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Sri GuNa Rathna Kosam : Part XXXIII: SlOkam 23

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Dear BhakthAs:


In the 23rd slOkam , Sri ParAsara Bhattar salutes

Sri RanganAyaki as " SrI RangEswara gEha Lakshmi "

and describes some unique aspects of Sri Vaikuntam

that is ruled by Her and Her divine consort ,

Sri RanganAthan.


The Twenty Third SlOkam


aaj~nAnugraha bhIma kOmalapurIpAlA phalam bhEjushAm

yaa AyOdhyEthi-AparAjithEti vidhitA naakam parENa sthithA

bhAvair-adhbhutha-bhOga-bhUmagahanai: sAndhrA sudhAsyandhibhi:

SrirangEswara-gEha-Lakshmi yuvayOsthvAm rAjadhAnIm vidhu:


Meaning accroding to Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan


Oh Empress of the City-State of Sri Vaikuntam !

The border-guards there are ferocious executors of

Your Lord's mandates , while they prove to be highly

tender officials with respect to law-abiding citizens--

thus their nature is an influenced version , depending on

the type of people encountered.This state (Sri Vaikuntam )

is ever unassailable (AyOdhyA)and invincible(AparAjithA);

it remains far and above the outter skies; all the objects

there are sweet and delicious , affording admirable

pleasure-experiences , arising from closeness and dense

accumulation .That state(Sri Vaikuntam) is known to be

the kingdom of both of You together!


Additional observations and Comments by adiyEn


The aprAkruthic nature of Sri Vaikuntam and

the unique features of this extraordinary City-State

that is invincible and unassailable is described here

by Sri Bhattar in consonance with the Veda manthrams ,

AchArya RaamAnujA's Sri Vaikunta Gadhyam and KurEsar's

Sri Vaikunta Sthavam passages. Sri RanganAyaki is saluted by

Bhattar as the Joint ruler of this auspicious RaajadhAni

of Sri Vaikuntam with Her Lord .


First Paadham of the SlOkam:


" Aaj~nA anugraha bhIma Komala purIpAlA phalam bhEjushAm "

is the first paadham. The dwAra PaalakAs of Sri Vaikuntam

gates are described here. They will cause terror in the minds

of the enemies of the Lord and yet will bend over backward to

serve with a smile those , who are dear to their Lord.

They are known for giving fierce commands ( BhIma Aaj~nA )

to those VirOdhis of the Lord .They are also known for

being tender in the treatment of the ones who revel in

kaimkaryam to their Lord . The 77th slOkam of Sri Vaikunta

sthavm gives a clue to who these dear ones to the Lord are.

In this slOkam , Kuresar wishes to join this ghOshti of

nithyAs and mukthAs dear to the Lord this way :


kaimkarya nithya nirathai: bhavadhEka bhOgai:

nithyairanukshaNa naveena rasArdhra Bhaavai:

nithyAbhivAnchitha paraspara neecha bhAvai:

math dhaivathai: parijanais-thava sangaseeya


These nithyAs and MukthAs-- treated with great reverence

by the DhvAra PaalakAs of Sri Vaikuntam-- are always engaged

in serving the Lord.Their minds are always immersed in

enjoying the Lord's svarUpa-rUpa-GuNams.Their minds are

drenched with the flood of affection for the Lord.

They wish to be the adiyArs of each other , while vying

for Kaimkaryam to their Lord.These are the parijanams of

the Lord , who Kuresar says are his own gods and he expresses

his longing to join this ghOshti. Such nithyAs and MukthAs

are welcomed and treated with reverence by the PurIpAlAs

( DhvAra PaalakAs).


Those , who try to barge into Sri Vaikuntam without

vinayam or anushtAna bhalam are brusquely ordered

to leave by the very same dhvAra PaalakAs . They are

commanded to exit from the premises by the gate keepers

like Jayan and Vijayan in a fierce manner.


That Sri Vaikuntam protected zealously by the

DhvAra PaalakAs is " bhEjushAm Phalam " . It is

the coveted fruit of Mumukshus. It is their

parama prApyam ( supreme abode that is desired).

Residence there as parama Padha Vaasis is the cherished

goal of all mukthAs and nithya Sooris.


The Second Paadham of the 23rd SlOkam


" yaa AyOdhyEthyaparAjithitEthi vidhithA naakam parEna sthithA "

is the second paadham. This Sri Vaikuntam is known as

AyOdhyA as well as AparAjithA (Unassailable and invincible).

Vedam points out that this aprAkrutha lOkam ( the world

beyond prakruthi maNDalam ) can not be won in battles

(AyOdhyA ) and can never ever be conquered in battles



The Nikandu defines the Lord as AparAjithan

with the power to rule over others totally and

that His actions can not be obstructed by anyone

at any time or by any means .The city-state

serving as the abode of such an AparAjithan becomes



The Sruthi Vaakhyams used as PramANam by Bhattar

ar: " DEvAnAm pUrayOdhyA ; vivEsAparAjithA :

parENa Naakam nihitham guhAyAm " . Bhattar points

out that dhivya Lokam of Sri Vaikuntam is beyond

Prakruthi Mandalam (ParENa naakam sthithA).


The Third Paadham of the SlOkam


" BhAvai: adhbhutha bhOga bhUma-guhanai: saandhrA

sudhaasyandhibhi: " is the third paadham . This is an

elaboration of AchArya RaamAnujA's Sri Vaikunta

gadhyam passage: " sarvathA anubhUyamaAnairapi

apoorvavath aascharyam aavahathbhi: " . The objects

at Sri Vaikuntam are sources of nectarine experiences.

They are most delectable. They are densely linked

aanandhAnubhavams.They yield unparalled delight

during enjoyment.Even if one enjoys them often ,

they are insatiable (aparyApthAmrutham). Sri Vaikunta

Gadhyam goes into rapturous lengths to describe these



The Fourth Paadham of the SlOkamm


" SrirangEswara gEha Lakshmi! yuvayOsthvAm

RaajadhAnIm vidhu: " is the fourth paadham .

This VaiKunta dhivya Nahar is Your capital.

Both Of You as dhivya dampathis preside over

it.This is what the Vedic scholars describe .


The Gruha Lakshmi of Lord RangarAjA is saluted

here by Bhattar as " SrirangEswara gEha Lakshmi " .

Te 46th slOkam of Sri Vaikutna Sthavam salutes

the joint rulership of Sri Vaikuntam by this dhivya

Mithunam : " niravathi: Nithya VibhUthi Tava niyathA:,

SamathItha SeemA LakshmI: Tava niyathA priyA (Tath

nithya vibhUthi: SamAthItha Seema LakshmI: niyatha:)

This RaajadhAni of Sri Vaikuntam of limitless

glories is sEsha BhUtham for You as well as

to MahA Lakshmi of immeasurable kalyNa guNams

(MaanAthitha praTitha VibhavAM tasmai niyatha:).


From here on , Bahttar describes the Isvaryams

enjoyed by Sri RanganAyaki at Sri Vaikuntam

with Her Lord.


Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan

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