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SrInidhi SwAmi and MukkUr SwAmi attained Paramapadam too !

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SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaH

SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESikAya namaH

namO nArAyaNa!

Dear all,

After the sad news of SrI SEva SwAmi's attainment of

AchArya-ThiruvaDi, we are jolted by other very sad news :

SrI MukkUr LakshminarasimhAchArya SwAmi of great fame has

attained Paramapadam on Thursday night around 11:30 pm,

at KAkinADa, Andhra-Pradesh. More in the end ...

On Wednesday afternoon, another great mahAn

"SrI VillUr NaDAdUr 'SrI-BhAshya-SimhAsanAdipati' Aasukavi -

SrInivAsarAghavAchArya SwAmi", popularly known as "SrInidhi

SwAmi" attained paramapadam. SwAmi has been bed ridden for

few years and was in critical condition for a week. Though we

lost this mahAn, its good considering that swAmi didn't

suffer more

in this world - due to his bed-ridden condition with almost


strength coupled with other bodily discomforts.

SwAmi belonged to the illustrious lineage of "NaDAdUr AmmAL"

and aptly was a "SrI-BhAshya-SimhAsanAdipati". SwAmi was

son-in-law of the SrI DEvanArviLAgam Azhagiyasingar (43rd

HH Jeeyar) in pUrvAshrama and has also studied under Jeeyar

in pUvAshrama. As other mahAns, SrI SrInidhi swAmi was also

filled with jn~Ana,bhakti,vairAgya and anushTAna. During the

1940s, SwAmi was highly honoured by the Mysore-King after

SwAmi won over many great poets in some contests. SwAmi

was a poet of the Aasukavi order - can compose verses

spontaneously when needed. SwAmi's vairAgya has also been

praised by many vidvAns.

SwAmi was deeply devoted to Lord RAma at VaDuvUr, his native

place.SwAmi has many excellent poetic compositions to his credit.

Special mention must be made about Manju-RAmAyaNam

and Mandasmita-RAmAyaNam. The origin of the latter is interesting

to be noted. Everytime when SwAmi performed ma~ngaLAsAsanam

to VaDuvUr RAmar, a verse was born out of swAmi spontaneously,

regarding the beautiful "smile" of PerumAL. All those verses

were then

re-arranged in the order of the incidents in SrImad RAmAyaNam


yield "Mandasmitha RAmAyaNam". SwAmi was not only a

SrI-BhAshya adhikAri, but also had performed VEda-adhyayanam.

Single-handedly, SwAmi has been conducting yearly Vidvat-Sathas

on SrI-BhAshya for few decades, popularly known as "NaDAdUr

AmmAL Vidvat-Sathas". This is a very big achievement considering

the financial expenses for such a grand sathas and the very ordinary

financial status of this mahAn in the past. aDiyEn will write

more on

SwAmi's works and achievements later.

SwAmi imparted everything - right from VEda-adhyayanam, Sanskrit

sAhitya and kAvya,vyAkaraNa and VEdAnta grantha-chatushTaya

to his son SrI KaruNAkaran swAmi, who is now one of the well

known upanyAsaka and very good SrI-BhAshya adhikAri.

SwAmi's life was dedicated for our sampradAyam and has also given

us an excellent vidvAn well known in many places of India for


upanyAsams. SwAmi blessed aDiyEn through a verse on the eve

of aDiyEn's upanayanam - which aDiyEn's cherishes - the blessings

of great mahAns like Sri SrInidhi swAmi will lead one a long


in being a paramaikAntin. After aDiyEn's bhara-nyAsam

performed in ukti-nishTa by SrImad Villivalam Azhagiyasi~ngar,

aDiyEn went to SrI SrInidhi SwAmi's thirumALigai and swAmi

blessed aDiyEn through a verse. SwAmi asked couple of questions

regarding Prapatti like - "Is it SaraNAgati Or CharaNAgati, that

has been performed ?". SwAmi couldn't even speak ...But from

close hearing, SrI KaruNAkaran swami conveyed the questions

to aDiyEn. Incidentally, the very morning Azhagiyasi~ngar had

performed the upadEsam to me on the very word SaraNAgati and

other meanings that SaraNam can denote. aDiyEn directly answered

it quoting the upadEsam of Azhagiyasingar and swAmi was extremly


aDiyEn has been learning a lot from SrI KaruNAkaran swAmi and

SrI SrInidhi swAmi is a prAchArya in that way.

Lets seek the blessings of this great mahAn for our spiritual



SrI MukkUr SwAmi' sudden attainment of paramapadam has

been a great shock to the whole of SrI VaishNava community.

SwAmi is too well known a legend to be written about.

SwAmi was a son-in-law of SrI ThirukkaLLam -

NrusimharAghavAchArya swAmi of great fame. SwAmi was

nicknamed as "SIlA" in his youth by the elderly vidvAns.

For many a years, swAmi was only an office-goer alongwith

the vaidika-anushTAnas. Suddenly, by the blessings of Lord

Nrusimha, swAmi became a great upanyAsakar and left the

office. SwAmi's excellent recitation of vEdas and


is a treat to listen. SwAmi's upanyAsam attracted hundreds

of devotees and it reached even the layman in appreciating

the glories of PerumAL and the sampradAyam. SwAmi's

KuRai-onRum-illai series is an outstanding work that is

a boon for all beginners of bhagavad-kalyANa-guNa-anubhava

- Even a layman with no idea about PerumAL and

sampradAyam can take the book and read. Its for sure that

he/she will become a good devotee in due time by swAmi's

blessings. Ofcourse, its to be read by every SrI-VaishNava for

its contents and excellent narration. SwAmi has also been

contributing scholarly articles to SrI Nrusimha Priya on


SwAmi has performed more than hundred yajn~As and has

been highly devoted to MaTTapalli Nrusimha at Andhra Pradesh.

Its well known that SwAmi gets possesed by Lord Nrusimha many

a times - esp. when the upanyAsam is about Nrusimha avatAram.

SwAmi has hundreds of followers and all of them are shattered.


have gone from Chennai with tears to KAkinADa. Even the

devotee who rung aDiyEn's father was hardly able to put the

words cogently. Its certainly a very big loss for all of us.

A great

mahAn's separation who was not quite aged and who had lots and

lots to be performed for the sampradAyam and lOka-kshEmam, is

certainly a very big jolt for us. SwAmi's family especially his


must have been totally shattered.

SrI VaishNavas in their next gathering can pay their homage to

SrI MukkUr SwAmi and obtain swAmi's blessings.

In three days, we have lost three mahAns of our sampradAyam !

Its a signal that the present generation (elder and the young)

should not waste more time and should indulge much more


in various kai~nkaryams in association with the current mahAns.

Otherwise it would too late and there is no point in lamenting


that "I missed the great oppurtunity of learning under this mahAn

and I don't have proper guidance now" etc. Lets not make mahAns

be merely glorious historical personalities of great merit and

fame ;

instead lets devote more time to imbibe a lot from the current

mahAns in whatever capacity of an individual. While kAlskshEpam

is the most important aspect, there are many other things that


to be learnt, attended and served too.

aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,








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> SrI:

> SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaH

> SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESikAya namaH


> namO nArAyaNa!


> Dear all,


> After the sad news of SrI SEva SwAmi's attainment of

> AchArya-ThiruvaDi, we are jolted by other very sad news :

> SrI MukkUr LakshminarasimhAchArya SwAmi of great fame has

> attained Paramapadam on Thursday night around 11:30 pm,

> at KAkinADa, Andhra-Pradesh. More in the end ...


Typo : Its " Friday Night " and NOT " Thursday night " .



> On Wednesday afternoon, another great mahAn

> " SrI VillUr NaDAdUr 'SrI-BhAshya-SimhAsanAdipati' Aasukavi -

> SrInivAsarAghavAchArya SwAmi " , popularly known as " SrInidhi

> SwAmi " attained paramapadam.



Typo: Its Thursday afternoon and NOT Wednesday afternoon.


aDiyEn was earlier under the illusion that today was Friday .....

Well, days are running fast !


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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