “VanOr KomAnE”,

“NedumAlE”,”Amarar Thalaiva””Adip perumoorthy” etc.-

at the mere mention of these, the picture of

ParamapathanAthan, in all his unapproachable

splendour,is brought before our eyes.

Similarly, another brahma lakshanam, viz.,

aprAkrutha Divya mangala vigraha visishtatvam,is

eloquently portrayed by the following passages in this

ThiruvAimozhi-“ErAr kOlam thigazha kidanthAi”

“ EzhilErE” “nAl thOL endAi” “ PorchudarE” “

pavaLak kundrE”

Nemip padayAi” .And the most distinguishing

attribute, PundarikAshatvam,is brought out by the

AzhwAr by the inimitable words ‘SendAmarai Kanna”, in

a scintillating translation of the upanishadic

description “Yata kapyAsam pundarikamEva Akshini”.Sri

Yamuna Muni too considers this a very important

lakshanam, in his rhetorical question, “Ka:Pundarika


Ananta kalyAna

GunAkaratvam is brought out by the lines

“pAr kAnumaLavum sellum keertthiyAi”, “UlappilAnE”,

“AmudhE” YazhinisaiyE”

“Arivin payanE” MamAyA ,etc.


The second component of

Arttha Panchakam,Atma Swaroopam, is charecterised by

the principal attributes of Bhagawat

Paratantryam(which AzhwAr incorporates in his loving

words “Ennai AlwAnE”). Two of the Atma gunAs which

flow from this are Bhagat ananyarha seshatvam and

Ananya gatitvam. The former ,glorified by Sri Bhattar

in his immortal words “UkArO ananyArham niyamayati

sambandham ananyO:”., finds expression in the AzhwAr’s

sri sookthi as “PiriyA Adimai ennaik kondai kudanthai

thirumAlE” .

Ananya gatitvam shines out from the passages

“kalayvAi thunbam kalayAdu ozhivAi,kalaikan matrilEn”

and” UnnAlallal yAvarAlum ondrum kurai vEndEn”


PrAptyupAyam,for the Prapanna

jana kootasthA,is naturally Prapatthi, and in his

anxiety to ensure that every Sri VaishnavA adopts this

easy path to liberation,Sri NammAzhwAr makes multiple

allusions to the UpAya in this ThiruvAimozhi .Besides

proudly proclaiming himself to be “Kazhalgal avayE

saranAga konda Kurukur Satakopan”,he repeats the

Moksha mArgam thrice more ,lest any one miss it the

first time-“un charanam thanthu en sanmam kalayAyE”,

“un thAl piditthhE selakkanE”

“Un thALinai keezh irutthum ammAnE” .The last sentence

also glorifies the SiddhOpAyam.

PrApti VirOdhi, is aptly

described by Swami Desikan as”AvidyA karma vAsanAdi

roopamAna Moksha pratibandhaka vargam” of which the

principal enemy is Bhagavannigraham , earned due to

continuous disobedience of the Lord’s command(anAdi

AgyA adhilanghanam).This AzhwAr ,who describes Virodhi

more eloquently elsewhere as “thiNNam azhundak katti

pala seivinai van kayitrAl punnai maraya varindu ennai

pora vaitthAi puramE”,is rather brief in his

references in this particular Patthu. He just refers

to it in passing, as “Thollai vinai”, Thoora kuzhi”

and TheerA vinaigal”.

From the way Sri NammAzhwAr describes

PrApti Phalam, which is the incomparable and

unparalleled bliss that awaits the muktAtma on his

ascension to SriVaikuntam,it would appear that Sri

ArAvamudAzhwAn blessed Azhwar with such pleasure even

in the Leela Vibhuti-for , in a krithagyatA

anusandhAnam, he exclaims “ArAavamudhAi adiyEn aavi

agamE thitthippAi”.It is clear that in a “Premiere

Show”,so to say,EmperumAn gave magizh Maran a taste of

the unbridled enjoyment in store at Sri vaikuntam by

pervading AzhwAr’s body and soul, and ,true to his

thirunAmam “AparyAptAmruthan”,filled AzhwAr with

unending bliss.

BhAgawatAs are now sure to agree with adiyEn

that just as the Purusha Sooktham is considered to be

the embodiment of all that is great in the VedAs

(“VedEshu Pourusham Sooktham”), “ArAvamudhE”could well

be said to occupy a similar pinnacle among its peers

in Divya Prabandham .This is just the tip of the

iceberg, as far as the hidden treasures of

“ArAvamudhE” are concerned, which was evident even to

mandamathis like adiyen,and Sri VaishnavAs are invited

to the pleasure of avagAhanam in this rasAnubhava

sAgaram, to come up with gems of their own.




SrimatE Sri Lakshminrisimha pAduka sEvaka Srivan

Satakopa Sri NarAyana Yatindra MahA DesikAya nama:

“NedumAlE”,”Amarar Thalaiva””Adip perumoorthy” etc.-

at the mere mention of these, the picture of

ParamapathanAthan, in all his unapproachable

splendour,is brought before our eyes.

Similarly, another brahma lakshanam, viz.,

aprAkrutha Divya mangala vigraha visishtatvam,is

eloquently portrayed by the following passages in this

ThiruvAimozhi-“ErAr kOlam thigazha kidanthAi”

“ EzhilErE” “nAl thOL endAi” “ PorchudarE” “

pavaLak kundrE”

Nemip padayAi” .And the most distinguishing

attribute, PundarikAshatvam,is brought out by the

AzhwAr by the inimitable words ‘SendAmarai Kanna”, in

a scintillating translation of the upanishadic

description “Yata kapyAsam pundarikamEva Akshini”.Sri

Yamuna Muni too considers this a very important

lakshanam, in his rhetorical question, “Ka:Pundarika


Ananta kalyAna

GunAkaratvam is brought out by the lines

“pAr kAnumaLavum sellum keertthiyAi”, “UlappilAnE”,

“AmudhE” YazhinisaiyE”

“Arivin payanE” MamAyA ,etc.


The second component of

Arttha Panchakam,Atma Swaroopam, is charecterised by

the principal attributes of Bhagawat

Paratantryam(which AzhwAr incorporates in his loving

words “Ennai AlwAnE”). Two of the Atma gunAs which

flow from this are Bhagat ananyarha seshatvam and

Ananya gatitvam. The former ,glorified by Sri Bhattar

in his immortal words “UkArO ananyArham niyamayati

sambandham ananyO:”., finds expression in the AzhwAr’s

sri sookthi as “PiriyA Adimai ennaik kondai kudanthai

thirumAlE” .

Ananya gatitvam shines out from the passages

“kalayvAi thunbam kalayAdu ozhivAi,kalaikan matrilEn”

and” UnnAlallal yAvarAlum ondrum kurai vEndEn”


PrAptyupAyam,for the Prapanna

jana kootasthA,is naturally Prapatthi, and in his

anxiety to ensure that every Sri VaishnavA adopts this

easy path to liberation,Sri NammAzhwAr makes multiple

allusions to the UpAya in this ThiruvAimozhi .Besides

proudly proclaiming himself to be “Kazhalgal avayE

saranAga konda Kurukur Satakopan”,he repeats the

Moksha mArgam thrice more ,lest any one miss it the

first time-“un charanam thanthu en sanmam kalayAyE”,

“un thAl piditthhE selakkanE”

“Un thALinai keezh irutthum ammAnE” .The last sentence

also glorifies the SiddhOpAyam.

PrApti VirOdhi, is aptly

described by Swami Desikan as”AvidyA karma vAsanAdi

roopamAna Moksha pratibandhaka vargam” of which the

principal enemy is Bhagavannigraham , earned due to

continuous disobedience of the Lord’s command(anAdi

AgyA adhilanghanam).This AzhwAr ,who describes Virodhi

more eloquently elsewhere as “thiNNam azhundak katti

pala seivinai van kayitrAl punnai maraya varindu ennai

pora vaitthAi puramE”,is rather brief in his

references in this particular Patthu. He just refers

to it in passing, as “Thollai vinai”, Thoora kuzhi”

and TheerA vinaigal”.

From the way Sri NammAzhwAr describes

PrApti Phalam, which is the incomparable and

unparalleled bliss that awaits the muktAtma on his

ascension to SriVaikuntam,it would appear that Sri

ArAvamudAzhwAn blessed Azhwar with such pleasure even

in the Leela Vibhuti-for , in a krithagyatA

anusandhAnam, he exclaims “ArAavamudhAi adiyEn aavi

agamE thitthippAi”.It is clear that in a “Premiere

Show”,so to say,EmperumAn gave magizh Maran a taste of

the unbridled enjoyment in store at Sri vaikuntam by

pervading AzhwAr’s body and soul, and ,true to his

thirunAmam “AparyAptAmruthan”,filled AzhwAr with

unending bliss.

BhAgawatAs are now sure to agree with adiyEn

that just as the Purusha Sooktham is considered to be

the embodiment of all that is great in the VedAs

(“VedEshu Pourusham Sooktham”), “ArAvamudhE”could well

be said to occupy a similar pinnacle among its peers

in Divya Prabandham .This is just the tip of the

iceberg, as far as the hidden treasures of

“ArAvamudhE” are concerned, which was evident even to

mandamathis like adiyen,and Sri VaishnavAs are invited

to the pleasure of avagAhanam in this rasAnubhava

sAgaram, to come up with gems of their own.




SrimatE Sri Lakshminrisimha pAduka sEvaka Srivan

Satakopa Sri NarAyana Yatindra MahA DesikAya nama:








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