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Teliyatha marai nilangal teligindrome-5

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Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedantadesika Yatindra

Mahadesikaya Nama:


TeliyAtha Marai NilangaL telingindrOmE-5


Continuing with the Ambhasya PArE mantra, the first

vakya ends with a mention of yet another attribute of

Paramatma-« MahatO MaheeyAn », meaning greater than

the greatest. The Upanishad is so enamoured of the

theme of the unsurpassed greatness of the Parabrahmam

that it is emphaszized at several other places-for

instance,”aNOraNeeyAn mahatO maheeyAn aatma guhAyAm

nihitOsya jantO:” and again , “yesmAt param nAparam

asti kinchit”,etc.

This greatness can be considered at

two levels- in the physical sense of being bigger than

the biggest, Paramatma is said to bigger than the

biggest known physical entities like this universe,

because he encompasses and transcends this universe,

and indeed several other universes like ours. This is

indicated by Sri Nammazhwar thus, at the fag end of

Tiruvaimozhi-“ soozhndu agandru aazhndu uyarnda

mudivil perum pAzhEyO, soozhndu adanil periya en para

nan malar sOdheeyO”.

The other aspect of greatness is by

virtue of attributes-gunAs-. Emperuman, being the

repository of ananta kalyAna gunAs, is greater than

the greatest.

..To say that a person is greater than the greatest

,does not preclude the existence of an Equal. This

doubt is clarified in Tiruvaimozhi, with the Azhwar’s


“oppAr mikkArai ilaiAya mAmAyA”, declaring that

SrimanNarayana is not only greater than the greatest,

but he does not also have anybody equal to Him

(samAbhyadhika daridra :).This is reiterated in

“tannoppAr illappan” and “uyarvara uyar nalam udayavan



The first mantra ends with saying

that the Paramatma enters all living and lifeless

organisms and dwells in them-“

samanupravishta:PrajApati:charati garbhE anta:”. This

portion of the mantra is also to be found in the

Taittriyiya AranyakA and in Atharva veda, and with

slight variation elsewhere, as-“antha;

pravishta;sAsthA janAnAm sarvAtmA” etc. Without this

Divine inner-dweller or AntaryAmi, beings would be as

good as lifeless. Not content with creating beings,

Paramatma ,out of His infinite mercy and soulabhyam,

enters their souls: Kurugoor Nambi is so impressed by

this act that he mentions this with fervour, any

number of times-

“TirumAl vandu en nenju niraya pugundAn’

« iruppEn endru en nenju niraya pugundAn »

« en nenjum uyirum uLkalandu »

« en nenjatthu uLLirundu »

« em mAya aakkai idanuL pukku » « nilai peyarAn en

nenjatthu eppOthum emperumAn »

« en manatthuL irundAnai » etc,etc.


- to be continued- dasan,sadagopan


Srimate Sri LakshmiNrsimha diva paduka sevaka

SrivanSatakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya









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